Side Stories (Separated Ways)

Some days ago, Back in the Hidden Sect.

"They got away".

"Find them!".

"Send all of them! Search to the end of the continent if you have to".


"Dad, what should we do?", Zhao Jin asked his father.

"They can't be far, teleportation talisman like that not only need huge energy to use but also very weak, they should only be able to travel around this Empire".

"What if we can't find them? Those girls...", Zhao Jin felt unwilling, he hasn't tasted any of those girls yet, especially that girl... Su Li.

"Is what you have on your sh*t head is mate and drinking?! you useless sh*t, this is why I send your brother to the academy instead of you".


"If we can't find them then whatever, they are just another nuisance on the way. Our objective is of course... this continent".

"After your brother came back from the academy... then we will rule this empire!".

"...", although Zhao Jin felt uncomfortable that his father always praises his brother, he can't do anything anyway, so might as well just ride the train and have fun.



Somewhere far from the sect.

A little girl stood on the trunk of a giant tree and a shadow appeared beside her.

"They got away young miss", A shadow informed.

"They are not around anymore right?", The girl asked.

"Yes, they didn't appear anywhere on this continent at all".

"Looks like that million ways talisman I borrow have been used well".

"But miss... are you sure about this? if the master founds out that you use his most precious treasure...".

"Ya ya ya, the old man won't care about this".

"Even if he does care... what can he do? he can go through mother first".


"Too bad that auntie has to die. But it's a must, to fulfill 'her' fate, then 'she' should suffer some grievance".

"But... to think there's an unexpected variable...".

The little girl looks at her palm, and with that hand, she moves her hand in a set of movements.

"I see... mother is right...".

"Looks like This continent will become really fun soon".

"I hope all of you survive till then...".

"...Big Sisters...".



Somewhere, wasteland, dead forest.

... A girl looked around a dead forest.

"...where am I...", and then fell unconcious.

A skeleton like creature then gone near her and poke her a few times.

Although she didn't move but she definitely still alive.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* the skeleton took its bones and clap with another bone making some kind of sound.

After a while, more skeleton showed up and then they took the girl somewhere.



In another place.

A girl surrounded by many people.

"Like I said, I don't care, don't bother me anymore", the girl said and then force herself through the crowd.

After a while, she finally lost the masses.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly exhale while opening her eyes, showing pure golden colored eyes.

She looked toward the sky and murmured, "Soon... yes soon...", she then continue walking.



Somewhere in the city.

A family of lone mother with her son and daughter looked at the woman on the bed.

"Mom, will she survive?".

"Yes honey she will survive", She didn't know if the girl would survive, but she didn't saw any injuries on her so she should survive right?.

And sure enough, the girl eyes twitched a few times and it opened, showing a gentle blue eyes.