Chapter 7

SIAN SMILED AT THEM. 'ACTUALLY, if you can grab all the candles in holders and bring them into the lounge, that'd be a good start.'

The girls disappeared off down the corridor and Sian turned her attention to moving the couches and chairs back, out of the way.

I FLICKED THE LIGHT ON in my room and stared around it.

Yikes, I gulped.

I have A LOT of candles in holders; it's the one present people always fall back on for me. My gaze dropped to the edge of the box hidden under my bed, crammed full of even more candles and holders that I could no longer, sensibly, fit in my room. I'll just grab the ones that are out, surely that'll be enough for Sian, I thought while collecting them.

Staggering to the lounge, I stumbled and ended up dumping them on the ground making Audi leap out of the way. 'Whoops, sorry Audi.'

The dog grumbled then stomped to the couch and climbed on it, glaring at us while we set up the room.

Sian glanced over and laughed. 'She really hates it when we move stuff around doesn't she?'

'It's her farm dog breeding. She dislikes anything out of the ordinary happening.'

SIAN WATCHED IN AMUSEMENT AS Loi climbed onto the couch and curled herself around Audi, who gave her little kisses and whined in excitement at the attention. 'That has to be the nosiest dog I've ever known, Cat. She seems to have an opinion about everything.'

Cat laughed. 'Audi is definitely one of a kind. Now what else can I do?'

Sian gazed about the room for a moment. The candles sat positioned in a large circle on the floor and Loi had placed a crystal vase filled with water at the West position. 'We need something to represent Earth, Air and Fire.' Sian frowned, thinking through her options.

'Won't all the candles cover fire?' Cat asked.

Sian shook her head. 'The candles are just to mark the circle; you can use them to represent fire as well but I like using something else.' She went to her room to fetch the items, then came back and placed them at their correct positions. Cat walked in from the kitchen as she finished.

'OH,' I STARED AT THE fire position, a delicate wand set in its place. The brilliant citrine and garnet crystals at its tip glowed in the candle light. 'It's beautiful.'

Crafted out of a silver metal about ten inches long with a straight cylindrical handle, a narrow cable of the metal twisted around the length of it. The two naturally faceted crystals created the tip, their flat halves pressed against each other so it looked like one stone. At the base of the handle was a simple sphere of quartz crystal, wrapped in the end of the silver cable.

I looked up and met Sian's gaze. 'Can I pick it up?'

'Of course, you'll be holding it during the spell,' she said, then ducked to the kitchen.

Oh right, Leo, the fire sign, I thought. The wand felt weighty and cool to the touch. I ran my fingers over the metal while I studied it; beautiful workmanship, it certainly isn't like the cheap clay wands I've seen. I twisted it and watched the crystals sparkle in the candlelight.

SIAN CAME OUT OF THE kitchen with a small dish of rock salt and placed it at the earth position, then lit the charcoal in her incense burner, sprinkling herbs over it. A fragrant scent came with the smoke that drifted about the room. She paused to glance around, checking they were ready and then smiled at the others who watched her. Turning to the coffee table, Sian removed a pile of cards from it.

'Here.' She handed them each two coloured cards, Loi green, Kassie yellow, Cat red, leaving Sian with blue. 'Your first card is to call your quarter North, East, South or West. The second card is to join in with the ritual at the end. I'll perform the majority of the spell.' The look of relief on their faces amused her. 'Read through the cards until you are comfortable with them. Let me know when you're ready. Kassie, you start first.'

I READ THROUGH MINE A couple of times, then nodded to Sian.

She stood. 'Ready? Right, then in your quarters and I'll cast the circle.'

We shifted to our appropriate positions. Audi sat between my legs and watched curiously while Lucky purred from her usual spot about Kassie's neck. Sian had her wand in hand while she paced her way around the circle chanting. Once, twice, three times she walked around it. Then she stood in the centre and declared it cast. She handed the wand to me and took her position at West.

Kassie looked at Sian who nodded.

In a clear voice Kassie began. 'Watchtowers of the East, element of Air, we invite you into our circle to witness and aid us in our rite. Welcome.'

I lifted the wand and spoke. 'Watchtowers of the South, element of Fire, we invite you into our circle to witness and aid us in our rite. Welcome.'

Then Sian spoke, 'Watchtowers of the West, element of Water, we invite you into our circle to witness and aid us in our rite. Welcome.'

And lastly Loi. 'Watchtowers of the North, element of Earth, we invite you into our circle to witness and aid us in our rite. Welcome.' She paused then continued, 'The circle is cast, the quarters are called. The rite may begin.'

Sian stepped into the centre once again.

'Mighty Khronos

Father of time and space

Hear us.

Glorious Ananke

Wielder of destiny

Hear us.

Reveal our soul mates

Their time and place

Entwine our lives

As our souls are embraced

Open the Portal of Time and Space

Carry us to our meant to be

Glorious Ananke, make this our destiny'

Together we spoke the last line, declaring, 'This is our will, we mote it be.'

The words rang out and we stared wide-eyed at each other.

Kassie went to speak when Sian put her finger to her lips. 'Shh. Now we will thank our quarters and then I shall close the circle. This time Loi starts.'

LOI BLINKED IN SURPRISE, THERE wasn't a thank you part written on the card. Thinking quickly, she stepped forward. 'Watchtowers of the North, thank you for attending our rite.'

WE COPIED LOI'S FORMAT THEN Sian paced the circle three times again, though in the opposite direction and blew out the candles on her final loop.

'There, all done,' said Sian.

'So now we meet our significant other?' Kassie teased

We sat on the carpet, still in our positions and chatted, questioning Sian about the spell. Leaning back against the couch I stroked Audi's head while I listened. Loi and Kassie lay on the floor while they conversed, Kassie resting her head on Loi's back. Sian looked bright eyed, chatting away perkily and gesturing while telling us about the other spells in the book that she wanted to try. The dim light from the candles at the corners of the room made me sleepier and sleepier. Without intending too, I dozed off.