Extreme Nine Yin Physique

"First of all, control your breath, and let me take control of the rest", Wei Lan put her palms on Su Li's back and said.

"En", Su Li breathed normally and then relaxed her body.

"I will start now", Wei Lan closed her eyes to focus on the treatment.

Slowly guiding the lines of qi inside Su Li's body and then tries to maximize its input to the meridian. The problem is that Su Li didn't have enough qi to do it. This made her felt weak on the inside and outside as if her limb is there but also felt not there.

"Su Li hold on", Wei Lan tries to send Su Li her own qi but weirdly it got rejected when came in contact with Su Li's own qi.

"What?", Wei Lan tried again but the result is still the same.

"Ugh...", Su Li felt a sharp pain coursing through her body, so she screams low to inform Wei Lan that she was in pain.

"W-wait a second! I will... huh?", Wei Lan a little panicked but then she noticed a weird phenomenon in front of her.

It was caused by the Ice Lotus in front of them. The flower energy flowed through the air and entered Su Li's forehead. Su Li herself felt a cold sensation that eases the pain, making her numb but it's not a bad feeling.

"This...", Wei Lan herself also saw the Ice Lotus itself entered Su Li's forehead.

Looking at the flow of Su Li's body herself made her really surprised. It was calm but overbearing, Slow but weirdly fast at the same time. She even felt the presence of 9 Worldly Essence in her veins.

It was a miracle. But that is not the only thing that happens inside her body. Su Li, which has only opened 40 spirit veins inside her body which is the number of a genius, but now she opened 56 spirit veins which are more than half of the maximum spirit veins that existed in human bodies.

For some reason, she could hear the sound of something cracking, and it goes louder and louder each time passed. After a while, the sound of something broken was heard.


Somewhere, in an unknown place.

A girl was locked inside a giant piece of ice, slowly opened her eyes.

She slightly opened her mouth and said something that cannot be heard because of the ice that covers her.


Su Li noticed the change in her body. It did not only feel like a cold breeze coursing through her body which made her comfortable, but she also felt a little weird in someplace of her body. Mostly, on her forehead and the rest is on her legs and arms.

After a while, things calmed down and the place now returned to normal. and Su Li passed out.


Su Li returned to the white place she was in the last time she passed out.

"Yo, you returned", a familiar voice sounded from behind her.

Su Li turned back and saw Suo You sitting in the open field with a big umbrella on top of her. Not only that, she was drinking a cup of tea, and there are even some snacks on the table next to her.

"I see that you managed to open the lock", Suo You, said to her while sipping the tea.

"Why am I here again? also it seemed a little different", Su Li looked around and see the place which was originally fully white, now full of life, like a forest.

"I said it in the beginning, right? this is your consciousness, everything here was affected by you", Sou You said.

"Then what about you?", Su Li asked, if the environment was affected, then what about the one inside the environment?.

"Me? I also said at the beginning that I am a separated entity, of course i won't be affected", Sou You answered while pouring another serve of tea to her cup.

"Then, what is going on here?", Su Li asked about the new environment around.

"Well... pretty simple, you have opened the lock which was restraining some of your potentials. After you opened it, turns out that it was the lock that locked your physique", Sou You said.

"What does it have to do with my physique?", Su Li asked again.

"Your physique is not what it seems. Although Pure Yin physique is nice and could be ranked in the top ten of the ranked physique, there is still one more Yin based physique that is far more overpowering than it".

"It called, "Extreme Nine Yin physique" ", Sou You said with some excitement.

"So my physique is actually the "Extreme Nine Yin physique"? not "Pure Yin physique? but even so, what is the difference?", Su Li put two and two together but still didn't understand what is the difference between both.

"Humph Ignorant, Pure Yin physique is a yin-based body that specializes in the cold. This is why your element is only Ice, or at least that is your first awakened element".

"Extreme Nine Yin is a bit more special, it is not related to cold but it uses Yin energy on its every attack", Sou You explained.

"What does that mean?", Su Li asked.

"This means that you can use any element you want only with the cost of using Yin energy instead of usual combining yin and yang. That way, you can use fire which usually uses mainly Yang energy with the use of Yin energy", Sou You explained more.

"So I can use any element without restrictions?", Su Li asked again.

"That would depend on your talent" Sou You said.

"Ah, look at the time, it's time for you go", Sou You prepared to send her back.

"Ah wait-", Su Li wanted to ask more but Sou You have already done the job.


Su Li with a flash opened her eyes and go straight into a sitting position.

This surprised Wei Lan that was taking care of her.

"You surprised me, is something matter?", Wei Lan asked her with concern.

"N-no it's nothing", Su Li shakes her head.

"Hm?", After feeling it for a while, she felt different about her clothes. Looking down, it was now changed into an azure blue dress with a light blue lotus pattern around the hips. It also had lots of azure-colored ribbon around the leg part and hand parts and some on chest parts.

"This...", Su Li looked at Wei Lan as if questioning her what is going on.

"Ehehe, you were dead asleep, so I help you change the torn clothes", Wei Lan said while looking somewhere else.

"Ah, but I didn't 'explore' that much, just around... ehm... yeah", Wei Lan clenched her fist and used it to cover her mouth. She then said to her with a shy expression as if saying 'I saw something forbidden'.

"W-what?', Su Li's face immediately turned cherry-red.

"But it's okay, right? we are both girls after all", Wei Lan shamelessly justified her own action.

"Sister Wei Lan you...", Su Li tried to jump toward her but instead, she can't control her power and jumped high, hitting the platform.

"Ouch", Su Li felt a sharp pain on the top of her head, and then she fell but was caught by Wei Lan that break the fall.

"Alright, I'm just joking, though... some are true. But let's get to the main point", Wei Lan put Su Li back to the bed.

"First of all, congratulations! you have breakthrough the tenth floor~", Wei Lan clapped.

"So this...", Su Li just wanted to ask about the abnormal jump just now, but was quickly answered before it got out of her mouth.

"Yeah! I didn't expect the power boost to be that big, you can definitely fight a 4th floor of a 2nd realm cultivator without losing. if I knew I would have broke to the tenth floor first", Wei Lan sighed in regret.

"Anyway, that's that, but the problem with this is that you need about 2 times the energy to breakthrough realm and that could be a little troublesome", Wei Lan said.

"And that's the first thing, now the second thing is... your physique. It changed a really different way, although it still uses the same Yin energy, but I felt a lot of life from it which is quite weird", Wei Lan explained.

"Sister, you don't know what is my physique become?", Su Li asked with a surprised expression.

"No, I have read all kinds of books, but this is the first time I saw this kind of physique", Wei Lan shakes her head.

"O-oh... I see", Su Li nodded in understanding.

"That is all I want to tell you for now, well it's already night so as a first realm cultivator, you still need to sleep", Wei Lan said to her.

"Okay", Su Li nodded.

"Good Night", Wei Lan got out and closed the door.


Su Li hasn't sleep yet, she's wondering why Suo You knows about her physique while Wei Lan didn't. Did she lie about it? or is it that she knows more than Wei Lan.

Since she won't find any answer anyway since she didn't know how to enter her consciousness to meet Suo You except for passing out.

"I guess I'll just wait for it sometimes", Su Li decided to close her eyes and think about these things the next day.