Chapter 2

Ally relaxed when they passed through the last of the market. The streets were still narrow, bordered by the high stone buildings in various states of disrepair. Occasionally a building front showed care, fresh plaster and mended cracks and holes, even occasionally a lick of paint. Against the others it stood out. Eoin led them on then veered to the right, down a narrow alleyway. From windows and doorways humans watched them, their dark eyes varying from wide and alarmed, to suspicious and narrow. Ally ignored them but walked behind Eoin, her ears pricked. The whispered murmur of 'Promethean' brought unwanted anxiety up. But they wouldn't be here much longer.

'Here,' Eoin passed the open container back as he munched on one of the fried morsels. 'Try one, you'll love it.'

Ally took the container and stared at the little crisp bundles of fried noodles. Beside it was a sauce, clear but orange tinged with small chunks of red floating through it.

'What is it?' Ally asked dubiously.

'Try it.'

Half watching where she walked, half watching the container, Ally plucked one of the bundles, bits crumbling into the sauce as she dipped it then popped it in her mouth.

Eoin turned back to see Ally's dark brows shoot up, eyes wide. A laugh from one of the human's watching them made Eoin smile.

'Like it?' he asked.

Ally's gaze flicked from side to side as she slowly chewed. She finished the mouthful and nodded, a rare smile breaking out. 'Yes! It burns my throat, but it is good!'

He reached out to grab two of the crispy bundles, laughing as Ally eyed the remains.

'They're all yours.'

They continued down the narrow street then turned left. Eoin knew where he should find them. Anyone wanting to be rid of a vehicle at a decent price would hang near the outskirts, far away from the market where they might be spotted and charged tax.

The closer they got, the lower the buildings. From four and five levels in the centre of the town, to three and two, then only one and the occasional taller, two levelled dwelling.

He could see them already. Men clustered in small groups stood near an open section, their eyes locked on the two of them as they drew closer.

'Doesn't look like we'll have much choice,' Ally said quietly.

Eoin gave a short nod. 'We don't need much. As long as it has wheels and runs.'

Ally huffed at that but said nothing.

One of the men waiting stepped toward them as they reached the group. He extended his arms low with an open gesture though his smile was forced. The words he called were a peculiar mix of Hindu, English, and Chinese. Back home they also spoke the English and Chinese pidgin, heavily punctuated with Swiss German. It was familiar enough for Eoin to understand the greeting.

Avoiding any German words, making the effort to recall what Hindu he could, Eoin greeted him and began to explain. They wanted something small and easy to run. Preferably solar powered.

Silence greeted him.

Eoin inwardly sighed then reached into a pocket and flashed three gold coins.

Any hesitation vanished as the men rushed forward, seizing his arms to tug him in varying directions. Knowing the reaction it would provoke, he twisted and met Ally's eyes — which had begun to glaze over to her calm, dangerous look.

'It's fine, Ally,' he said, raising his voice enough to catch everyone's attention. The men released their holds, giving nodding bows to him and Ally. Her eyes lightened and the pasty sheen to her olive skin vanished as she took a breath.

'Please sir, this way.'

'Here sir, see mine!'

'Sir! Sir! This is best! Very best!'

The chorus of cries made Ally wince and she motioned at Eoin that she'd hang back. He nodded, allowing himself to be led to where the varying vehicles sat in the open dirt section.

The four different vehicles had two or three people enthusiastically selling its virtues: best condition, very best! Eoin let them talk while considering. The first car had small wheels, the rubber worn smooth. Eoin crouched on all fours beside it and peered underneath. This provoked the seller to do the same from the opposite side, a bright smiling dark face with white teeth gleaming. 'Good! Very good!'

'Hmmm,' Eoin said noncommittally, not pointing out the loose panel and wiring sticking out beneath it. If it ran he'd be impressed, any vibrations would finish the job off.

The next two vehicles were more suited to the jungle terrain, but in varying levels of disrepair. He could fix both but that would take days. Eoin had more important tasks at hand.

The fourth vehicle, however, had almost no storage, but as they had very little gear and didn't expect to bring anything of size back, it could work.

Eoin circled the trike, aware of Ally's presence seconds later.

'Really?' she murmured as he studied it.

Eoin smiled but didn't reply, eyes absorbing the various intriguing details. A two seater, the trike had large wide set back tires on high suspension, the front tire set a hint higher for balance. Steel wrapped clear tubing coiled around the seat, flowing alongside to create protective sides to the back seat and the front before it merged into the battery, hidden in front of the front wheel beneath a detailed steel cover. Within the tubing a silvery liquid flickered in the sunlight.

'Solar liquid?' Eoin asked though he knew the answer.

'Yes sir! Very best.'

This time the claims weren't entirely exaggerated. Solar liquid was only produced in the human city of Eden, built on, and with the remains of, a city once called Rome. Eden was a place Prometheans rarely returned from, if they had the misfortune of entering its gates. The hub of the righteous, Eden was home to the highest echelon of those of the Mother Gaea religion many humans practiced.

Eoin's back tensed as he flicked his gaze to the smiling face of the owner. The man looked of this region. But for him to have such a vehicle...

Eoin frowned and the owner leaped closer, a hand on his upper arm.

'No sir! I give you very good price. Very good.'

Eoin appreciated the effort the man made to avoid Hindu words and grinned at him in spite of his concerns.

'Do I speak Hindu that bad?'

All the men gathered close laughed hard at that, while the owner frantically waved his hands.

'No, no! I am polite!'

Ally made a sound of amusement but Eoin knew she'd picked up on his anxiety. Acting swiftly, Eoin bargained with the owner, making the appropriate gestures and exclamations as they argued over the price. It ended on three gold coins. Just what he'd meant to pay, and no less than the owner would accept.