Back to Reality

"This lady, please wait a minute"

The voice that called her is a man voice but it sounds slightly immature.

Su Li turned to look at the source of the voice and saw 2 men and a little boy. Two of them are wearing military clothing, at a glance you can see that they were a guard.

As for the little boy in the middle, he used normal clothing but you can immediately know that he's highborn and seems like it was him that called her.


"Umm, that... I just wanted to ask", the little boy embarrassedly scratches his head.

"Is the fairy come from a sect?"

"You think?", Su Li responded coldly, but inside she's actually panicking.

"Wah..., then you really are right?!", the boy's eyes seemed to sparkle.

"...No", Su Li doesn't like to lie, especially to a child, so she answered truthfully and left.

When the boy heard her his eyes dimmed a little bit, but he quickly regains his composure and followed Su Li.

"Sister fairy, I heard the sects will go to cities to find disciples and will open a sect entrance test, will you also participate?", The boy asked.

'Sect entrance test? this is a good thing, I'm still thinking about how to enter a sect but I guess my worries are not needed', Su Li thought.

"When?", Su Li asked. She didn't like to speak talk at length with strangers.

"I think I heard people say that it would be when the heaven chosen arrived at cities!"

"Heaven chosen?"

"It was what we call people from another world. I heard that they cannot die so we called them heaven chosen!" when the little boy talks about the 'heaven chosen', he was really excited.

"I see... and so, why are you following me?" Su Li asked.

"Err, nothing! I just wanted to accompany sister fairy for a while...", said the boy while scratching his head.

"No need, you can leave now", Su Li said.

"Umm... then I will leave now sister fairy, be safe!", The boy bowed once and then left with the two guards.

------I am an unimportant walking time dividing line!-------

After walking for a while, she arrived again at the clothing store.

Inside, Huang Xue already waited for her.

"I already readied your room, come with me", Huang Xue said and turned around.

"Ah, okay", Su Li followed.

After a while, they arrived at a door.

"This would be your room okay?".

"Umm, sister Huang, why are you so kind to me?", Su Li asked.

Huang Xue paused for a while and said.

"I have a little sister, she died because of illness".

"If she didn't die, then she probably is at your age".

"Me being kind to you probably just to satisfy myself", Huang Xue said with a self-blame smile.

"Oh, umm... I'm sorry", Su Li felt bad for her.

"It's fine, I also said it didn't I? I still need you to do a task for me", Huang Xue waved her hand.

"What task it that you want to ask me?", Su Li is curious about this task she said.

"Hmm... let's talk about it tomorrow, it's already late", Huang Xue didn't say it and told her to rest.

"Oh, okay then", Su Li nodded.

Huang Xue left and Su Li entered her room.

The room was pretty simple, but the decoration is really pretty.

"Wow...", She marveled at her room and then sit at the corner of the bed.

"Now that I realize it, I didn't seem to be that tired", Su Li felt weird for herself.


*Yes host?*

"Why didn't I get tired, even when I fight those beasts, I only felt a little exhausted but after a while, I'm energetic again"

*That was because the world is giving the host, energy. so unless the host exhausted the world energy on the host body, the host will never get tired*.

"I see, but I'm really curious about this world energy, I never felt anything all this time so how do they bless me?".

*Host, it's like how host breathes, so every time host breathes the world energy will enter host body*

*So unless the host stopped breathing then it will not stop*

"Oh...", Su Li understood and stopped asking.

"I already played for so long, it's probably already past dinner time..."

She lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a while.

"This place, it felt really nice...".

She then closed her eyes and logged out.

-------------I am a perspective dividing line-------------

Huang Xue goes back to her room.

She saw Binger that slept on the bed and smiled.

She came to her side and gently rubbed her head.

"Mmm..., I don't want to eat anymore...", Binger felt the touch and mumbled in her sleep.

When Huang Xue heard her, she lightly chuckled and goes to the desk on the side.

On the desk, there's a book and a doll.

The doll looked really old and there's a lot of stitches on it.

She lifts the doll and hugs it tight.

After a while, she put it back in its place and a cold gleam flashed in her eyes.

"Don't worry Xiaoyue. It won't be long..., I will make every single one of them pays!".

--------I am the brother of the perspective dividing line--------

A while ago, when Su Li left, the boy is staring at her back.

"Your highness, are you interested in that girl?", One of the guards asked.

The guard on the side is curious as to why his young master is interested in the girl.

"You guys don't get it and I won't explain", The boy waved his hand. Right now, he is giving off the majestic aura of a ruler, unlike the little boy temper he showed Su Li.

"Anyway, what is my family said about the matter I told you?", The boy asked one of the guards.

"They quickly denied it and told you to come home quickly", The guard answer affirmatively.

"Hehe, they are scared. But I won't return!", a cold gleam flashed in the boy's eyes.

"No one followed you after that right?", The boy asked.

"None your highness. I even took lots of detours then came here".

"Good, just wait when I become stronger. I will take back what is mine!", His aura skyrocketed and even the guards and pedestrians passing felt breathless.

"Y-your highness please calm down".

"Ah", The boy calmed down.

"What is your highness planning with the girl just now?", The guard asked.

"I'm just admiring her", The boy shook his head.

The guard didn't believe it but didn't ask for more.

"Let's go, there's still a lot we need to do", The boy walked away and gestured for the guard to come.

The boy looked at the sky with and sorrow flashes through his eyes for a second.

"If you still alive, then you're probably the same age... sister"

"Sister, it won't be long, I will definitely make them pay for what they've done!". He mumbled. The boy's face looked ruthless but he quickly returned to his normal expression.

The guards on the side didn't notice their young master's change of expression nor his mumbling and followed him closely.

-------I am the back to the main character dividing line-------

Su Li opened her eyes.

What greets her vision is a white ceiling.

She stood up and felt empty for a moment.

That's right, 'she' once again become 'he'.

He felt down and blank, but his mom's voice on the door wakes him up.

"Su Li, are you awake?"

"Yes mom"

"Dinners ready, come downstairs"

He looked at the time and realize that it just passed 7 hours since she played.

"Umm, I will come down in a minute!"

"Okay, don't be too long"

Su Li then heard footsteps walking away from his door.

Su Li sat in front of his computer and turned it on.

He goes to the "UP" forum and saw lots of posts.

"This game is insane!"

"I played for a few hours and only one hour pass in the real world!"

"The NPC is also really smart, we can ask them and if it not privacy they will answer!"

"Apparently we are called the "Heaven Chosen" here!"

"It's a great name, it felt like we are being worshipped"

"Too bad there's no mail system in the game"

"There is no mail system here, you can only send mail by giving money to the beastmaster and they will send a bird or other beast to send the message!"

"You can also buy mail beast but it's really pricey"

"This game is too realistic, I don't know what the maker thinks!"

"There is no restriction in this game, I just saw a pervert touch a girl's butt and there's no punishment!"

"The post on the top is a lie! you will be zapped by lightning if you bother people's privacy! I already tried!"

"The NPC is also scheming! be careful when buying things at the store, I was scammed 10 bronze when buying a rock that they say was spirit stones!"

"Poster on the top, that can only happen because you are stupid, don't buy something you don't know idiot, also how can spirit stones be that cheap!"

"HUH! Wanna fight? just as you know I am the great VolcanoEruption!"

"Heh, come here, my name is SilentLightning"

"Meet later at cities you pup"

"I'm not afraid of kitties"

"OMG, 2 rankers are going to fight?"




"Too much hype meter, I cannot count it anymore!"

Su Li is reading earnestly at the post that might help her. But as she read down, all she sees is just talking about the fight between two rankers.

"What are these rankers?", Su Li is curious so he searched for them.

Turns out, It was the top 100 people that have the highest cultivation in the game.

"I see, hmm?", Su Li looks at the guy that has the highest cultivation level and it only says body tempering 4th level.

"Eh? but...", He was confused because, in the game, he was already a body tempering 9th level, but he didn't enter the rankings.

It was only later that he knows that this ranking was made by players.

"So it's pretty unreliable huh".

He's thinking that if someone didn't tell them their strength, but they are powerful and then peoples offend them, then they can only pray to themself.

At this time, his phone started ringing.

It was a message and the sender was Xiao Ling.

It says, "Su Li how is the game?"

"It was great", He answers.

"Which town are you right now?", Xiao Ling asked.

"I'm in the cities called Maria city", Su Li answered.

The phone was silent for a while. Then the phone notification sounded.

"How can you be in the cities already?!"

"I also didn't know myself"

"We can only go to cities after we reach the body tempering 5th level! tell me honestly, what cultivation level are you now?"

"Body tempering 9th level", Su Li answer truthfully.

"Are you kidding me?!, Even the highest one is still at 4th level! how can you already at 9th level?!".

"That's what I want to ask too...".

"Is it a bug?"

"Do you want to report it?"

"Of course not dummy! we actually hit the jackpot!", Xiaoling said.


"Just think, if you were in the 9th level, then no players can beat you! we can be invincible!"

"Also, right now in terms of information about the city, you are the first!"

"Now tell me, is there any good information you got on the city?"

"I heard that there would be sect entrance sect on every city", Su Li remembered the little boy saying.

"Really?! when?"

"It's when players enter the cities I think"

"Eh? they didn't count you?"

"Hmm... probably they need a lot of players to enter first", said Su Li.

"Indeed, I think you're right"

"Anyway, you gather intelligence there a lot ok? this so that our guild can prosper!"

"Wait, what guild?", Su Li is confused.

"Of course the guild I just made! it would be named Snow Flowers!"

"... I guess I'll try"

"Ok then, I have things to do. See you later Su Li!"

Her name on the chat then dimmed.

"I wonder how is Li Yun is doing in the game"

He looks for Li Yun's name and saw that it was lighted up, he taps it and sends a message that says.

"Li Yun, how are you doing in the game?"

Just a second later a reply came.

"I'm okay, what about you?"

"I'm fine too"

They are sending messages to each other, Li Yun asked some stuff and Su Li answered, the content of the question is pretty much the same as what Xiao Ling questions.

"En, then we will meet later in the city"

"Alright then, see you"

Su Li closes his phone and shutdown his pc, he then proceeds to go downstairs.

Su Li looked at the table that was already full of food and couldn't help but feel hungry. He already played for 7 hours, it made her really hungry.

Su Li was questioned by his father about the game and he answered honestly.

They talked about a few more things, Su Li's mom looked at this pair of father and son and couldn't help but smile.

Their relationship is getting better and better, now Su Li can talk casually with his father.

After dinner, Su Li returned to her room.

There's a time where you cannot play the game, so she cannot play even if she wants to,

So she lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and sleep.