This is Good Bye

"Su Li? why are you here?", Huang Xue stood up and came up to her, looking worried.

On the other side, the young man that was arguing with Huang Xue a minute ago was now looking at Su Li from top to bottom with lecherous eyes.

Su Li didn't use her veil since she forgot about it, so her beauty is in full vision of the people inside and even the old man of the boy was surprised by her beauty.

"Are you okay now?", Huang Xue worriedly asked, ignoring all the people in the room.

"Um, I'm fine now. But sister Huang, I... heard you shouting, is everything okay?", Su Li shakes her head and asked.

"It's nothing don't worry about it, you should leave now", Huang Xue denied it and immediately told them to leave, afraid if an unexpected problem arises.

And it did, the young man immediately stands up and approaches them. From when he started walking till he arrived at their place, his eyes never move away from Su Li.

He then started talking to her like an old friend, "Su Li is it? nice to meet you my name is Zhao Jin, you must be the one she brought in four days ago right?", He then stretched his hand, wanting to shake hands with her.

Of course, seeing that Huang Xue is pretty hostile with him, Su Li didn't really want to get acquainted with him. But it would be rude not to answer right? what if it becomes a problem?.

So Su Li stretched her hand, wanted to answer with courtesy, but a hand stretching between them, preventing both hands to get close.

"My friend is none of your concern, you can leave with your dirty hand", Huang Xue hissed, she looks like a chicken protecting her chicks from the bad hand of a human.

Zhao Jin's expression immediately turns from smiling to a hideous angry expression. He turned back to his father and said, "Looks like we can't cooperate with them. What should we do?", He said with an evil grin on his face.

His dad also answered with an evil smile, "Of course, we'll take everything by force!". Then Immediately, dark shadows started to appear around the place.

It was so much that even Huang Xue's mother was sweating.

"It's been a while Huang Li", 2 more shadows appeared in front of them, one of them speak to Huang Xue's mom.

"You... Zhao Shu do you know what you're doing?", Huang Xue's mother angrily pointed at Zhao Jin's father.

"What did I do? tell me", Zhao Shu only smiled carefreely while stretched his hands to both sides gestures, like saying 'I don't know what you're talking about '.

"Colluding with the dark force, shouldn't you be ashamed?!", Huang Li was pissed by his behavior.

"If I win, who cares! it's not like anyone would know", His smile then turn hideous, while he said with a crazed expression.

"W-what are going to do?", Huang Li asked, though this time, a little bit of fear was heard in her voice.

"I give you 2 options, follow us or die", Zhao Shu offered.

"Then I would rather die", Huang Li said rather shakily. She was scared but she also tried to uphold her principle.

"Hehehe, that little girl from last time have grown isn't it?", Zhao Shu seems to be discontent with her answer. So he looked toward Huang Xue and said.

"You... don't you dare", Huang Li immediately realize that this was a threat.

"Don't worry about it, I will make sure to make her feel at home, not only that, but her friends can also be home too! hahaha!", Zhao Shu laughed wildly.

"...", Huang Li paled, what kind of things these animals would do to her people if that really happen?.

"I want to talk to my daughter and her friend first", Huang Li said.

"Last goodbye? ah yes, a sweet family time. I would say no but I guess it will be more bitter to let it go", Zhao Shu contemplated for a while and allowed it.

They opened the way for them and hurried Huang Xue, followed by Su Li and Xiao Ling came to her.

"...", Huang Li looked at her daughter for a moment. She slowly lifted her hand, and touched her daughter's cheek. Feeling the warmth, and also the hard work she has felt when she left her in someone else hands.

"My daughter, do you hate mother?", Huang Li asked with a smile, but it looks saddening to everyone.

"No no! what do you mean, I never hate you!", Huang Xue shakes her head vigorously.

"I missed a lot of your birthdays, I let you suffer hard work you shouldn't have felt when you were still little. How can you not?", Huang Li still smiling started to tear up, and a stream of tears started to flow from both sides.

"No, I know you did it for me, I know you just wanted to protect me. I didn't blame you", Huang Xue holds her mother's cold hands. The weird feeling of going to lose something precious started to haunt her. This made her terrified.

"I know you didn't blame me, but I blame myself. I have been thinking about this sect more than your happiness, alas this is probably karma for me", Huang Li looked deeply at her daughter, trying to imprint this lovely face that she hadn't seen for a long time in her memories.

"I have been thinking, this day I know would come, so I decided to gave you your late birthdays present", Huang Li stretched her hand to her pocket, this made all the shadow guard readied their weapons but Zhao Shu calmed down with a grin. A goodbye present? how dangerous could it be?

"This should've been yours when you turned 6 but I think it was not ready yet at that time. But now it's ready", Huang Li gave her a purple necklace.

"This is...", Huang Xue felt a strange connection with the necklace.

"It's what your father wanted to give you", Huang Li personally put it on her.

"Father...", A lot of memories flashed in an instant, making her feel very sad.

"...Su Li and Xiao Ling right? Huang Xue has told me about you both and another girl which has something to do... Li Yun... is it? This is selfish but I hope you can continue to take care of my daughter from now on", Huang Li looked at Su Li and Xiao Ling.

"Huh? w-what?", Huang Xue thought she heard wrong.

"Both of you, come close to me", Huang Li said and they obediently came close to her.

"... Something wrong, stop her!", Zhao Shu immediately feels something is off.

"With my last breath, I will send you far... far from here. I don't want you to take revenge for me, I just want you to live safely", Huang Li smiled brightly, and then an arrow was shot at her back.

"This is goodbye... I will always be with you", Huang Li a talisman, and pour her everything into it, power, sadness, unwillingness, joy, and hope.

"Mo-", Huang Xue didn't finish her word and was immediately transferred elsewhere.

"...", Huang Li then fell to the ground lifeless.

But she had a big smile on her face adorned with cristal clear tears.