Chapter 79

"THIS IS STUPID," Teth said. "Why isn't Rich with us?"

A flying scrap of paper caught against his heel. He brushed it away, sending it skittering beyond the alley, into the dark street.

"I may not care much for my old man," Lisha said, "but he's the only one the other cells will speak with. Even if he's not in harm's way, he's doing his part."

"Bet Cal could've figured them out," said Eve. "He was always good with that stuff."

Teth placed a hand on her shoulder. He hadn't forgotten the last, garbled message from Modesty's Revenge. He would make the Sovereignty pay, one way or another.

"Shh," Lisha said. "They're coming."

Two Hunter Guards and what looked like an officer passed by the mouth of the alley, all of them cradling rifles in their elbows. Had they glanced into the space between buildings, they only would have seen several garbage cans scattered haphazardly over the concrete. Teth held his breath, squeezing tightly against the wall behind one of the cans.