A Strange Cave

Su Li tries to open his eyes. Slowly opening it, he was greeted by a warm beam of sunlight. Su Li realize he could move his body now. So, he lift his body and looked at his surrounding.

Looking around, it seems that he was in a closed space. The only light source he could find is the big hole on the roof from which the sunlight came in. He was sitting on a beautiful-looking blue flower, he doesn't know its name since he doesn't learn much about flowers and only liked how it looks. Of course, it could be a whole new different species of flower just in this game.

"Where... am I?"

There are no people around him, it's just flowers. At least that is what he think until a voice sounded from behind him. Turning around, he saw that it was a wolf, a little wolf. Its skin was so white, it was like a lump of snow.


The wolf slowly closed in on Su Li, and in the end, It was already on his feet. The wolf is as docile as a cat on his feet, but there's something wrong. Looking down, two lump was seen on his chest.

"Eh? ah!"

Su Li was surprised for a second. He was captivated by his surrounding he forgot to scan his body. He wants to look in the mirror but he doesn't have any so he can only try to see as he can. He was using light blue clothes it rips in some places, and the curves were alluring if not for all men and most women. Not only that, he can feel the 'tower of babel' on the bottom disappear as well. Unfortunately, there's no mirror, so he cannot see his face. But there's also a waterfall-like straight black hair that reaches his waist

"I become a girl?" He was dumbfounded for a while, but it was quickly replaced by joy.

Indeed, isn't this his wish? now that he was a girl in the game, how can he be not happy?. Though she still doesn't know where this is or what is her situation, this is a pretty good sign, right?.

After admiring and getting used to this new body for a while, Su Li decide to find out where and what is going on right now.

Su Li lifts the little wolf till it has the same height as her eyes. She scanned the wolf and felt that it was just a normal wolf. It has beautiful deep blue eyes that complement its fur and its tiny little white fang is shown on the side as well. Overall...

"So Cute!" She hugs the wolf tightly while fluffing its fur. Su Li is not a dog type or cat type, but anything that looks and feels fluffy, she likes.

"So....soft... I'm calling you Snowy!"

She continue to hug the wolf until a soothing female voice sounded in her mind.

*Interface has finished loading*

*Hello, Host number: ######*

"Huh? who?" Su Li subconsciously let the wolf go and scanned her surrounding, but she found out that there was no one around.

*I am a guidance system designed for you*.

"Ah?" Su Li forgot that this is a game for a while because of how real everything feels.

"Then, system what are you used for?"

*Host, the system is a guide for you to get used to the game. I will give you quest that you can complete and so on*

"Oh... Then... do you have a name?"

*Sorry host, your Origin level isn't sufficient to view more information*

"Ah?, Origin level?"

*Yes, host, that is the Power level in this world*

"Oh... then, System?"


"How do I increase my cultivation level?"

*Host can increase her cultivation level by cultivating*

"Is it like those wuxia novels?"


*Indeed host, it's like that*

"Amazing!" Su Li's eyes are sparkling bright.

"Then if I'm stronger can I fly?"

*You can, host*

"Can I control elements?"






"Then how can I cultivate?"

*Host can learn cultivating from a master or become an independent cultivator by exploring ing by yourself*

"But, I don't even know how to get out of here"

*That furball on your feet can guide you*

"Eh?" Su Li looked at the wolf and asked, "Can you help me to get out of this cave?"

'Woof! woof!' the wolf jumped happily as if saying 'Yes! Yes!'.


*Host, I suggest the host gather all the flowers here first, it would help the host to cultivate*

"Ah, alright" Su Li stretches her hand to pick the flower. She picked a light blue one that she used to lay on. Picking it up, an interface pops out in front of her.

[Spirit Flower]

[Description: Helps with cultivating]

"Is this good?"

*It will help host a lot*

"Do I have to pick everything here?"

*Yes host"

"Oh, okay"

She started picking all the flowers.

a minutes later.

Her hands were already full of flowers.

"Umm... where should I out this"

*Host has a system bag*

"Really? where?"

*Please look at the system UI*

Su Li scanned at the system UI in front of her and saw a tab that say Bag. She want to tap it but her finger went through the UI.


*You only need to use thought to navigate through the interface*

"That convenient?" Su Li tried to use her thoughts to open the Bag tab and the screen flashed and show a lot of empty boxes.

"How do I store it?"



She thought to store the flowers and the flowers disappear from her hand and showed up in the bag.

[Spirit Flower x12]

"Great!" Su Li continue to harvest the flowers.

10 minutes later.

[Spirit Flower] x352

"Finally done!" he looked at his surroundings and suddenly felt bad. The past beautiful cave now became plains.

*Don't worry host, the flowers will grow again after some time*

"Really? that's great!"

"Then let's go out now" Su Li looked at the little wolf.

'Woof!' the wolf stayed and looked in one direction.

"Huh? what's the problem?" She follow where the wolf was looking at and found out that there's one flower untouched yet.

This flower is unlike the other one, not only it was golden in color it also has a sweet smell on it.

Su Li walked to the flower and picked it. Then a description of the flower pops out in front of him.

[Flower of Life]

[Description: ???]

"Why there's no description? system?"

*No data for the flower*

"What does that mean?"

*System knowledge is only limited to all of what the host knows, and a little of what the host didn't know*

"I see, then can you like... appraise this?"



*There were some people that is called alchemist in this game, they can probably appraise it for you*

"Is that so..."

"Well, let's forget about it for now"

"Let's get out of her first".