Chapter 329

THE BATTERED AND BLOODY MAN lay crumpled just beyond the entrance to the caves.

A bellowing roar of indignant fury shattered Leseach's stunned horror.

She stooped, slipping an arm under his shoulder and swung, throwing her other arm around his thighs and lifted, stumbling out of the thicket.

Snapping snarls followed her.

Shoulder blades flinching at the sounds, Leseach tightened her grip on the moaning man, lurching across the rocky riverbed, aiming for the river.

Warning barks then a howl made the breath that had wedged in her throat gasp out in relief. She could hear the distance growing. The tehnears weren't going to leave their kill alone.

Reaching the river, she booted smaller rocks aside, awkwardly sweeping her feet back and forth to create a smooth place to set him down.

With a grunt of effort, she lowered first his legs then carefully his torso, keeping her hold across his back.

Her hand touched the bandi sword embedded in his back.