Chapter 12

LOI'S PULSE THROBBED AT HER temple and she willed the migraine away.

That's the last thing I need right now, she thought, focusing on the scant track they followed. Please, please let this lead somewhere, somewhere safe!

Behind her, Cat gave a sharp shout for Audrey who barked furiously sounding even further back. The crashing noises following them seemed to pause for a moment before starting again. Something furry brushed against Loi's calf and she jerked away with a gasp. Kassie gripped her arm tightly, pulling her in the right direction and relief made her temple pound again when she realized Audrey raced alongside them.

'Okay?' Kassie panted.


MY BREATH BURNED IN MY chest while I willed my legs to move faster. The narrow track veered all over the place; we ducked under branches and dodged around trees. Woody fingers ripped at my face while I followed as close to Loi as I dared, my mind shouting instructions while I ran.

Sword up, Cat, watch where the end is. Bloody hell!

I tripped but managed to stay up.

'Careful!' Sian gasped.

Terror crept into my belly and made my knees feel wobbly and useless.

No, I thought fiercely, pay attention, watch where you place your feet. I kept my view narrow focusing on the path. The forest flew by in a blur of greens and browns.

Please don't let there be any more of those things out there. There's no way I would see them.

FOCUS! I brought the thoughts inwards, stuffing them far away in my mind, trying to prevent the hysteria that threatened.

OUT IN FRONT KASSIE STUMBLED and Loi yanked her upright. Kassie's breaths sounded ragged in her ears while she focused on lifting her feet high enough so that she wouldn't trip. A sense of fear buzzed between the four of them, the taste of bile strong in the back of her throat. The disgusting creatures hunting them shrieked again, a hideous angry sound like nails being pried from corrugated iron. Her skin prickled and scalp seemed to flinch when they did it again. Audrey spun back snarling and barking, the dog's voice growing distant. Kassie ran harder.

I am NEVER casting a spell again, she thought, why the fuck is this happening to us? It was a love spell for Christ's sake!

LOI JERKED HER HEAD OUT of the way when a low branch loomed, twigs dragging in her hair. Spying a fallen log ahead she let the others know then hauled herself over and spun back to lift Kassie off.

'Thanks,' gasped Kassie.

Loi nodded and Kassie ran on while Loi waited for Sian and Cat. Audrey raced after the women and beat them to the log, diving off, legs extended, then spun back to bark at them. Once Sian and Cat had scrambled over, Loi raced back to Kassie's side.

THE LOG HAD SLOWED US down a little and the crashing that followed sounded closer. Adrenaline seared through my veins when I caught a glimpse of one of those things; it had gained on us.

'RUN!' I screamed.

Audrey darted across my path and launched herself at it, snarling. The creature shrieked and jerked away. The sense of relief nearly tripped me; my focus on Audi. I lurched over a root, just managing to stay upright and she appeared at my side again, no worse for wear.

Suddenly the forest disappeared and we sprinted across open grassland, buildings visible about a mile from us. I stumbled at the change in ground under foot and the almost debilitating sense of relief at the sight of civilization. A surge of fear ran through me.

Do NOT fall, I growled in my mind, we are so close!

SIAN COULD SEE THE BUILDINGS more clearly now. A high, oppressive looking fence of roughly hewn logs surrounded the village; for good reason, she thought. Panting hard as they neared the buildings, she could make out peoplemenstanding in front of the gates gesturing at them to hurry. She mentally rolled her eyes at them, trying to increase her pace, unable to hear anything over the sound of her breathing. Gritting her teeth, she pumped her arms harder.

As they drew closer, she saw the buildings were houses with heavy looking thatched roofs like ones she'd seen when she'd lived in England.

The faces of the men they sprinted toward grew clearer none of them actually appeared to watch her or the others, just the creatures that followed. Sian realized then that each man held a weapon or two and one man had two snarling, lunging dogs on short leashes, fighting to keep them under control. They wore clothes that wouldn't have looked out of place maybe three hundred years ago, but even then, they didn't look quite right.

Sian's chest tightened with apprehension as they drew even closer to the village; where ARE we?

'PUSH IT!' SHOUTED LOI AS she threw a glance over her shoulder, looking beyond us. My body screamed in protest when I forced longer quicker strides. Sian bounced lightly off my side with a grunt, the sudden dip in the grass almost making me do the same. I grabbed her hand, pulling her along as we neared the gate. Men armed with cross bows, spears and swords stood next to the heavy wooden gates, bodies tense and ready. Their shouts rang in my ears when they charged past us and the unexpected furious snarls of dogs made me flinch, but I didn't stop.

We shot past them straight into the arms of a crowd of others who rushed us into a nearby building. In the sudden darkness I staggered and bent over my knees, gasping for breath while my head spun.

The sense of relief was extreme.

We're safe. Safe.

My knees buckled and strange hands supported me, leading me to a bench. Kassie sat next to me with Loi and Sian beside her, all gasping for breath. Audi crouched under the bench, waiting. Finally, we could draw normal breaths and sat up, looking around.

At least sixty people crowded around the dark low room, jammed on bench seats that surrounded the long tables that filled most of the space. Young and old women held children on their laps, some singing softly, others teasing, provoking sudden high shrieks of laughter that made the armed men at the windows frown at them. Adolescent boys and girls crowded against the scarce wall space, watching us with wide eyes while their elders flicked curious looks our way. Realizing I still gripped my sword tight, I went to slip it back in its scabbard but my hands shook too much. Kassie guided the end in for me.

'Thanks.' I swallowed hard, willing away the sudden, unexpected tears that threatened.

It's just shock, Cat, breathe, relax. You're okay. You're safe.

The words echoed in my head while I looked the others over. All red-faced like me with the fear slowly fading from their eyes, accompanied by the realization that a room full of strangers stared at us.