Chapter 10

SMILING AT AUDI AND LUCKY'S antics, I returned my attention to my pack and placed the items back inside. Then it hit me.

Why would we need these at home?

'I have this idea that we aren't on Earth anymore,' I almost croaked the words and cleared my throat while looking at the others, anxiety making the hairs on my arms rise. I shivered, rubbing a hand briskly over either arm.

Kassie frowned, 'What makes you say that?'

'This doesn't look like anything we'd need on Earth, not in our time anyway.'

Loi interrupted me. 'Ever seen anything like that on Earth?'

We turned and stared at where she pointed.

Making its way down one of the numerous vines that enveloped a tree near us, hopped a bird about the size of a pigeonits colouring a deep fire engine red. Appearing to spot something tucked amongst the vines the bird twisted sharply, its head jerking forward, beak jamming again and again into a fissure while it fought to reach something. The sharp jerky motions caused the bird's tail to flick out and the four of us gasped at the sight. Large eyes like those in a peacock's tail glowed in the sunlight that glinted down from the canopy. The stunning eyes tipped every other feather in the bird's tail, all varying jewel tones; citrine, ruby, emerald and amethyst. It flittered about the tree hunting more insects, unconcerned at our presence, then made a pretty trilling noise and launched off, flying past us further into the forest until out of sight.


'Probably not Earth,' I concluded.

The others just stared at me, faces pale, their expressions a mix of shock, fear and confusion.

With a choked gasp Kassie sank to the ground. 'What are we supposed to do? How do we get home? What about our families? Are we stuck?' Her voice rose with each question. 'How did this happen? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN NOW?'

The three of us winced at the noise level and Audi cowered behind my legs, whining between them at Kassie who breathed in rough gasps, sounding close to tears. Loi looked at Sian with a blank expression.

'Why don't I feel bothered by this?' she asked in a confused voice. 'I should be terrified, right?'

I swallowed, my mouth dry and head whirling at the mass of conflicting thoughts and feelings. Not exactly terrified, I thought though my stomach still churned; but worried, definitely worried. Sian walked over to Kassie and sat down wrapping her arms around her.

'It's likely you're in shock,' Sian said, a faint wobble to her voice before it slid to a firm tone, a practical tone. 'Your body is designed to run on auto-pilot in a situation like this. Give it a few days before really considering it.'

A FEW DAYS, LOI FLINCHED at that thought; not a pleasant idea at all.

What to do next then?

Basic stuff, the practical voice in her mind ordered. Set up a camp, keep busy, no panicking allowed.

She spoke up, sounding calmer than she felt. 'Then let's focus just on us for the moment. I think we should make a meal; food helps shock right? And then we should think about a shelter.'

Sian agreed. 'Yep, food will help and a shelter's going to be necessary.'

THE TASK PROVIDED JUST THE distraction I currently needed. Everyone grabbed their packs and we sat close, placing everything out to be seen. Each pack had slightly differing contents; Kassie had vegetables instead of the bread I had, Sian some dried beans and Loi, a water bag, made from an animal's stomach. The four of us stared at the strangely shaped pale tan bag that rippled when Loi placed it out. She prodded it again with one finger making it jiggle.

'Is anyone else mildly grossed out by that?' I queried.

The other three gave tiny nods.

'JELLYBELLY,' SUNG SIAN, NUDGING KASSIE. The hint of a smile graced her friend's lips. Sian gave her a one-armed hug, teasingly tugging a curl at the same time. She wanted to apologize but the words froze on her tongue; she hadn't meant for any of this to happen. Of the numerous spells she'd cast since she'd began practicing, this had been one of the simplest. It just didn't make sense. Trying to reason through her thoughts still didn't make her feel better and her hand slipped from Kassie's shoulder.

Why? Why this time? She blinked away the tears that filled her eyes, swallowing hard; I didn't mean for this to happen!

KASSIE GLANCED AT HER BLONDE friend who stared up at the trees. Sian's jaw line looked stiff and she blinked rapidly holding both her knees, an almost angry pout on her lips. The panic, anger and fear Kassie felt faded while she regarded Sian's expression. Loi and Cat murmured quietly between themselves, pointedly ignoring the two of them.

Reaching out, she cupped her hand over one of Sian's and squeezed lightly. Sian half turned away, eyes dropping from the trees to the forest floor before she slowly drew her gaze up to Kassie's. Her blue eyes looked shiny and her lips wobbled.

'I didn't mean-' she sniffed, looking back down.

Kassie squeezed Sian's hand again, shaking her head and forced the words past the lump that swelled in her throat. 'I'm sorry. I know it's not your fault.'

Sian's eyes looked huge and a tear slid down.

With an inward grumble at herself, the stupid spell, and at life in general, Kassie reached out both arms and hugged her friend close. 'I mean it,' she said gruffly. 'I do.'

THE AWKWARD TENSION BETWEEN SIAN and Kass faded and both looked calmer; we refocused on the camp plans. A loud grumble from Sian's stomach caused us to giggle and that decided the first matter.

'Okay,' I pretended to roll up my sleeves. 'Let's make a meal before Sian's stomach eats itself. Now who's got matches?'

'Oooh,' Kassie started rooting around in her pack. 'Is that what these are for?' She held up a rounded flat rock and a solid rectangular piece of metal.

'Yes,' Sian said excitedly. 'Let me try!'

While Sian practiced striking the flint, which wasn't as easy as it looked on TV, we hunted around for sticks and dry leaves. After we'd scraped out an obvious circle of dirt we set up the wood with the dry leaves underneath.

LEANING CLOSE TO THE BASE of the fire, Sian took a breath and tried again, rapidly striking the flint to the steel. It took more effort than she'd expected at first and now her arms ached from her failed attempts. Finally, a spark flew but hit the dirt and burnt out.

Urrghhh not again, she grumbled to herself and she changed position to try again. Gritting her teeth, she smashed the two pieces together, her heart leaping when she saw another spark. This time it hit a leaf. With a pounding pulse, from both exertion and nerves, she leaned forward and blew gently on it. It took another careful breath before the tiny flame absorbed the leaf then spread, catching other leaves.

She watched, a smile hovering and excitement building as the rest of the wood pile began to burn. A shout from behind made her jump, then she twisted to grin at her friends who cheered loudly at the sight of the flames.

WOO! Sian thought in delight; I did it!