
Su Li was still sleeping. The morning sunlight penetrated the thin white curtains and landed on his face. Feeling the heat of the sunlight, he didn't have a choice but to wake up. He got out of bed and goes to the bathroom.

He washed his face and look at the mirror. He saw a beautiful face and felt something was different. But his face looks about the same. Except for his face being rosier, he didn't feel any changes.

"Is it just my feeling?", He looked confused.

"Forget it, probably just my feeling", He didn't really care about it and just throw it out of his mind.

He did his usual morning activities such as bathing and cleaning his room. After that, he goes downstairs and saw his mother making breakfast.

"Su Li, you wake up early, breakfast is almost ready, just wait for a minute", Su Li's mom smiled at him.

"Okay mom", Su Li answered.

He looked in a direction and saw his dad is sitting on the couch looking at a card.

"Dad?", Su Li called.

"What?". Su Li's dad turned towards him.

"What are you looking at?", Su Li was curious with the card on his dad's hand.

"It's a passport, we're going today".

It was only now Su Li remember, his parents will go abroad.

"Did both of you really have to go?", Su Li's eyes dimmed a little.


Su Li was reluctant, but he knows he cannot changes this. The atmosphere in the room seems a little gloomy. It was until Su Li's mother called them that the gloomy atmosphere disappears.

The morning breakfast of the family is silent, after finishing Su Li's father called him to sit with him on the couch while Su Li's mother washed the dish.

"When your mother and I go, you need to take care of yourself", Said Su Li's father.

"I got it".

"As for money, I saved a few hundred on your saving so you can take it from there".


"...I haven't given you any present right?", Su Li's father took a blue box from his pocket.

"...", Su Li opened the blue box and saw a silver necklace with blue gems embedded on it.

"I thought you didn't like it when I'm so girly", Su Li looked at his father confusedly.

"...Since it's your choice then none can turn it back, besides...", Su Li's father looked at his 'daughter' from top to bottom.

"I don't see anything that is not girly from you", Su Li's father let out a sigh.

"So, do you like the gift?".

"...Like it", Su Li smiled and put the necklace on himself.

"If you ever miss us then that will make you remember".

"Alright, thank you father".

"It's good", Su Li's father rubbed his head and Su Li enjoy it a lot.

Su Li's mother looked at them being so affectionate and smiled.

"Well, we need to get ready, you go do your thing, we'll tell you when we're leaving".

"Okay", Su Li nodded.

He goes upstairs and entered his room. The game has opened but even if it is Su Li won't enter because he wanted to search for some more information about the game.

So He sat down in front of his computer and turned it on. He opened the browser and searched for the game forum. Just a day of its opening and there are already about 5 billion comments on the forum.

Su Li opened the hottest post which said, "Shocking!, the time in the game is 3x the real-world time". This is true because he feels it himself how he played for so long and only 7 hours have passed. This post got around 2 million comments on it, such as.

"It's true!. I counted the time in the game and I played for about 24 hours!, but when I got out, only 8 hours have passed!".

"The comment above, how much of trash you are for playing for 27 hours?".

"The comment above+1, do you wanted to die that badly?".

"The comment above+2, did you just have a breakup with your girlfriend?".

"The comment above+3, did your family disowned you?".

"All the comments above, you guys are heartless!"

Su Li looked at the comment and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He shook his head and open another post.

"There's no pain reduction. Is it a bug?"

"I'm the same as well, when I prick my hand with a sword it hurt like hell!"

"It's not a bug, I already tried to send the report to the game company but they said that it was one of the features that make this game unique. They wanted to make it as realistic as possible".

"That's crazy! people won't last long playing that way!".

"That, I already write it on the report and they said, "It was our loss if we don't play". I don't know what they're thinking!".

"I am planning to quit"

"Me too!"

Su Li looked at the bad comment of the game and couldn't help but think about how he would earn money if all of those people quit?.

He then scrolled on other comments as well.

-------I am the sister of the perspective dividing line-------

Su Li's father and mother are sitting on the bed in their room.

"Do we really need to leave her?", Su Li's mother asked her husband.

"We have to leave now. They really needed our help, and it's been 18 years since we're leaving".

"But, what if she's hurt, you know she has a weak mentality".

"Believe in her. She's already grown up, she will know what to do".

"Besides..., she's my so- err daughter! there's no way she would be weak!".

"Humph, if she really hurt, then you will take all the blame!".

"Also, I haven't count the score the last time you hit me!".

"Honey, honey that was an accident... I need to be a strict father in front of her...", Su Li's father's face looks pale immediately.

"I don't care, wait until I told my family about this, see if they will fix you".


-----I am the little brother of the perspective dividing line-----

Back in Su Li's room,

He diligently scrolled down to search for useful information in the forum.

"Demon beast, weird NPC,... not that much useful information I can get".

"What is this..., refiner?", a post drawn his attention.

"What is it?", He clicks on the post and it showed lots of comments.

"equipment is made by the refiner. I met one accidentally when doing a task, and have the luck to watch them make one!"

"Comment above, did they give you the equipment?".

"Sadly, no. They say it's too expensive to give away".

"How much is it anyway?".

"Around 10 gold for the first level".

"So expensive? I'm having a hard time getting silver!"

"Being a refiner must be nice, we can be rich easily!"

"Yeah, but too bad, they need someone to be talented on fire and earth elements"

"Err, will just fire element do?"

"No, they said they need both to be a refiner".



Su Li looked at the comment below and there's so much cursing word, so he closes the post.

"Refiner huh, by the way... how do you identify your elements?".

He searched for it on the forum and found 4 posts about it, he clicked the top one.

"oh, so there's a testing ball on the town... but I'm already at the city tho..."

"I don't even know if there's one in the city..., maybe I could ask Huang Xue about this".

At this time, a knock sounded from his door. And his mother's voice sounded from behind it.

"Su Li, we're going to leave soon".

"Ah, mom wait for me!", He opened the door and saw both his mother and father with a suitcase.

"Can I enter?", asked his father.

"Yeah", He goes to the side and lets his parents enter his room.

His father entered and saw his computer, he looked at what Su Li's browsing.

"You want to be a refiner?", He looked at Su Li and asked.

"Oh, ah yeah... they said it's easier to earn money as a refiner".

"... I see, then work hard".

"I heard that there's also an alchemist profession in the game, the profession also made lots of money", Su Li's father thought about it and told Su Li.

"Really? eh, but... I still haven't checked my element yet. So I probably cannot take the profession".

"Also, when I attack it's always the ice element I got, so my element is probably ice".

"Who knows, there's always a miracle", his father's eyes seemed deep and can saw through him.

"Anyway, we're going to go now", his father left the room and goes downstairs with his wife.

"Ah, I'll accompany you guys to the door", Su Li followed them.

--------------I am the places dividing line--------------

At the front door, a black car has waited for Su Li's parents.

"Father, which airplane did you and mother board on?", Su Li asked his father.

"Amadeus Flight B12", His father shortly answer.

"I see, then have a safe trip!", Su Li waved his hand and send his parents off.

He watched his parents leave for the airport inside the black car, until they disappear from her vision that, he entered the house and lock the door.

"Hmm... it's been too long, Sister Huang must be waiting for me".

He went upstairs and entered his room. He looked at his phone and saw a message from Xiao Ling and Li Yun.

"Su Li, I'm already in the fifth-level! I will meet you in Maria city! I already told Li Yun about it". This is Xiao Ling's message.

"Su Li, I'm already in the fifth-level, Xiao Ling already told me that we will meet at Maria City, I will see you there".

"Okay, I'll meet you guys there", He replies to both of them.

He turned off his computer that was still running, took the game terminal, lay on the bed, and entered the game.