Chapter 328

'LESEACH?' HE HAD TO PAUSE for breath, head spinning from the frantic run. 'Leseach?' The wooded area was fairly shallow before the hill went sharply up. Blinking, eyes watering from the dust cast up from the dragged kill, he spotted the drag marks. Following them without thinking he came up short at the cave entrance.

'Holy Ahssan!'

Not just two tehnears. A den of them. Horror spread as if he'd touched an ice jytnar with its poison spreading through his veins, freezing them solid.

Closing his eyes for a long moment he waited, letting his mind calm.

He couldn't lose her again.

The heavy toll of resignation rang through his mind.

He opened his eyes.

With a calm deliberate step, he drew the long daggers sheathed to either thigh and entered the cave.