Chapter 3

Ally helped him push the trike away from the other vehicles.

'What is it?' she asked under her breath.

'This sort of solar power is made in Eden.'

Ally stiffened and Eoin nodded. 'Hmmm. Raiders. Hopefully long gone.'

'Let's get on our way,' she said.

The back seat pulled up to reveal a space to store their bags. With those stashed away, Ally climbed onto the seat. Feeling a rush of excitement at trying out a machine he'd never used before, Eoin straddled the front seat and peered at the dash. The round coin-like key he'd been given slotted in, just the indented edge sticking out to make for easy removal. The engine started almost silently, vibrations running through the trike. He eased the gear knob out of neutral and into drive. The pull as they set off was noticeable. Eoin grinned as Ally gave a whoop. Easing on the acceleration, they rapidly left the town behind, heading along the laneways bordered with farm lands as they aimed for the distant forest and the impressive mountain range that loomed above it.

Ally sat back in the seat, enjoying the breeze that whipped past. The electric motor was so quiet she could hear bird song drifting across the fields and through the slowly thickening trees. The smells out here were green and fresh, almost no scent of humans at all. Watching the haphazardly fenced fields vanish, they entered the forest track. Mainly a foot track, it was still easily wide enough for the trike. Ally lifted her head, staring up the heights of the oaks and conifers they zipped past then smiled in pleasure at the bursts of colour the occasional rhododendron bush offered. Tiny birds zipped past overhead, the screeching cry of a hunting hawk silencing the bird song momentarily.

In that sudden moment of silence the softest hum made Ally twist, eyes searching, ears intent.


Eoin didn't slow and Ally didn't answer, wanting to be sure first. Nothing revealed itself so she relaxed back into the seat and reached out to give Eoin's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.


They moved swiftly over the rough track, the large tires easily navigating the dips and bulges of tree roots and rocks. The track began the gentle climb into the foothills of the huge mountain range.

The birds had gotten over their fright and began to sing again. Ally followed the flight of a tiny green bird that tracked a dragonfly, both of them flashing overhead and beyond. Laughing, Ally looked after the bird.

Far behind, perhaps two kilometres, something that glinted in the sun followed their path.

Ally gripped the back of the seat and stood, balancing her knees against the cushion as she stared back the way they'd come, letting her eyes focus and adjust. It took a millisecond. She twisted back, sitting, and reached out, placing a hand against Eoin's back, his shirt warm in the sunlight.


Eoin didn't answer but the trike surged ahead as he accelerated. Ally turned on the seat, resuming her watch of the distant vehicles. Perhaps they hadn't seen them? They didn't seem to be in a rush.

'What's happening?'

'Nothing, I don't know if they've seen us.'

'Too much of a coincidence, Ally. Someone in the town must have talked.'

Though she agreed with his thoughts, the two buggies didn't gain much on them. Enough for Ally's keen eyesight to count four humans in each of the vehicles. Bouncing along on their high suspension, the buggies navigated the track even easier than the trike Eoin and Ally rode. It caused a tingling of anxiety. That tiny reaction of fear triggered the nano-virus within Ally's blood, making all her senses sharpen to a level ten times that of a human. Closing her eyes she inhaled as the breeze against their back blew in the scents of the humans. Her eyes snapped open as her brain computed the information.

'They're using.'

That's why she hadn't picked up their scent earlier. Injecting themselves with the blood drained from any Prometheans they managed to hunt down, raiders would experience heightened senses, agility, strength and speed, until the nano-virus died out. The blood of a single Promethean could satisfy a using human for a couple of years, if they could only figure out how to keep it viable once it left the body. It lasted for a couple of weeks in strict conditions, or a week, max, in poor conditions. Coming down from a blood high left the human user lethargic and nasty. Regular users were among the most dangerous humans a Promethean could cross paths with.

Eoin swore under his breath at Ally's words and gunned the acceleration. They zipped deeper into the forest, the track thinning and the undergrowth of ferns, vines, and saplings getting thicker.

Ally only made the occasional glance to see ahead, still balanced against the seat as she watched behind, counting in her mind, calculating their narrowing distance. The track had taken them far from the straight view of the road, winding back and forth as it slowly inched higher. Trees flashed by, vines tangling the trunks and hanging from branches. The hoots and cries of monkeys made Ally tense for an instant before she recognized the sound.

So far the two buggies hadn't shown behind them.

The slightest touch of relief halted the intense flow of ergogenic substances into her system. Registering the lowered threat against personal survival, her body worked swiftly at removing any excess to return all functions to normal. With a sigh at the relaxing sensation, Ally turned and sat properly in the seat.

'Can't see them,' she called to Eoin. 'Are we far from where you want to be?'

Eoin twisted to glance her way and behind them. He stared for a long moment before easing off the speed.

'Keep your eyes open.'

'Of course,' she said with mild irritation.

'No, not far. We could stop anywhere. I just want a little more distance from that lot.'

Ally nodded in agreement though he'd already turned back. She closed her eyes, aware of her system slowing back to a pleasant pace.


A mortar whistled overhead, hitting a tree that exploded, splinters and shrapnel flying everywhere.