Chapter 6

ARRIVING AT THE ADDRESS WE found a car park and hurried inside. Poor Kassie shivered when we started up the stairs but by the second floor she'd warmed up.

'It's not often you're the scantily clad one,' I teased. Her costume looked great, the red dress fit her like a glove. I'd only had to make minor adjustments. I reached out and tugged a curl. 'The red rinse looks fantastic, Kass.'

She flushed. 'Thanks.'

I wish my hair would hold like that, I thought enviously. My red mane tended to do its own thing no matter how much work went into it. Kassie had naturally curly hair and with Sian's help she'd coaxed it into large curls, very Jessica Rabbit like.

I glanced at Loi's hair. Whew, the ringlets still held, I thought the rain might have ruined them. My own hair began to ping back into unruly waves. Darn it.

We arrived at the door and smiled at the host when Loi introduced us.

'Brad, this is Sian, Kassandra and Catherine.'

A tall, lanky guy with dark auburn hair grinned at us. 'Welcome! I love your costumes. You've made one heck of an effort.'

'We never do anything by half,' purred Kassie, fluttering her lashes.

Brad laughed. 'My girlfriend, Fi, would love your costume. Jessica Rabbit?'

'Well done.' Kassie smiled and sauntered into the room, turning heads with her sultry walk. We followed.

The room pulsed with music and people clustered about in groups. The others ducked off to say hello to friends while I wandered to the drinks table and grabbed a juice. A work friend and her fiancé brushed past me, calling out hello before spinning off.

I flashed a smile. 'Love the costumes.'

Raggedy Ann and Andy, I shook my head in amusement. Must get a photo, I thought, turning to look for Loi who had the camera. Hmmm, can't see her. Hold on, who's that in the middle of that group?

LOI LAUGHED WHEN ANOTHER ADMIRER attempted to flatter her. The crowd of boys wore openly appreciative expressions. Pity none of them are of any interest, she thought. Oh well, fingers crossed Sian's love spell works. Loi turned and caught sight of Cat making her way over, so she pushed through the group of guys.

'Cat, what's up?'

I BEAMED AT LOI. 'HAVING fun?' I teased.

She flushed. 'What's so important?'

'Can I have the camera? I want to take some photos. And it seems you're a little busy,' I grinned wickedly.

Loi smirked, 'What's wrong, Cat? Jealous much?'

I wrinkled my nose at her. 'Nope. I just want the camera.'

It took her ages to locate it in the small clutch bag she carried. That teensy purse could put Mary Poppins carpet bag to shame. Eventually it emerged and I spun off to look for good shots. An hour later I'd amassed all of ten photos. Finding a seat, I scrolled through them. Loi's friend Shelley had come dressed like the Green Fairy from Moulin Rouge and next to the four of us had to have the best costume.

Most of the other costumes looked like okay attempts by local costume shops and I picked them apart in my mind, deciding how I'd improve on them. Sian and I often daydreamed about owning a costume shop together and I loved to get new ideas.

Speak of the devil.

I glanced up and noticed Sian sauntering my way. There seemed an almost audible pause in the room as people watched her walk by. She'd done an amazing job with her costume, the corset looked incredible.

THE NUMBER OF MALE HEADS that twisted to stare at her gave Sian a lovely sense of validation. Oh I'm hot and you know it, she sang to herself. The costume looked almost identical to the one worn by Kate Beckinsale in the movie. It'd taken hours to complete the corset and thankfully the playsuit had only needed to be taken in. It hugged her tiny, size six figure like a glove and showed off her ass. With a serious lack of boobs Sian was grateful for her ass.

Cat watched in obvious amusement when she sauntered over.

'Having fun?'

Sian grinned. 'I am, Kitty Cat, and you?' Sian knew Cat hated that nickname and grinned at the narrow look Cat gave her.

'Fine. Thanks. Actually I took pics of the good costumes. Want to take a peek?'

'OOO-OO YES.' SIAN SEIZED THE camera from my hands and began to scroll through the pictures. 'Wow. Is that Shelley? Oh I love her costume, I'm doing that next.'

'Actually I had an idea for you, how about a goth Tinkerbelle?'

Sian contemplated the idea. 'Maybe-'

'I saw a really good picture on the internet, I'll show you when we get home.'

We chatted through the rest of the photos and discussed what we'd have done different and which bits we liked. In the midst of conversation, Sian looked past me.

'Hey! What's that guy doing to Kassie?'

I jerked my head up and peered in the same direction. Across the room Kassie stood with wide eyes, nervously watching a huge guy who lurched closer in a belligerent manner.

I frowned. 'Let's get over there.'

Dodging those dancing in the middle of the room, we came up to Kassie's side.

I glared at the moron. 'What's your problem, mate?'

His eyes widened and he swayed.

Smirking at the three of us, the oaf slurred, 'Shhheesss a black belt right? C'mon ya little pussssy, letss see what shhhe can do.'

A couple of his drunk friends nudged each other and snickered. By now, more people had realized something wasn't right and I caught sight of Loi and Brad working their way through the crowd.

KASSIE FELT RELIEVED TO HAVE Sian and Cat on either side. The moron male might be six foot tall or so and nearly as wide, but she knew she could take him. The girls would offer backup if she needed it; if they could hold off for that long. Loi yelled something and the moron laughed then made a sudden swing.

Kassie watched while his fist came at her, then took a step forward, grasped his arm and pulled while turning her body with her back to him. Bending at the waist she hefted the idiot over a shoulder and onto the floor. It shook under foot and those watching gasped.

'WELL DONE, KASSIE!' I LAUGHED and reached to squeeze her shoulder.

Sian and Loi laughed too and applauded along with those who'd seen. Kassie blushed and managed a smile.

'It's not like we don't practice enough for this,' she mumbled. I gave her a gentle nudge; I knew how much physical confrontation affected her. 'Yes, but doing it in practice and doing it in real life are two different things.'

Kass has the same natural flight impulse like I do. It has taken years of practice to overwhelm that instinct. We still work at it.

KASSIE SMILED UP AT CAT through clenched teeth. While she might be prepared for such a thing, she didn't have to like it and physical confrontations in everyday life always made her shake. Loi and Sian pressed themselves to her back and side while Cat chatted to those around them. Brad and some friends dragged the drunk guy and his mates out of the party. Kassie gently bumped heads with Loi and Sian, silently thanking them for their closeness which helped stop the shaking.

I CHATTED AWAY TO TRY to distract Kassie, she hated people to see her shake after these sorts of things. Not that it happened often, but she has such an air of confidence about her that people seem to enjoy challenging her. The last couple of times it was women, the nasty cowardly ones who hang out in groups and like to threaten people. I couldn't help a grin of delight, that idiot would be hassled about this for the rest of his life.

The party atmosphere shifted back to normal and we stayed to chat a while longer then Sian leaned over, whispering, 'I think we should head off now, probably enough excitement for one night.'

I nodded to her then glanced at Loi who led the way to the door.

'I'm so sorry about that guy,' Brad looked concerned. 'Are you alright? We can call the cops on him if you want.'

Kassie gave a tiny laugh. 'I think the humiliation of knowing you were beaten by a slight of a girl may be enough revenge.' She eyed him with a thoughtful expression, 'If you wouldn't mind mentioning it to as many people he knows as possible-?'

We laughed and Brad promised to spread the news which made Kassie perk up while we walked to the jeep.

On the drive home we gossiped about the costumes, avoiding any mention of the annoying incident. I pulled into the driveway and the others clambered out. After locking the garage I followed them inside.

Audi whined at the back door, I let her in and she followed me to the lounge where the others gathered. 'So? What's the plan, Siany? What do you want us to do?'