Terrifying Fate


"Su Li don't joke around, who else if it's not you", Xiao Ling's father lightly chuckled, he thought that the girl is playing a joke with him.

"...", 'Su Li' felt confused and said, "My name is Su Jian, not Su Li. Uncle you know me right?".

"...", Xiao Ling's father turned serious, "It starting...", he murmured.

"Yes?", Su Jian thought that Xiao Ling's father was talking to him.

"No, it's nothing, get back to your room okay? let's talk about this tomorrow", Xiao Ling's father said to him.

Su Jian didn't quite understand but he still nodded. But before he returns to the room he first woke up, Su Jian asked, "Where's my parents?".

"Don't worry, you will meet them soon", Su Jian felt no malice from him, so he just believes it.

"...", Xiao Ling's father watches as 'Su Jian' made his way back to the room where he woke up.

"...", He took out his phone and called a number.

The other side answered the call, and Xiao Ling's father said, "He's awake".

It was silent on the other side and Xiao Ling's father didn't say anymore.

"I see, then we can start with the plan", The other side answered.

"Got it", Xiao Ling's father then turn off the call and sighed, "We can finally do it".

"Time for payback", He clenched his fist and called another number.


Su Li felt exhausted after being tossed around by Wei Lan and is now resting on a chair next to a giant door. Wei Lan left her here saying she wants to take something and then left.

"Hah...", Su Li stretched her tired legs. It felt like going to the mall with her mother all over again.

Just as she was in a daze, three system notifications sounded almost simultaneously.




"Huh? what is it?", Su Li asked the system.

*A disturbation has happened between the two worlds*

*Worlds line started shifting, without balance between the line, the connection between worlds will be broken*

*The crack has gone bigger and if not countermeasures, it will be fatal for both worlds*.

* "The worlds will" decided to separate the connection between as to ensure the safety of both worlds and its habitant*

Su Li suddenly had a bad feeling, "W-what does that mean?".

*... The Host can never return*.


Su Li become petrified for a second, after that her face turned deadly pale.

"Wh-what, s-system this is a bad joke okay?", Su Li forced a smile.

*System is not joking, The Host can never return to host old world*.

... Su Li felt limp all over her body, "N-no way".

"Su Li?", Su Li heard a voice beside her, turning to the source it was Wei Lan that looked at her with concern.

"Are you okay? why do you look so pale".

"I...", She doesn't know what to say.

"It's okay, just tell me", Wei Lan saw that she looked restless.

"Sister Lan, do you believe me if I said that I come from another world?", Su Li decided to tell her, it doesn't matter now anyway.

"...", Wei Lan became quiet for a while. Su Li didn't say anything either, she just sat there in a daze.

After a while, "I believe you".

"Haha, no need to lie master. I know it sounds insane", Su Li weakly chuckled, she didn't even saw the expression on Wei Lan's face.

Without a sound, Wei Lan took another chair from who knows where and sat beside Su Li.

She took Su Li's hand with both of hers and clasped it tightly, "I truly believe you Su Li, That was because I myself also came from another world".

"...Really?", Su Li sounds skeptical.

"Yes, in fact, I came here 19 years ago as an infant", Wei Lan, slowly tells her the full story.

"My master pick me up from the streets or that what she says".

(Let's just say she told the story here, I'm lazy right now).

"I lived my life thinking I was born on this world, My master always strictly teach me until later when my master was trying to breakthrough that she told me the whole story".

"She took me away from my world, from my parents, the reason was that she was interested in my talent".

"I was aggrieved at first, I left the sect, my master didn't stop me either".

"I have gone far and far away. Until the news of my master failed to breakthrough was spread out".

"I came back to the sect and saw her condition. Her once delicate skin now starting to turn wrinkled, veins showed on the surface of her skin from top to bottom. Overall she looked terrible".

"I thought that she would be mad, looking coldly at me like she usually does while teaching me".

"Saying that I'm useless and ungrateful, I'm ready for all of that".

"I tightly closed my eyes ready to brave the explosion".

"But when I heard her voice, it's not a curse that came out".

"... Do you know what she said?".

"She said, "Welcome home" ".

"I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with not the usual coldness. But with gentle and affectionate eyes, as if... we were family... as if... she was my mother".

"Then I realize, when I looked back, her training for me is never an offensive one but always a defensive measure. She never forces me to train, only looked at me with that kind of cold eyes that made me think that she forced me to".

"If I was unwell she would make my medicine, if I was hurt she would heal me. If I was in danger then she would be there".

"I don't want to admit it, but it has been long ago... that I thought of her as my mother".

"I thought it was one-sided but now I don't think so anymore".

"But it's too late anyway, she passed away right after telling me to inherit the palace".

"... Do you know... If I just stayed there when she was just failed to breakthrough, I would've been able to save her".

"But as I said, it's too late then", Wei Lan finished her story with a sad smile.

"... I... I'm sorry", Su Li gently holds Wei Lan's hand.

"That's in the past, I have gone past that. But you right now, tell me... what made you so restless?", Wei Lan smiled at her action.


"This... This world is at first just a game to us", Su Li started to tell her side of the story.

"What is a game?", Wei Lan asked, this is the first time she heard of that word.

"Well... A game is something you played, just like... chess and you are supposed to have fun", Su Li answered after thinking for a while.

"I see, you can continue", Wei Lan nodded.

"We were having fun at first, me and my friend".

"Then, I... lost one of my friends at one time. She's not dead but I don't know what she's doing".

"Then, our world was attacked by an invader people called "demons", and then our higher up said that this "game" is actually a real-world... A training field they said".

"After missing my friend, I want to try and help. Because I thought that I can return to my world even if something went wrong".

"Then, I lost my other friends, and then... I... cannot return to my world anymore".

"I... I don't know what my parents are doing... Will they be okay? I won't know", Su Li quiver a little while saying the last sentence.


"Su Li...", Wei Lan gently hugs her.


"I felt really useless", Su Li whimpers in her hugs.

"You are not useless".

"You just haven't grown yet. You aren't given a chance...".

"But now you have... I'll help you", Wei Lan slowly comforts her.

"... Thank you...", Su Li sobs.

"How about this, I know divination, you said you have friends here right? I will help you peek their fate".

"But... do you have anything that has any connection with them?", Wei Lan thought for a second and asked.

"... no, I don't have one", Su Li shakes her head.

"Well, ah I know, tell me what are they are like", Wei Lan fell into thought and suddenly said.

"... Xiao Ling, a cheerful girl with a carefree attitude, you always felt worried about her but when needed she would always the best help you have".

"Li Yun, a calm and collected girl with high intellectual, she looks cold to people she doesn't know, but a spring blossom after you know her", Su Li smiled a little after telling their characteristic.

"... err, good enough, let's see... after I search a little... well, actually, let me just search for your memory, it's gonna hurt a little so hold it for a little bit okay?", Wei Lan asked before going to do something.

"En, I can do it", Su Li just nodded.

"Okay, here I go, I'll search to your memories for your friend fate", Wei Lan nodded and started to inject a sliver of her mental power inside her head.



Inside Su Li's head.

"Hmm, let's see...", 'Wei Lan' looked around Su Li's memories for the memories of her friend.

"Ah, it's them isn't it?", Wei Lan looked at one memory and found 3 people who laughed together, one of them was Su Li.

"Ah, so she's that Li Yun girl", Wei Lan looked at the girl that laughed but didn't forget to keep her image, a little reserved, but her laugh came from the heart.

"What... how I can't read her fate...", Wei Lan became confused.

"Ugh... must... found it!", Wei Lan felt a force repelled her but she forced through.

"This... medicine...", She can't hold on anymore so she just let go, and found one word about her fate.

"Ugh, anyway... next girl... Xiao Ling is it?", She looked at the cheerful girl that seems to tell the jokes they laughed about.

"Carefree huh...", She tried her reading on her and freeze.

"W-wha...", She looks really terrified.

"N-no, Su Li cannot know this".