
Su Li opened his eyes in the unfamiliar room.

He remembered that this is the room he logs out of the last time. Then this means that he already entered the game again and he again becomes she. This time, everything felt very natural, as if this body was his from the very start.

Turning around, Su Li turned around to see someone else laying on the side of the bed and was staring at her. Looking at this person made Su Li surprised, it was Xiao Ling that lay beside her.

She then remembered that she did sleep together with her here. Su Li's face immediately turned cherry red. She didn't think of this the last time and only thought of logging out.

"Hmm... Su Li, is your body okay now?", Xiao Ling asked.

"I think so, it doesn't hurt anymore", Su Li forgot about the pain from the last time, and she becomes surprised that she didn't feel any now.

"Well, it's good. Sister Huang has prepared breakfast, she did come here but you still "asleep" so she told me to tell you this after you woke up", Xiao Ling told her and then got up from the bed.

"Uh... ok...", Su Li also slowly got up from the bed.

"Are you sure it's fine?", Xiao Ling asked again.

"Mhm, I think it's good now", Su Li tried to move around even doing a short jump to check if her bodily function is working properly.

"That's great then, anyway don't be too reckless next time or I would be forced to tie you to a wheelchair and push you around", Xiao Ling said with a smile. But to Su Li, this smile looks a lot like a devil smile.

"Y-yes I got it", Su Li shivered and nodded repeatedly.

"Good! let's go then", Xiao Ling still had the same smile and lead Su Li outside.

When the sunlight hit her, it felt very blinding. She stayed there for a while, also covering the sun with her hand, letting her eyes get used to the light.

After a while, she finally able to see clearly and found the sceneries outside.

Right now, they were at the mountain, just below the peak. But even so, the sceneries are still very livid and very refreshing, especially the green color of the forest with the blue sky.

"Well, it's beautiful isn't it?", Xiao Ling's voice came from her side, turning around, Su Li found her looking at her with a smile, though this time, this smile felt lively. Unlike the demonic smile the last time.

"It is beautiful, so this is sister Huang sect...", Su Li looked around and found out that not only the sceneries are beautiful, even the houses around are also very artistic looking.

"Let's not make her wait for too long, besides, this is not the same as last time", Xiao Ling talks about this is not a game anymore which means everyone is real, including Huang Xue.

"Everyone is real...", Su Li repeated and remembered, didn't this means she killed peoples before?. So she froze in place, thinking about it over and over.

"Su Li?", Xiao Ling noticed her strange expression and asked worriedly.

"...I...killed?", Su Li repeated again and again. It's not the feeling of killing that made her uncomfortable. Instead, not feeling anything after killing someone made her uncomfortable. Is she a born killer?.

"Su Li?", This time Xiao Ling came to her and shakes her around.

"Ah...", Su Li wakes up from her delusion, it felt like a nightmare daydream for a second.

"What happens?", Xiao Ling asked again.

"I... Xiao Ling, everyone is real right? didn't this mean, the guy last time...", Su Li said but didn't finish her word. But even so, Xiao Ling understood right away, and realization struck her.

"I'm sorry, Su Li, I shouldn't have reminded you", Xiao Ling hugged her and apologize.

"No... it's not your fault, I would remember sooner or later anyway, there's no difference", Su Li shakes her head.

"...Are you okay?", Xiao Ling asked worriedly.

"I... don't know, it's not the killing part that scared me... It's just... I didn't feel any remorse for the killing, and that scared me so much", Su Li told Xiao Ling her worries and hugs her back tightly.

"...", Xiao Ling became quiet. She also blames herself, if she were stronger would Su Li have to kill someone?. No, if she were stronger, she would kill any enemies Su Li have before they can hurt her. Not mentally, or even physically hurt her Su Li.

Maybe Li Yun's decision was correct, to go somewhere far so that maybe she could help Su Li one day, but what about her? can she become stronger for her?.

"...Xiao Ling, I think I'm okay now, we shouldn't let Huang Xue wait for too long", Su Li let go of her hug and said with a weak smile.

"Are you sure? you don't need to force yourself, I can bring the food here if you want", Xiao Ling said with worries for her.

"Hmm... I'm fine don't worry", Su Li shakes her head and said.

"...", Xiao Ling can only be quiet and lead the way.

The place they're going to is only a few steps away, it was the private kitchen of Huang Xue. She owned this place for herself and maybe for her mother too.

Walking inside the kitchen, Both of them saw a message saying: The food is on the pan, sorry but I have something to do.

"I guess she's pretty busy, I wonder what did she cook?", Xiao Ling opened the cover of the pan and a bomb of fragrance hit their nose, making both of them drooled.

Su Li herself is a foodie, so smelling the fragrance of the food makes her mood brighten up.

"Well, just sit over there, I will get the food to the table", Xiao Ling pointed at the table where the message was and Su Li obediently followed.

"Here you go", Xiao Ling gave her a bowl of the food. Looking at the food, it's like a meat stew coupled with a few mushrooms and vegetables.

Su Li immediately dives into the food, weirdly despite not eating in this world for 3 days, she didn't feel hungry, if not for this food smells and tastes good, she might not eat at all.

Xiao Ling however even though the speed of her eating is only a little below Su Li but she still does it with elegance. Probably because she does it all the time that it became a habit of her.

After a while, two empty bowls were left on the table and Su Li moaned with satisfaction. ( A/n: It's not a dirty moan!).

"It tastes so good, I would love to eat it again if not for it's so fulfilling, I already felt full after eating just a bowl", Su Li rubbed her slightly bulging belly.

"Me too, it was really good", Xiao Ling nodded with a smile. And she's also relieved that Su Li now forgot about the problem of killing.

"Mmm... Let's go for a walk after this, I want to look around the sect", Su Li suggested.

"Yeah, I also haven't gone around the place so this is a good chance", Xiao Ling nodded.

Since it's decided. After digesting their food, they left for a walk.

On the way, Su Li remembered that she haven't bathed yet so she suggested to Xiao Ling to search for a bathing place together since there's none on Huang Xue's house.

Though they did try to find the bath, they went across a room that seemed to have a dispute instead.

"Just accept it, I can be the sect master better than you, not only that, the elder respect me more", The harsh voice of a man came from the room.

"Then why didn't they say it themself, it's not like I didn't know what you're trying to do", Then a woman's voice sounded.

"Just like I said, you just have to obey me and let your daughter married my son, that way, this sect can last against others", The man's voice sounded again.

"Don't even dream of it!", The woman rejected.

"Say, we won't need to hear this dispute if you agreed, I mean, even if you're useless, I can marry you if warm my bed at night hahaha", This time, it's a younger voice of a man.

"You! I prefer to die than to marry you", Another younger woman's voice sounded, and the voice sounds familiar... It was Huang Xue's voice.

With impulse, Su Li entered the room.

Inside, She saw Huang Xue with a woman and on the other side, he saw a bearded middle-aged look man and a young man.

Huang Xue looked her way with a surprised expression.

"Su Li? what are you doing here?".


In the real-world, 'Su Li', is walking around the house, still feeling confused.

Where is this? he thought to himself.

Accidentally, Xiao Ling's father comes home at this time and saw 'Su Li' roaming around the house like a headless bird.

"Su Li, what are you doing at this hour?", Xiao Ling's father asked.

'Su Li' looked around and found no one other than himself and Xiao Ling's father and then pointed at himself and asked, "Me?".

"Alright, are you guys doing a prank? where is Xiao Ling, is she around", Xiao Ling's father thought that Su Li was joking and were pranking him.

But even so, "Su Li" still felt confused and asked.

"... Who is Su Li?".