Chapter 344

'ARE THEY RELATED TO AWUFS?' I asked while sidling back further still until I stood just behind Alek.

A better question might have been, are they herbivores?

The heavy set four legged animals looked more likely to be related to a rhinoceros than the timid but massive awufs; potentially a carnivorous rhino. They had long snouts they kept wrinkling as if snarling, revealing decent sets of teeth. On the end of their snouts two twisted curling tusks grew, the pointed ends sticking out, and both creatures bore scars on their faces that looked like they had been on the receiving end of another's tusks. Their hide was a dense short fur that bristled out with flowing striations of shades of tan and black across the dark brown fur. Their feet were cloven.

The centaurs leading the creatures appeared indifferent by their appearance, calling them, smacking their snouts or backsides to get them lined up in front of the wagon.