Chapter 28


The announcement echoed through the Arena, and a whiff of silence accompanied the simple words, wrapping the huge room in unrest.

Only when the sea of children suddenly turned inward upon itself did Pyra let blue lightning wrap around her arms, its faint, comforting warmth reassuring her a little. She scanned the Arena for Parson but couldn't find him. Pyra took a step back so she stood next to Nift, who nodded to her. She noticed both of his hands were balled tightly into fists.

Will stepped in front of them and sank to his knees, pressing his hands to the scorched floor.

"What's heª" Pyra started to ask before Nift cut her off.

"Watch out for attackers. Will's getting ready."

"Okay," Pyra said, yet she was still uncertain. She kept scanning the Arena, and she kept an eye on Will as she did it.