Status Screen

Seeing the woman in white, Su Li was dazed. That was because the woman gives off a slight comfortable feeling to Su Li and she felt a strange closeness with her.

The woman looks pretty young as well, if based on looks, she would be only a few years older than Su Li.

"Hmm...what are you being dazed for? the snake will be angry if you ignore it like that," said the woman, softly chuckling.

"Ah!" Now Su Li remembered that there is still a big snake. She woke up from her dazed state and was embarrassed after that she turned to look at the big snake.

But when Su Li saw the giant snake, she was stunned. That was because the snake looks really terrified, and what it feared seemed to be the woman beside her.

"Umm..." Su Li turned to look at the woman.

"Call me Sister," said the woman.

"Sister..." Su Li turned to look at the snake.

"Oh...right" The woman remember the event that just happened and turned to look at the snake.

"Don't worry, I won't interfere but, it would be bullying if I didn't do anything about your power difference so..."

The woman started walking to the snake. The closer they were, the more the snake bow its head. At the end, when the woman is in front of it, his head already touched the ground.

The woman touched the snake's forehead with her palm and said.

"I'll make the fight fair, although I won't make your strength equal, I'll make just a little higher than her strength... or maybe a little bit more.... let's make it a little challenging"

After a while of touching the snake's head, the woman retracted her hand.

"Alright then, you can fight"

"To make it fair for you, if you win then I will help you break through," The woman said to the snake.

The snake looked happy and looked at Su Li with a look as if it want to eat her whole.

The woman looked at Su Li and said "This is as much I can help you, as for the rest, you can only do it yourself"

Su Li understand what the woman did and couldn't help but be grateful.

"Thank you very much, SIster" Su Li bowed to the woman.

"Alright, if you can kill the snake, then it's his fate, otherwise then it's yours," said the woman waving her hand.

"I will try my best" Su Li nodded and solemnly turned to look at the snake.

The snake also looked ferociously at Su Li.

"Alright then, I'll leave you guys, don't destroy the forest too much, it's a pity for those mortals," The woman said, then she leaps into the air as her body turned transparent and then after a split second, she cannot be seen again.

'So powerful?'

Su Li and the snake still doing the staring contest. That was until a leave fallen to the ground that they lose their patience and start to charge at each other.

The snake opened its mouth, wanting to swallow Su Li whole.

Su Li quickly dodged to the side and give a punch. But a black shadow passes by and hits Su Li right on the stomach that made her thrown away and hit the tree. It was the tail of the snake.

Su Li couldn't stop it and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth that made her stunned.

'This effect is too real!' She wiped the blood with her hand and then stood up.

It hurts, but Su Li already used to it after fighting 8 creatures stronger than her. At that time, the pain is triple that of this, but she gritted her teeth and keep fighting.

That was because, if she can't handle this pain, she won't be able to pay back the money and she would lose this body she got and probably can't get it anymore.

Her eyes turned resolute and she chanted in her heart, 'Come on, I can do this!'.

The world will seem to hear her will and the pain in her body started to disappear and her strength started to rapidly grow.

The snake seemed to felt the change on her and couldn't help but felt a growing danger from her.

It immediately rushed toward Su Li once again and because it was in a panic, the attack pattern is the same as the first attack.

Su Li noticed this and instead of dodging, she stayed in place. She pressed his back against the tree trunk, waiting.

The snake didn't seem to care about what she wanted to do and because of panic, it rushed even faster.

When the snake was a few meters away, Su Li still patiently stayed.

Although the snake rushed toward her really fast, in Su Li's eyes, its speed is just like walking speed.

When they were a few inches away, the snake opened its mouth wanting to swallow her, and Su Li quickly dodged to the side.

The snake couldn't stop its advance and bit the tree trunk but because the tree was big, it stayed in place. At this time Su Li, after dodging to the side, hit the snake on its eyes and a layer of frost started to crawl through the snake's head. The snake noticed this and wiggle fiercely, trying to hit Su Li.

But Su Li didn't give it any chance. She hit its other eyes making it blind and repeatedly punched it with her frosty fist. After a while, the freezing temperature seemed to freeze the snake's brain and it stopped its struggle and dropped dead.

Su Li is fully tired and couldn't help but fell to the ground butt first. This is her first boss fight and she somehow felt excited but mostly tired

Although this is a game and she could respawn. The pain of getting hit is already really painful, she didn't want to know how it feels if she died.

After killing the snake, the system voice sounded in her mind.

*"Sky Black Python" has been killed*

*Rewarding Corresponding Soul Points*

*Because the "Sky Black Python" is 3 times stronger than you, Awarding Soul Points: 100*

*"Sky Black Python" is a miniboss, therefore, awarding 1 gold and 25 silver*

*Quest "Identity" is completed, and the corresponding reward has been given*

*Status Screen has been opened*

*??? has been acquired*

Su Li didn't care about the system, because the woman in white, right now standing in front of her without her noticing. But she doesn't care about that.

Su Li forcing herself to stood up and said "Thank you very much for your help, else I don't think I can kill it myself".

The woman smiled and asked, "Did you think I really help you?"

Su Li was confused and asked, "Didn't you? you took some of its power rights?"

The woman chuckled and said, "No, not at all. I was just bluffing just now"

Su Li was even more confused, "But the snake..."

The woman waved her hand, "The snake is using its full power from the very start"

Su Li was startled and couldn't help but ask, "But how can I...."

The woman interrupted her, "I never helped you, it was your own strength right from the very beginning".

"I came here because I felt a fluctuation of familiar strength here"

"Then I met you, trying to fight the snake"

"You won because the worlds give you their blessing"

"All I did is give you a little encouragement"

"As for why we can meet... it's probably fate"

Su Li didn't have any more questions. Still... Su Li bowed toward the woman.

"Umm... I know now, but still... thank you very much"

"If you didn't do that, I would probably didn't dare to fight it"

The woman waved her hand "As I said, no need, It is a fate that we met"

"Anyway, I'm late for my affairs. See you later"

Just as the woman turned, wanting to leave. Su Li remember something and couldn't help but stopped the woman.

"Sister wait!"

"Hmm?" the woman stayed in place and looked at Su Li.

"Umm... that... I'm actually a little bit lost" Su Li said embarrassedly.

When hearing what Su Li said, the woman laughed gracefully.

"Sister..." Su Li looked at the laughing woman and pouted.

"Alright alright, follow this light orb and it will take you to the nearest city" The woman stopped laughing and waved her hand, creating a light orb that spun around Su Li.

"Thank you very much, sister"

"Hmm... don't mind it. Farewell," The woman leaps into the air and disappeared from Su Li's vision.

"Ah wait!" But the woman seems to disappeared completely and didn't hear Su Li's shout.

Su Li forgot to ask her name. But the woman has is already gone, so she reminded herself in her heart that, if she sees her again, she would ask for her name.

"Anyway, my status is open now. I'm really curious!" Su Li opened her status menu with enthusiasm.

[Su Li]

Age: 18

Gender: Female.

Physique: Pure Yin Physique

Growth method: Soul Points, Worlds Seed(Special).

Soul Points: 110/10.

Cultivation level: Foundation 1.

[Innate Talent]

[Ruler of Frost]

You are the ruler of frost, every attack you made can have the power of frost, freezing everything and anything. You can only absorb yin energy, absorbing yang energy will damage yourself.

"Eh?, why did I already have a cultivation technique?"

"I don't know if this is good or bad, but it seemed good?"

"Wait, the soul point..., why is it over the limit?"

"Err... is it a bug?".

"Mmm... Well, let's go to town first and search for information"

"Wait, where is Snowy?", She looked around and can't find the shadow of the little white wolf.

"Did he return to the cave?".

"Probably, we met there, so its house is probably close".

"Well, since he doesn't want to come. I hope we can meet again". She looked at the dense forest and turned to the light orb.

Su Li looks at the light orb, and it seems to understand what she wants.

The light orb flew in one direction and Su Li followed it.