Growth Method

In the depth of the cave, Su Li is looking at the system interface while following the little wolf.


*I'm here*

"Why can't I open my status?"

*Because of some bugs, The system locks the host status, and to unlock it, the host needs to complete a special task*

"But I can open my bag just fine!"

*That's because the bug is only on the status screen*


"Then what task do I need to do?"

A faint screen showed in front of Su Li.

[Finding Identity]

[Task: Kill 10 being stronger than yourself]

[Reward: Full Status Opening, ???]

[Description: Who am I?]


"Stronger than myself?, but I don't even know how strong I am"

"Also, why there are question marks there?"

*No Data*




Su Li turned to look in front of her, at the end of the tunnel a white light is seen.

"We're almost out!" But just as Su Li was overjoyed, a big black wolf flash in front of her, blocking the exit.

'Grr,' the black wolf is glaring at Su Li.


*Host, please prepare for battle*

The joy expression on Su Li's face immediately turned serious.

"Now the game is officially started!" Just as she wants to confront the wolf, she remembers something.

"Ah!, I don't have any weapon!"

But the wolf didn't let Su Li think any further, It immediately rush toward Su Li. It immediately swings its claws at her. But, Su Li has a fast reaction so she barely dodges it and runs toward the exit.

"System, what should I do!?"

*Host may use her fist to fight*

"What? no way it can have any effect! look at its size!"

*Host can do it*


*Host can do it*

Hearing the system, Su Li gritted her teeth and turned to confront the rushing black wolf.

'It's just a game! if die then respawn!' Thought Su Li

The wolf quickly arrives in front of Su Li and swings its claw.

Su Li quickly dodged to the side, rushed toward its belly, and throw a punch.

When the punch hit, the wolf only stagger a few steps and then swing another claw.

This time, the claw is fast so Su Li cannot dodge and can put her arms to hold.

She was thrown away and hit the cave wall.

" hurts..."

She staggered to stand up and saw the wolf quickly closing in on her.

The wolf arrived in front of her and swing another quick claw at her.

"Come on!" This time Su Li didn't try to dodge, instead gritted her teeth and throw a punch.

A beast and a human is confronting each other. A claw and fist showdown.

At this time, Su Li entered a wonderful state, a freezing aura started to leak from her fist.

When the fist hit the claw, the wolf was thrown back a few meters and then a layer of frost started to form on the claw Su Li hit.

*Congratulation Host*

*You have awakened a hidden talent*

Su Li ignores it and focuses on the wounded wolf, although the claw is wounded, the wolf can still stand just fine.

'Grr', It once again rush toward Su Li and this time opened its mouth to bite her.

Su Li dodged to the side and hit the wolf on its eyes.

This time it was a normal punch so there's not much damage added and the wolf just struggled a few steps to the side.

"System!, how can I trigger the last punch?!"

*Host is the only one who knew how to do it*

"But!-" She was interrupted by a sudden body slam of the big wolf and thrown off to the wall again.

"Ah!" Blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

"Ugh..." she struggled to even stand up now.

"System?, This is the last time I can ask you, how can I punch like the last time!?"

*Host, you only need to repeat the feeling when throwing the punch*

*As for the rest, it was all on you, Host*

"The same feeling?" Su Li remembered, when she was about to punch at that time, she felt something flow toward her hands.

"Flow...., blood? no... ah! Qigong right?!" At this time, Su Li closed her eyes but truly cannot feel anything.

Su Li tried harder to feel the energy inside her body, as the wolf got closer and closer at her rapidly.

Just as the wolf was in front of her, Su Li open her eyes as she started to feel a strand of warm feeling flowing on her body. She then with the help of the system, guides it to her right fist.

At this time, the wolf already opened its mouth, ready to bite her.

At the same time, Su Li succeeded in guiding the qi to her right fist, and a freezing sensation started to flow out from her fist.

She saw the open jaw that was ready to take her head. At this time, she felt frighteningly calm, as if she was used to this. She then dodge to the left and fiercely hit the left eye of the wolf.

When the fist hit, the wolf was thrown far toward the cave wall, on the way the wolf head was starting to be covered with ice and quickly all of its head became an ice sculpture. When it hit the wall of the cave, the head explodes into thousands of small ice bits.

"Hah...hah...what...just happen?" Su Li felt tired, she cannot prop her body and fell butt first. A soothing female voice sounded in her ear.

*Congratulations Host, for the first kill*

*Now, the Host needs to pick a growth method*

"Growth method?*

*Yes, there are three growth methods*

*Host can only pick one and it cannot be changed*

*Please pick carefully*

*This growth method will be with the Host forever*

*Each has a different trait*

Then a faint screen pops up in front of her

*Please pick one from three options below*


[Experience can only be acquired with cultivating and finishing quest]

[Soul Points]

[Soul Points can be acquired by killing other beings and some other method]


[Devour, you can take parts or all of the strength of the creature you kill]

Looking at the faint screen, Su Li was contemplating on what to pick.

Until she saw one of the options shine gold for a split second, she saw it and then immediately picks it.