Huang Xue

Su Li is walking through the forest, following a small light orb. The blue hanfu she's wearing is dirty and pretty tattered after all the fight she done. And her hair is disheveled but it cannot hid her beautiful clear eyes.

She followed the light orb for a while and came across a huge gate.

"Finally!" Her eyes is sparkling looking at the huge gate as if looking at her father.

She sped up her pace and quickly arrived on the front of the gate.

The gate was guarded by 4 people. They looked really sloppy with their work and playing card outside the gate.

Su Li quickly slip past the gate, unnoticed by the guard or maybe they didn't bother to notice her. After entering, she marveled the bustling crowd inside.

Because it was really crowded, Su Li is like a needle in a ocean, unnoticed or probably they just didn't care about her. It was because Su Li clothes is so tattered and the dry blood made her clothes even dirtier.

So people thought that she was just a beggar and ignored her.

Su Li also didn't care and looked for the nearest inn.

On the way, she looked at people around her like searching for someone, but after a while she stopped looking around and quicken her pace.

After a while, she arrived at a pretty big inn called "Sleeping Heroes".

Su Li looked at the name of the inn and her mouth seemed to twitched a few times.

"Let's just go in first" Said the girl, then entered the inn.

On the counter, a girl around her height was sitting there. She walked toward the girl and asked, "Excuse me, how much for a room?"

The girl glanced at her and showed an expression of disgust.

"2 silver a night, food included. No bargain" Said the girl at the counter nonchalantly.

"Oh, okay" She knew that the girl at the counter didn't seem to like her, but this inn seems to be pretty good.

As for the money, she had 1 gold and 25 silver after killing the snake which turns out to be a mini boss.

"Here" She handed 2 silver to the girl.

The girl seemed to be surprised for a second, but returned to her own and took the money.

She then give Su Li the key to her room which is room #12.

Su Li took the key, go upstairs and proceed to go to her room.

The room was pretty spacious, it also had a bathroom and essentials furniture inside.

"Wow, this is a really good inn"

She look at herself in the mirror and finally understand why the girl on the counter looked at her that way.

"Too dirty!"

Luckily there is a personal bathroom here, but just as she wanted to go bathing, she remember a very important thing.

"I don't have any spare clothing"

"This game is really too realistic, if it torn, then the clothes need to be changed"

She thought for a while, then leave her room and goes downstairs.

But before that, she opened her inventory and take out all of the snake scale she had. The system told her that this scale would be useful so she take it without a second thought.

But her inventory was limited so she can only take some and buried the rest. It takes her about an hour to remove all its scale as for the meat. She take it all, weirdly it only take a few space on her bag since it stacked.

Su Li also cook some of its meat on the forest when she's hungry and it felt really good even without spices.

Now that she wanted to buy some clothing, she need to empty her inventory first. Which she put the scales below her bed.

Below, Su Li asked the girl on the counter on where is the clothing store were, and the girl answer grumpily.

She followed the direction pointed by the girl and arrived at a pretty big clothing store. The door of the store is pretty big such as 3 people can enter at the same time.

The door of the store is guarded by two big burly mans. They looks like an experienced soldier.

Marveling the huge and majestic clothing store for a while, she lift her foot toward the door.

But just as she wanted to enter, the guards on the door hold her back.

One of them rudely said, "What is this beggar doing here?"

And the other just as rude, "Do you think you can enter this prestigious store with your beggar look?"

The first man immediately said, "Turn around immediately lest things get messy!"

Su Li was confused as to why they didn't let her in but when she remembered her looks when looking at the mirror, she knew why.

"Umm, My clothes was dirty after training and I just wanted to buy a new one"

When the guards heard her, they sneered, "This kind of tricks won't work here, you better leave now or else!"


"Who is this beggar?" She was interrupted by a voice from behind her.

Looking back, it was a man. He is not too handsome but his clothes is full of jewel and gold. He had an arrogant look on his face.

He looked at Su Li in extreme disgust.

The guards greeted the boy, "Young master Lu, welcome".

Young master Lu arrogantly said, "Kick this beggar out of here, she's ruining my eyes!"

"Yes young master!" The guards said affirmatively and look at Su Li with hostile expression.

"Since you heard young master Lu you can get out of here right now, else we will use force!".

Su Li still unwilling, the store was just in front of her and now she was kicked out before she could enter.

"I'm just here to buy clothes!, what right do you have to kick me!"

"Still won't go away?!" The guards was getting angrier, just as the guards wanted to draw their swords, a voice interrupted them.

"Let her in", It was a really melodious voice, everyone that hear the voice couldn't help but got in a trance.

Su Li is also included, but only for a second. After regaining her consciousness, she look at the source of the voice.

It was a woman, she was not as beautiful as beautiful as Su Li but her beauty can be called just a little below her.

She had a fair white skin, blue hair and eyes, and a slender pink lips. Her expression is so cold that the temperature seemed to drop.

The guards turned around and bowed "Miss!"

"I never said to prohibit anyone to come in right?" The woman looked at them with cold expression.

"N-no miss, but..." The guard shivered.

"I told them to drive the beggar away" A voice interrupted them, it was the arrogant boy voice.

"Xue-er, if you always let these nobodies enter your store, its popularities will go down, I'm helping you. After all, we will be going to manage it together soon" The boy said amiably.

Hearing the man, the woman expression became even colder.

"Don't call me like that, we're not that close. Also, this store is mine alone, I don't remember giving it to you" said the woman.

The man ignored her hostile word and slowly said, "When we're married, I will also going to manage the store. This is only to show you my skills".

The woman turned even more colder that even temperature seemed to drop, "Skill?, making my store overall sale go down is?, And marriage?, that thing is those folk plan, not mine so don't talk to me about that anymore!"

"You, come inside" The woman turned to Su Li and beckoned her to come.

Su Li obediently followed the woman inside.

The arrogant man face is full of black lines.

"Just you wait, after the marriage, see if I don't discipline you!". The man murmured, then left.

-------------I am the most great dividing line!-------------

Inside the store,

Su Li followed the woman until they reached a room, this room is probably the woman's room. It looks big and really tidy.

She turned to look at Su Li, there is no coldness that she showed earlier, instead she gave off a really warm feeling.

"Sorry about earlier"

The woman smiled and said, "As compensation, you can freely choose a clothes to wear"

Su Li hurriedly waved her hands, "N-no need, it was fine".

"But I insist". The woman took her hands and pulled her toward the changing room.

"Wait here for a sec" The woman hurriedly leave the changing room.

Su Li didn't have a chance to stop her and can only awkwardly wait.

She looked around and couldn't help but marvel the luxurious room. She walked around and found out that there's even a bathroom here.

But soon after, the woman came back bringing mountains of clothes.

"Here, you can try some and take what you like"

"There's really no need, I can buy it from you" said Su Li hurriedly.

The woman waved her hand, "These clothes already too old, no one wants to buy them anyway".

Su Li also know she couldn't refuse the clothes.

"Thank you".

"Don't worry about, like I said, its a compensation" The woman waved her hand.

"Anyway little girl, I never see you around here. What's your name and Where are you from if I may ask?"

Su Li already thought about it before coming here and said, "My name is Su Li. I've just finished training at the forest and come here to rest"

"I see, then where are you staying now?"

"I'm staying at the inn on-"

The woman asked a few more question and Su Li answered it all.

"Alright, sorry for taking your time, you can choose your clothes now"

"You can clean yourself on the bathroom there"

She pointed the bathroom door. then the woman turned around, wanting to go out.

"Ah wait!" Su Li stopped the woman.

"Yes?" The woman stopped and turned to Su Li.

"Umm, that... I don't know your name yet sister"

"Oh, how forgetful I am. My name is Huang Xue, you can call me Sister Huang" Huang Xue answered gracefully.

"Then, thank you Sister Huang"

"Alright, choose your clothes carefully" She then left Su Li alone.

Su Li looked at the clothes on the table.

"Since there's a bathroom here, then let's bath first"

She entered the bath, she was worried on how to dry herself but luckily there's a towel inside.

In the bathroom,

It's a really big bathroom, it's size is triple of the changing room.

She took off her dirty clothes and entered the bath.

When her body entered the water she felt really comfortable she subconsciously let out strange sound.

"mm~ ha~"

"This felt really good"

"This can really made people think it's real..."

After bathing inside for a while, she came out and choose to wear a simple white clothes from the table.

After using it, she looked at herself in the mirror on the wall.

She never see her appearance after entering the game, but after seeing it, even she herself was dazed.

It not much different from her appearance on real world. But just a little change such as having breast and longer hair made a big impact on her appearance. Especially her skin, which even more suppler than before.

Her breast isn't big but its not small either, it's a perfectly balanced size that didn't bother her movement.

Her small pink lips is slightly open and her face is showing a shocked expression.

At this time, the door to the changing room is opened and a silhouette entered the room.