Chapter 54

Did I end the war? To be honest, I don't know how to answer that question. My only hope is that I've started something better. A new beginning for everyone.

-Taken from an interview with Robert Jayson, October 17th, 2072 CE

"YOU HAVE TO," Lisha said, unsuccessfully attempting to keep the pity out of her voice. "If you don't go to school, people will notice, Cade."

"Just my friends," he said, picking at one of his backpack's straps. "And it'll only be today. I promise."

"If it were up to me, I would let you stay home," Lisha said. "You know what Dad always says, right? 'Don't risk what you don't have to' and all that. People probably won't make the connection and figure out what we did, but they might. If we let enough mights pile up, the bad guys will get us."

"I know," Cade sighed, his face momentarily taking on the weight normally reserved for those much older than seven years of age. "II get tired, sometimes, that's all. I haven't slept a lot."
