Chapter 343

'OH!' I GASPED AS THE ground shuddered. Leseach grabbed my arm when I wobbled. We all watched as the two Magus flicked their enormous wings wide, a crack ringing out through the air.

The griffons, our griffons, who'd come out to farewell their honoured guests all threw their heads back with broad ringing cries that started as a deep bellow and shifted to a higher shriek-like sound.

Circling the courtyard, the Magus' called back, their own cries so resonant you could feel it ring through your bones before wheeling off with an easy thrust of their wings. They vanished with a murmur of energy while flying over the inner gate.

Ears ringing from all the sound, I turned to Elena.

'Do you get quieter with your energy release as you age?'

'Not so much with age, as with use. The more you practise, the quieter you'll be.' The Sorceress smiled at me. 'Now, that was the last of the people we needed to farewell. You are welcome to your own time.'