The Use of Soul Points

Su Li woke up in a dazed manner.

She looks around and found herself stayed in the same place last night. This means this is all real. She really is trapped here. But Su Li was calm, her father teaches her to not panic in any situation since there's no use in panicking.

At this time, Wei Lan entered with a big bowl of vegetables.

"Did you just awake my pupil?", Wei Lan asked.

Su Li nodded.

"I bring you breakfast!", Wei Lan passed the big bowl to Su Li with a smile.

"Ah, thank you mas- Sister Lan", Su Li took the big bowl and looked at all of the raw 'vegetables' inside.

"I don't know how to cook so I can only give you some fresh herbs we have", Wei Lan said and then sat on the side of the bed.

"It's fine, I can eat it", Su Li looked at the big bowl in her hand. Inside the bowl were all kinds of herbs of various sizes put together. It's not even arranged properly, it's just like everything just being thrown in.

"Then eat first so we can start our first lesson!", Wei Lan said to her.

"Ok", Su Li nodded.

Su Li first lifted a herb that looks like a carrot, it's pretty big and the color is gold-ish. It smells pretty good and as for the taste... . Su Li took one bite and after the bite, she took another and another till the carrot is nonexistent. The taste was amazing! it's refreshing but delicious at the same time.



After a while, Su Li finished the entire bowl of herbs with a satisfied expression.

Funnily enough, even though she ate a lot, her belly didn't get big from overeating.

"Is it good?", Wei Lan asked on the side.

"It's great!", Su Li didn't hold back her praise.

"Glad you like it. Rest for a few minutes, I will prepare something for you. Just wait for me here", Wei Lan told her to wait and left the room.

After a while, she came back with three things. A pouch, a Jade plate, and a book.

"Well, this is my first time having an apprentice so I don't know what to teach except the basic", Wei Lan gave her the book and put the rest of the items on the side of the bed.

Su Li looks at the book title which says, 'Basic qi manipulation', she truly needs this. " Sister Lan what is this for?", Su Li then pointed at the pouch and the jade.

"Oh, this one is called a record jade, this jade records 6 ways of life dao such as Divination, Refining, Pill making, Cooking, Enchanting and Beast Taming", Wei Lan said while pointing at the jade plate.

"This one is a void pouch, you can put anything inside. Of course, it could break but don't worry, this is just a sub-pouch that connected to the main pouch I stored safely. So don't worry about losing things", Wei Lan then pointed at the pouch.

"But both things need to have good control of qi to use. That is why I gave you the book first since you seem inexperienced on basic qi manipulation", Wei Lan then opened the window which made the cold air from the outside enters the room.

Even so, Su Li didn't feel the cold at all, she actually felt refreshed and became energetic.

"One of the reasons the palace was build here, history said, is because every morning, the air will bring fresh yin energy from the sky then gathered here. This helps a lot in cultivating yin-based physique and it won't harm anyone".

"Well now my pupil, let's train!", Wei Lan looked at her with a wide smile.

"Here?", Well, Su Li was still sitting in bed after all.

"Don't worry, I do it every time. It just needs a bit of cleaning after", Wei Lan then sat beside her.

"Well, first of all... you need to learn from the book yourself".

"Depends on your performance, I will decide how much I will help you, and probably I don't have to help you at all", Wei Lan explained to her.

"What if I don't need any help?", Su Li asked.

"Then that means your understanding is pretty high. Usually, people with a high understanding tend to be more successful if they were practicing alone".

"The reason is... I don't know either. But I do know some people like that and it is true that they are better if left alone", Wei Lan shrugged.

"Well then my pupil, go on, I'll be waiting here", Wei Lan smiled while patting the side of the place she was sitting.

"Ok, I'll try my best", Su Li nodded and opened the book.

Just as she opened the first page and just about to read the first word, a system notification sounded on her head.

*"Basic qi Manipulation" Can be learned*.

*You already have this knowledge*.

*Re-Learning from basic again will cost 1 Soul Points*.

'hm?', Su Li was stunned, She almost forgot about this Soul Points system, so this is its use?. But what does it mean that I already have this knowledge?.

Su Li looked at the side and saw that Wei Lan is still looking at her. So she pretended to read the book while checking her status.

No matter how she searches it, there's no such thing as "Basic Qi Manipulation" on her status anywhere.

... Well since it's nothing, probably an error. She decided to learn the "Basic Qi Manipulation".

*Learning...*, Su Li felt a new knowledge... no, it felt like it was already been on her memory this entire time.

*Refreshing Memories Completed*.

*Consumed 1 Soul Points*.

After it finished, Su Li flips the pages and found that the writing is pretty familiar to her and she remembers every word in the book even though this is the first time she read it.

There are two main subjects of the qi manipulating. First is Qi Flow Control, which based on controlling qi inside the body and possibly strengthens the body. The second is Qi release, which based on controlling qi outside the body.

Su Li immediately tried to demonstrate it. The essence of the manipulation itself is controlling the qi to flow to the entire body. When the qi wants to be manipulated outside the body would be called qi release.

When Wei Lan saw her stopped reading and prepared

Su Li immediately tries both of these things that she has done very smoothly. First, she slowly controls the qi on her body, she remembers the biology class which is about human bodies and remembers where the bloodstream flows.

She then controls the qi to follow the bloodstream according to her memory. After finishing 3 turns around her body, she felt warm and slightly fatigued.

Though it disappeared rather quickly, exchanged with the feeling of strong vigor.

Wei Lan notices this change in her body which made her very surprised that her mouth was agape.

But it didn't stop with that. After finishing the first step which is Qi Flow Control, she immediately tried the second step which is Qi Release.

The feeling of releasing qi is really familiar with the first time she fights the wolf in the cave. At that time, she does it unconsciously, now that she did it with consciousness, she felt it was rather simple.

Little by little, the qi she released created a layer of ice around her.

Wei Lan became even more surprised to the point she pinches herself to see if this is a dream or not. Well, it definitely real.

After a while, Su Li felt exhausted and then tried to forcefully stopped doing "Qi Release".

"Slow down", Wei Lan noticed this and then gave some of her Qi as a momentary substitute for Su Li's Qi.

"Don't immediately sever your connection, instead, little by little absorb your Qi back", Wei Lan instructed her.

Although Su Li didn't understand, she still followed her instruction. Using the unfamiliar but friendly Qi, she tried to slowly absorb back her released Qi bit by bit. After a while, she finally absorbed all of her released Qi.

Su Li sighed in relief and then turned to Wei Lan on her side and asked, "What was that for Sister Lan?".

"As a yin-based physique, the longer the qi was inside your body, the purer it is and the more comfortable your body on using it".

"Even when releasing the qi, it would stay pure unless it was mixed with yang energy. This is why it's important to absorb it back", Wei Lan explained simply.

"So unless it was a life-death situation, you should remember this", She also advised with a grave expression.

But after the rain came the rainbow, Wei Lan immediately showed a bright smile, "Well that's that, Let's go, let me show you around the place!".

And with that, Su Li was dragged around the palace by her energetic master.