Chapter 13

KASSIE GULPED. NO ONE SEEMED to look at them in a bad way, most just looked concerned. A strange sound caught her attention.

'Lucky,' she gasped.

Loi swore and snatched the pack off the floor, setting it on the bench between them. Kassie wrenched the top of it wide. They peered in. The tortoiseshell cat huddled at the bottom, ears flattened and fur spiked, her eyes wide in fear. She whimpered.

'Ooooh Lucky,' whispered Kassie, her heart going out to her tiny, normally feisty cat.

Easing the cat onto her lap she wrapped her arms around the shivering animal, ignoring all the strangers staring. Loi draped her cloak round Kassie's shoulders shielding Lucky from everyone's view. The cat relaxed a little before stretching her forelegs out. Kassie winced when the claws dug into her thigh but didn't scold Lucky, just cuddled her until she started purring.

Loi leaned over. 'Kass, is she okay?'

Kassie nodded while she hummed, soothing the cat. 'She's starting to purr so I think she'll be fine.'

Cat and Sian leaned over, reaching under the cloak to stroke Lucky's head, which made Audrey creep out from under the seat to see what everyone looked at. The dog gave her friend a gentle poke, causing the cat to purr louder.

A voice piped up. 'What are you doing?'

TURNING AWAY FROM KASSIE I saw a little boy watching us. He looked to be about five and stood only a meter or so from a woman with dark plaits the same shade as his short spiky hair. She watched us and him, her eyes creasing when they met mine, the corners of her lips tugging.

I bent, leaning on my knees so to meet his eyes and explained, 'Our cat was in one of the bags when we had to run and we're checking she's okay.'

The boy crept closer, his eyes wide and he ducked to peer at Kassie's lap. She chuckled and shifted a little on the seat, turning to face him.

'Why did you bring your cat?' he asked her earnestly as he reached Lucky's side and gently stroked her. The cat purred up at him through half shut eyes, adoring all the attention.

Kassie smiled. 'Well, we didn't intentionally bring Lucky, she just snuck along with us.'

A few people tittered when they heard Lucky's name and the little boy smiled broadly at Kassie. 'She really is Lucky! 'Cause if you hadn't seen her she could have been eaten by the elgrids.'

Ahh, so that's what those things are called. I could see the same thought pass through Loi and Sian's faces. Everyone in the room still stared at us.

They'll want to know why we're here, what do we say?

My brain went blank at that then I looked to Sian and gave her knee a soft nudge. Our eyes connected and I twitched my eyebrow at her, making a tiny gesture with my chin at all those in the room, still watching us.

SIAN STARED AT CAT WHOSE half scowlnose wrinkled and lips twisted to one sideyelled loud and clear exactly what she thought Sian should be doing right now.

Sian glared at her friend who returned the look with heat.

Oh bloody hell, she thought with despair, I don't know what to say!?

Man up, snapped the rational voice in the back of her mind. No, it wasn't your intention for the spell to work like this but you are partially responsible.

With an internal sigh, Sian gave Cat a tiny nod and sat up, gazing around the room for whoever might be in charge.

Let's get this over with, she thought grumpily. Best stick as close to the truth as possible.

A medium height woman in a high necked, long sleeved rust coloured dress that fell to her knees stood up from where she'd sat amongst the others. She held herself with pride, back straight and head high, the elaborately plaited bun she wore her dark hair in adding to the overall commanding impression. Everyone fell silent, giving her their attention and for a moment the room felt as if it hummed with anticipation.

The woman nodded to Sian and the other girls. 'Greetings. Welcome to Lothost. My name is Henja. My husband and I own the Inn here.' Henja inclined her head toward one of the armed men at the windows who stared at them now too.

Sian's mouth went dry and she licked her lips before speaking. 'Greetings, Henja. Thank you for your welcome and for your town's protection, it is most appreciated.'

The girls nodded in agreement.

'What brings you here?' queried Henja with a blunt expression that hedged between curiosity and apprehension. The armed men moved from where they'd stood at the windows, positioning themselves at the ends of the tables closest to the four girls. The unspoken warning made Sian's stomach churn.

Hesitantly, she spoke. 'We'researchingfor someone who can help us. With a magical matter.' She watched in relief when her friends' faces went blank then changed to apparent knowledge.

'Offensive or defensive?' snapped one of the men, shifting from leaning against a table to standing, eyeing the four of them.

'Defensive!' Sian squeaked the word out then cleared her throat. Cat leaned gently against her, the pressure comforting.

'Calm,' Cat cautioned, mouth close to her ear. 'You're doing fine.'

Sian flicked Cat a swift look and tiny smile before turning her attention back to Henja. The woman now regarded them speculatively, squinting as she stared at Sian.

'Oh? Perhaps our town caster can help. What's the issue?'

With a silent prayer that she wasn't about to say something wrong, Sian explained. 'The shield that protects our realm has vanished and we don't know why. We'd never seen elgrids before now!' The last part came out louder than she'd intended and the silence in the room felt bizarrely loud while everyone gaped at her. Sian resisted the urge to grin nervously.

One of the armed men addressed her in an incredulous tone, his thick salt-n-pepper eyebrows drawn close in a frown. 'Never seen them before? That must be an awfully strong shield.'

'Yes, it was. We've been told there's someone with great power in this realm. We're hoping to find them.' Sian mentally crossed her fingers; please let this work!

'Oh you'll be talking about Elena the Sorceress,' chimed a little old lady from the table furthest away.

Most in the room made sounds of agreements, nodding to one another and Henja said, 'Gran Nina is right. The Sorceress would be the ideal person to see.'

Sian smiled in relief, inwardly delighted that it had worked. 'Where does Elena usually reside?'

Henja's square jaw jutted out as she considered that and her husband, who now sat close, spoke softly in her ear. Henja agreed with whatever he said then turned to them, explaining. 'We believe she is at the castle. But there are some strange goings on in the South so she might be away.'

'She can't stay away long,' interjected another of the armed men. 'Not while she's Regent. The castle would be the best place to find her.'