Bing er

The silhouette came closer to Su Li and quickly arrived behind her.

Su Li is still dazed by her appearance, she didn't know the creeping figure behind her.

The figure stretched her hands and squeeze Su Li's breast while shouting,

"Sister Huang I'm back!" The figure let out a lovely voice.

"Kyaa!!" Su Li quickly jumped, covered her breast, and turned to look at the one that has dirty hands.

"Who are you, where's sister Huang?" The figure asked.

It was a little girl, with a ponytail of black hair and a lovely pair of clear light-blue eyes. She had a chubby little face and coupled with her confused expression, the little girl looks really cute.

But when the little girl looked at Su Li's face, she was stunned and immediately became dazed.

Su Li look at the dazed expression of the little girl, lightly coughed, and couldn't help but asked, "who are you?"

But the little girl doesn't seem to hear her and was trapped on her own world.

Su Li had no choice but to come closer and lowering herself to the same height as the little girl and asked softly, "Little girl, can I ask who you are?".

Finally, the girl seemed to hear her and returned, but when she looks at the now super close Su Li, her face immediately turned red.

"Umm, sister fairy, sister Huang usually called me Bing er so sister fairy can call me that too!". Said Bing er shyly.

"Err..., I am not a fairy, my name is Su Li, so you could call me that too". Su Li felt embarrassed being called a fairy so she told the little girl.

But of course Bing er misinterpret her word and said happily, "Fairy Su er!" (A/n, Su er meant goddess, so the little girl called Su Li, the fairy goddess)

Su Li's face turned red and didn't mean it that way but it seemed it would make it worse to told her other things so she let her be.

"Anyway, it's just one person and it's also a little girl so maybe it's fine.... I guess?" She murmured.

The little girl didn't hear her murmuring and asked innocently, "Sister fairy, where is Sister Huang?"

"I also didn't know where she is" Su Li answered.

"Then how do sister fairy got here?"

"She just left me here," Su Li said helplessly.

"Oh, then..." Bing er just wanted to ask a question but a voice interrupted them.

"Binger, what are you doing here?" Su Li and Binger turned to look at the source of the voice.

Of course, if it not Huang Xue, who else could it be?.

Bing er eyes brightened when she sees Huang Xue. She then runs toward her and hugs her.

"Big Sister Huang!"

"I was just looking for you!" She happily said.

"You never told me you know a fairy, Big Sister Huang!" It was said in a coquettish manner.

Huang Xue is looking at the little girl in her hand with a helpless expression.

"I don't know any fairy, who told you that?" She asked.

"Then who is that fairy?" Bing er turned to look at Su Li and asked.

"Huh?" Huang Xue followed Bing er line of sight and saw Su Li.

She then also fell into a dazed state. But unlike Bing-er, she quickly regains her composure.

"A fairy indeed"

"If that guy realizes that she just called a fairy, a beggar. Then, he would probably bash his head on the wall", She looks at Su Li and gave a little smile that looks like a smirk.

Su Li's face immediately turned red once again from ear to ear.

"Sister Huang...", she gave a helpless look.

"Alright, enough teasing", Huang Xue calmed her.

"But you are really beautiful. Many will covet a beauty, especially a beauty like you. They would do anything and some can even do dirty tricks to make you surrender", She warned Su Li.

"so it would be better if you wore a veil"

"En, I got it, so... how much for a veil?" Su Li asked.

Huang Xue waved her hand, "No need, it's on me"

"But, I-" She wanted to decline but was quickly intercepted by Huang Xue.

"I want you to help me, so this is the least I could do"

"Umm...thank you..." Su Li could only agree, and she felt a warm feeling.

"Okay then, let me take the veil for you. You stay here" She said to Su Li.

She then turned to Binger that was still glued to her and showed a helpless smile.

"Binger stay here to accompany her a little bit okay?" Huang Xue said softly.

Bing er released her hug and said, "Okay!, I'll accompany Big sister fairy for you~"

Huang Xue nodded and then left. Now, only Su Li and Binger inside the room.

"Big sister fairy, where are you from?", Binger asked curiously.

"Hmm... I'm from a really far place", Su Li think for a while and then answered her question.

"How far?", Binger cutely tilted her head to the side and asked.

"Really far", Su Li answered seriously.

"Can I go there in the future?" Bing er asked.

"That... I don't know", Su Li felt guilty for lying to the girl, but she didn't know how to explain that she was a player and this world is just a game to the innocent Bing-er.

'or is it?', Su Li asked herself. She felt the game to be so real, especially the NPC and it's like they have their own emotion, just like humans. Su Li doubts that this can be done by even the highest technological AI.

"Oh... That's too bad...", Binger said dejectedly.

"But, there could be a chance, you can come with me to my home", Su Li comforted her.

"Really!?", Bing er's eyes immediately brightened.

"Yeah, really!", Su Li didn't want her to be sad so gave her an empty promise. She felt that this is wrong, but maybe... just maybe, she could give her a glimpse of her world. That way, this promise is not really that empty.

At this time, Huang Xue returned with a bunch of veils.

"What are you both talking about?"

"It's nothing! I was just asking sister fairy a few things", Binger said.

"Oh, I see", Huang Xue stroked her head.

"Here you go, pick whichever you like", Huang Xue turned toward Su Li and showed her different colored veils.

Su Li immediately choose the white-colored veil when she saw it.

After using it, although it covers some of her beauty. It also can make someone who sees her, itching to lift the veil and see her looks.

"Well, at least it looks better. And unless they are really stupid they won't bother you unless they know your identity" Said Huang Xue.

"And why is that?", Su Li asked, feeling pretty confused.

"Heh, even a beauty with a look that far below you usually are a disciple of a big sect, then what would they think if they see you?. So unless they are stupid, they wouldn't dare bother you"

"This is also my suggestion to you, you should enter a sect as soon as possible, and it would be great if it was a big one"

"If you cannot join a sect, then it's better to hide, lest it invites trouble upon yourself" Huang Xue gravely warned.

"You can also stay here if you want, I can take care of you and you could help me manage my store" She also suggested kindly.

Su Li felt warm and sweetly smiled, "Thank you very much, Sister Huang".

"Anyway, sister Huang. Who is that man just now, the one that said something about marriage?", Su Li asked curiously.

Huang Xue's expression immediately darkened.

"He was the descendant of Lu's family, Lu Wang. Our family made a matching with us. Of course, I decline, but he kept pestering me, and my family also forced me to marry him".

"Why did your family do that?", Su Li asked.

"The Lu family have a connection with the royal family on the capital which made my family wanted to use me to make some connection with the upper noble".

"Then, this shop..."

"I built this shop myself with the money I got from working part-time so that those old folk cannot claim any share on this store"

"Ah, that reminds me, which city are we?" Su Li still didn't know the city they were in and asked her.

"Hmm... Do you want me to explain everything on this empire?" Asked Huang Xue.

"Well, if it not to bothering" Su Li answered embarrassedly.

"Okay then, So right now, we are in the Celerian Kingdom"

"To make it clear for you, there are 5 cities in this Celerian kingdom. On the North, there is Lemurian city. On the west, there is Camira city. On the east, there is Poliuran City. On the south, there is, Maria city. And of course in the center is the central capital which called Celerian City"

"We are now in Maria city"

"Delirium kingdom is on the jurisdiction of Wang empire, Which also on the west of the empire capital"

"There's also four Kingdom that was in the jurisdiction of the Empire, which is the Ming Kingdom on the west, the Kerion Kingdom on North, and lastly, the Twin star kingdom which is the Staria Kingdom and the Xeria Kingdom was on the East, both of them are kingdoms created for war purpose, that is to hold the Xuan Empire on the East".

"The Xuan empire and Wang empire is hostile from each other from the time of the former emperor, they...".

Huang Xue keep explaining all the history of Xuan and Wang kingdom, and Su Li also listening attentively.

After a while,

"Do you get it now?", Asked Huang Xue.

"En, mostly", Answered Su Li, it's too much that there is some that she forgot.

"Well, that's fine. Just ask if you have another question" Said Huang Xue.

"Okay", Su Li nodded.

"By the way.... where's Bing er?" Huang Xue asked.

"Ah, there she is" Su Li pointed on the chair and table. There is a little girl sleeping on the side of the mountain of clothes on the table.

Both of them came closer and Huang Xue gently wake her up.

"Mmm, Sister Huang, is it done?" Bing er is still sleepy, she rubbed both of her eyes with her hands and faintly said.

"Don't sleep here Bing er, go to my room", Said Huang Xue softly.

"Okay....", Bing er nodded and left the changing room.

Huang Xue then turned to Su Li and said.

"It's almost late, stay here for the night"

"It is safer for you to stay here, especially with your appearance", Huang Xue suggested.

"Mmm..., okay", Su Li also know the effect of her appearance and can only nod.

"But I need to take my stuff I left on the Inn" She remembered the scale she left under the bed.

"Do you want to be accompanied?", Huang Xue asked worriedly.

"Mm... no need, the Inn is pretty close from here. So, I'll be fine", Su Li reassured.

"Okay, be careful". Huang Xue reminded.

"Alright" Su Li nodded.

Su Li then left the clothing store.

She walked for a while and found the inn she was planning to stay on.

From outside, you can already see that the inside of the inn is really crowded.

When Su Li entered, she immediately became the center of attention.

Usually when people saw a beauty, they would surround her and ask this or do that.

But no one dared to make a move. That was because right now, Su Li is unconsciously let out a cold aura, coupled with her holy and ethereal look, no one dared to approach her.

Seeing that everyone didn't dare to approach her, 'Sister Huang is right, they would be afraid if they didn't know my background' She thought.

She smoothly came in front of the counter because everyone make a way for her to pass.

Even the girl on the counter, gulped when she saw her and politely asked, "Umm, is there anything you want miss fairy?"

Su Li frowned when she called her fairy, but quickly return to her cold expression. 'Let's just ignore it, it's not harming'.

The girl on the counter shiver when she saw Su Li frowned. But when she saw Su Li returned to her cold expression, she secretly let out a sigh of relief.

"I just want to take my stuff, no need to bother" She glanced at the girl and proceed to go upstairs.

When the people didn't saw her anymore, they breathed heavily.

"Who is that girl, she only stand there and she suffocated me with her aura"

"Is she a disciple of a big sect?"

"Most probably, my nephew entered a small sect and I see him everyday, and he did gave out a feeling of pressure but I never saw him giving out an aura of pressure as that girl"

"That's right, it's too strong!, and most importantly, I felt really cold"

"Me too!"

"So am I!"


---------------Chatterbox dividing line!----------------

Su Li didn't know that, she have become a gossip material for the people below.

She arrived in her room, taking the snake scales and left.

When she got downstairs the chatters stopped and once again, they focused on the fairy-like girl, Su Li.

Su Li ignored their stare and walked to the counter, she then gave the key to the girl on the counter and leave.

When the girl looked at the key that has #12 on it, quickly remember the dirty girl that came on that day, and she got a cold sweat.

"Did I just offend her?" She murmured. She wanted to stop Su Li and apologize but Su Li have already gone when she goes out.

"I can only hope the fairy is kind-hearted and forgot about me", She doesn't felt good, but she didn't know where to find the fairy and can only pray for forgiveness.

------------I am just a normal dividing line------------

Su Li is walking on the street,

Many people turned to look at her and couldn't help but talking among themself.

"Hey, who is that girl, even though she wear a veil, I'm sure she's beautiful!"

"Of course!, if you look at her manner you can already tell she's a highborn"

"But where did she came from?, I never saw her around here"

"A traveler?".

"But I heard the sects going to recruit disciple soon. Is she from those sects?"

"I think so"


Su Li ignored those gossips and quicken her pace to the clothing store.

But she didn't go far when a voice called out to her from behind.

"This sister fairy, please wait a minute!"