Chapter 57

THE NEXT DAY passed quickly, and Teth found himself perched on the edge of his bed, unable to sleep. The cabin's overhead light hummed quietly. The old bedframe creaked slightly under Teth's weight. He shuddered as the air conditioning kicked in, passing cool air over the nape of his neck.

Is Eve still awake? Teth wondered. No, I shouldn't bother her.

He looked around his cabin once again, seeing nothing he hadn't passed his eyes over a thousand times already. The cold, uncaring metal walls; the too-thin mattress; the footlocker holding what few worldly possessions Teth could claim as his own. Slightly surprised, Teth found he would miss the cabin. True, it wasn't exactly a home, but the roof never leaked, the wind never howled under the window frames, and the dull roar of passing ships never sounded overhead. Teth had settled into a routine, one he didn't realize would mean so much to him at the end of his time on the Freedom.