Chapter 9

'HEY GUYS!' SIAN SOUNDED EXCITED. 'Look around you, I just found a pack and a cloak.' She held up a hooded blue cloak that dwarfed her in length. I climbed to my feet, arms spread for balance at the change in altitude and walked back to where I'd woken.

On the ground, a bit crumpled from where I must have rolled on it, (or landed?), lay a deep red cloak. A pack in the same rough fabric lay beside it, along with something long and shiny. I bent to take a closer look.

'Wow! I have a sword and two daggers! They kind of look like the ones from my costume,' I trailed off. Actually, they looked far more lethal. Of course, mine had been costume pieces while these appeared the genuine article. I tugged one of the daggers from its scabbard; it slid out with barely a whisper. The curved blade inscribed with flowing lines reminded me of the swords I'd seen in fantasy shops. The copper coloured scabbard and hilt had beautiful engravings of what looked like flames licking across the surface. The weight of the weapons felt both less and more than I would have imagined, light enough to handle with ease, but so very solid and real. I slid the dagger back in, unnerved at the strength of the steel.

Dangerous weapons, I thought, unable to resist looking around.

The forest didn't feel threatening, with bird song drifting amongst the tall, tall trees that surrounded us and yet goose bumps rose on my arms as I set the weapons aside and sat, watching the others and Audrey, my eyes occasionally stealing up the enormous heights of those trees. I couldn't think of the last time I'd felt quite so small.

KASSIE FOUND A CLOAK AND pack next to where she had woken and swung the light tan cloak around her shoulders. Well, at least whatever brought us here made sure we had some supplies, she thought, no matter how basic. She began to feel calmer and her practical self took over while she thought about things like shelter and where the nearest city might be. When she leaned to grab the pack a metallic sheen in the grass next to it caught her eye. Groping, she felt for a handle and lifted, then stared in astonishment at the short sword.

Why on Earth would we need real weapons?

The voice in the back of her mind suggested that perhaps they weren't on Earth anymore. Her rational voice dismissed that as ridiculous.

Ignoring them both she drew the sword out and stared at the beautiful engravings on the blade. In kenjutsu they only used real swords for ceremonial performances. This sword out-shone any of those swords by milesa beautiful weapon, well weighted with a matching scabbard.

Kassie frowned; if someone went to the trouble to make sure we each got weapons then there must be a reason for it. Troubled by these thoughts she took care to belt it to her side and thigh, fingers fumbling with the tough leather straps. Done, she stretched her leg out then back, pleased with the clever scabbard design. It meant the sword wouldn't flap around while she moved, something unavoidable with long swordsbeing almost twice the length of a short sword.

Sitting between her legs Lucky watched curiously, her tail twitching across the dry earth. Clucking her tongue, Kassie coaxed the cat closer, scooping the purring animal up and cuddled her while watching the others.


I blinked in surprise at her enthusiastic tone and unexpected speed; it appeared someone felt better. The sudden motions so close to me made my head pound for an instant and I winced, waving at her to continue when she paused at my expression.

'They're real!' her voice and smile rang with glee. 'Look, it was plastic before and now-' She drew it out of its scabbard, her smile fading as she stared at the sword with something akin to reverence. 'It's real.'

The long sword had the same copper colour as mine and a gritty earth like pattern.

Sian came over to see what we had, then showed us the bow and quiver she'd found beside her cloak. I stared at it with envy, admiring the beautiful workmanship. The bow was made of wood, waxed to a beautiful shine and inlaid with copper through the middle for strength and at the tips that curved away. The quiver of arrows she wore slung over her shoulder looked just as beautiful, with copper coloured tips against shining dark wood; it'd almost be a waste to use them.

'Really this is more your style, Cat. Though it's much more beautiful than your antique,' Sian winked at me.

'Obviously someone knows you're the better shot.'

She flushed at the compliment.

Loi's comment from before, about our weapons now being real, intrigued me.

'Loi, do you think they transformed along with our costumes?'

'Maybe,' Loi shrugged. 'The spell did say 'our lives entwine' surely that would cover this.'

Sian looked surprised, 'I guess you could interpret it like that.'

'Which would explain the packs,' Loi pointed out.

Curious, I sat on the ground to rifle through my pack.

'Wow! Guys, look inside your packs.' I started to pull items out of mine: a loaf of dense bread, some strips of dried meat, apples and a small sack of grain. A little pouch at the bottom of the pack jingled when I picked it up. Loosening the drawstring I tipped the contents into my hand. Strange coins poured out, bronze, silver and some gold. I lifted a gold coin, rubbing my thumb over the raised image of an animal I didn't recognize.

Is that real gold?

It felt realsolid and cool against my palm as I stared at it. I heard the others discover the same in their packs.

'Wow,' breathed Loi.

'Do you think it's real?' Kassie asked.

'Aren't we meant to bite it?' Sian said with a smile and pantomimed biting a coin.

CHUCKLING AT SIAN'S SUGGESTION, KASSIE continued to look through her pack and tipped the contents on the ground to make it easier. She tossed the empty pack to the side and Lucky crept into it, her pink tipped nose peeking out. Kassie laughed at the sight. Loi turned to see and she held a finger to her lips and then pointed at Lucky. They pretended not to see Lucky when she cautiously stuck her head out then snatched it back in.

SIAN GLANCED UP IN TIME to see Audrey freeze, ears pricked and tail stiff. She followed the dog's gaze and saw the pack near Kassie's legs twitching; from this angle the tip of Lucky's tail was clearly visible, but not to the dog. Cat, absorbed in poring over her pack's contents, didn't notice when the dog dropped to her belly, beginning a slow, careful commando crawl toward Kassie's bag. A laugh wedged in Sian's throat as the dog froze when the pack made a sudden jerk.

Fumbling, her fingers found a pebble amongst the grasses she sat in and she tossed it at Cat, who looked up in confusion. Sian nodded at the dog who'd just reached the pack. Cat covered her mouth to smother a giggle when they watched Audi poke the pack with her nose then freeze when it jerked away from her. The dog crept close to it again.

This time she sat next to it, head cocked to one side then lifted a paw and placed it on top of the pack. They heard an angry growl and Audrey's tail started to wag. The pack lunged, grabbed her paw and apparently bit it because the dog yelped and shot back to where Cat now stood, hiding behind her legs and peered accusingly at it. All the women laughed then. Lucky burrowed out of the pack and sauntered about the clearing looking smug, her tail straight up in the air. Audrey rushed across to the cat and snuffled her all over, then did a big whoosh of air straight up her backside. Lucky yeooowed and ran back to Kassie.