Chapter 34


Derick pocketed his radio, producing a pair of binoculars from his pack. Taps was already at work assembling their rocket launcher, which was little more than a few conjoined cylinders and a detachable scope.

"All the other rocket teams are in position," Derick said. "Waiting on the order to fire. Lock a target as soon as you're ready."

"Roger that," Taps said. He locked the launcher's two cylinders together and quickly loaded a rocket into the chamber. He hoisted the launcher over his shoulder, attaching the scope and lining up a Sovereignty tank in his sights. "Target acquired."

"Stand by. Shouldn't be too long now."

Taps's finger hovered over the launcher's trigger.

Mad steeled herself when the Communications Station came into view. Surrounded by mountains, it looked like a fortress, and the tanks littered across the ground only strengthened the image.