Hidden Truth

"Su Li definitely can't know this", She's already worried knowing her present, if she knows her friend's fate then I don't think I can make her stay calm.

"It was unexpected that her friend actually has a connection with "Them" ".

"Even so, this is not my business yet, even I can't do anything about it", Wei Lan sighed.

"Anyway, since we're here, it's okay for me to peek a little right?".

So, Wei Lan roamed around Su Li's memories until she was stopped by a huge door.

"What is this door?", She even saw 9 big locks without keyholes, instead of in their place are weird symbols. One of them is already opened but still lingered on the door.

"I never see something like this before, what is this? A seal?", Wei Lan walked to the door, and when she was very close and wanting to touch it. But when she was only a few inches away from touching the door, the locks started radiating bright light, as if a security measure was triggered.

When the light touched her, she immediately shrieks and dissipated.


Outside, Wei Lan felt horrified when she found out that a tiny bit of her soul was decimated very easily. But as to not made Su Li afraid, she only darkens her expression a little bit.

Su Li saw this and become worried, is there something bad?.

"Sister Lan are you alright? is something wrong?".

"N-nothing! I'm just a little tired, don't worry, I already saw their fate and it's they would be safe until you meet them!", She forced a smile and a little lie, but she did say the truth at some points.

"I see, that's great! then do you know when will I meet them mas- Sister! Lan?", Su Li was delighted when she heard her, she was even hyped about when can they meet again.

"I also don't know, but if you work hard enough, you might be able to cross paths someday".

"Yes, I will work hard!", Although Su Li is a little disappointed. But Wei Lan is right, the reason why they were separated in the first place was that they were being bullied right?.

Then she will train and become the strongest, at that time see who dares to bully them. Su Li thought of this and her eyes turned resolute.

"Sister Lan! please train me!", Su Li bowed to her Master. (A/N: I know this was a little ambiguous but this is the best I can think of, I'm not a pervert alright?!).

"Ya, You don't need to say that, are you not my disciple? it's my responsibility to help you".

"Thank you, Sister Lan!", Su Li can't help but came forward and hugs her.

"Ugh, why... how can you be so big!", Although Wei Lan is not short, Su Li is a little taller than her, thus when she hugs her, Wei Lan's head was on her chest, Suffocating. She easily escapes but Wei Lan still looked at her chest and then Su Li's chest resentfully.

"Err... ahaha...", Su Li scratches her head in embarrassment, this body is not hers, she doesn't know if there's an owner of this body but she doesn't have a choice but to use it.

"Anyway...", Wei Lan returned to her expressionless face, it's like she's training it to become very natural.

"Since you said you want to meet them as soon as possible, then I will train you as hard as I could", Then she pauses and slowly a weird smirk appeared on her face, "Be prepared".

"...", Su Li felt little goosebumps, but she still answers, "Y-yes!".

"Great! Tomorrow, we will start our official master-student lessons, for now, do whatever you want, I want to rest for a while", Well her face is a little pale from Su Li's perspective, so she thought that she was very tired after helping her seeing her friends' fates.

"Oh, and one more thing, if you see a big red door with sword symbols on it, whatever you do, do not enter", she stopped before she leaves and reminded her.

Su Li doesn't know why she tells her that, but she just nods.

"Well then, have a good rest before we start tomorrow", Wei Lan smiled a little and left.

"...", Su Li watches as Wei Lan left until not even her shadow was in her sight.

"Ha... at least, they are safe...", Su Li once again in relief.

"I... really miss them", Since they are the only ones she knew in this world.

"... the system said the connection was severed... but why?", Su Li looked out the window and sighed, "I wonder... if they are fine...", Su Li was very worried about her parents in her original world.

-----------Hey hey! it's your dividing line! I'm back from vacation, it was a horrible vacation so I suggest early work! please don't remind me of that terrible thing-------------


You can see destruction everywhere, Cities were no more, all those high buildings were trampled to the ground. Occasionally, you can see some people running around, looking for supplies for themself.

Somewhere else, in a room was a bunch of people staring at a huge monitor. All of them have all kinds of outfits, Military, Scientists and all kinds of important people gathered in this room.

They look at the once was prosperous city now became a wasteland, with a grave expression. One of them, someone with white hair and a wrinkled face wearing military outfits looked at the screen without any expression. Although he looked old, the feeling he gave the people around him were like a crouching vigorous lion, ready to strike anyone he sees.

"The deal was completed, we can now start using that", the man said to the people around him.

"But sir, we don't have anyone strong enough to operate that thing!", one person besides him said with a darkened expression.

"You don't have to worry, I will operate it myself, all of you just need to be ready for the aftermath", the man said again with confidence.

"Sir, you have already sacrificed so much for this country, we can't allow you to give us anything anymore!", a Vigorous middle-aged man also in a military outfit said.

"That child already left, now what I have is an empty shell, this is also my wish as a human, a leader, and a father!", the man ignored the protest from the people around him.

At this time, a woman and a teenager entered the room. The woman in contrast with everyone here wears a normal dress, she walked toward the man and bowed, "The contract was completed, thank you for your cooperation", The child also bowed with her.

"...", The man was silent for a few seconds until he let out a sigh, he then speaks with a hoarse voice, "Why does it have to be my child?".

"This information was classified by the oracle as such I also don't know anything, but... I can only tell you that unless she fulfilled her fate... or died, then all she brings will only be a disaster for everyone around her".

"Isn't she already died once, what else does that oracle of yours want from us?".

"Only her physique, not her soul. Fate only intertwined with the souls, not the body".

"Since this planet of yours was very backward, then we cannot disclose any more information".

"Can I meet her again?".

"Negative, you are only a pebble on the side. She has a bigger road to cross", the woman said expressionless, almost like a robot.

"... You heard her, then what use for me living? might as well meet my wife faster".

"SIR! please don't say that my daughter is accompanying her also, I'm sure in some time you will meet", A man with a white coat said in protest.

"Xiao Mang, I appreciate it that you and your daughter want to help her, but it indeed so, it's impossible for me to meet her".

"This is finals, I already decided I will be the one to operate the thing, I won't change my mind".

"If she does come here, I hope that you can help me to give some "things" to her".

"Hah... Su Li, why does it have to be us...", Yes, this is Su Li's father, Su Jiang. (<--- I forgot, his name, did I even gave him a name?. AAAANYWAYY.... continue).

The truth is, her mother already died long ago, this robotic-like woman beside him was a helper send by some oracle from outer space to help him, they even specifically use her memory to make her even more "real". But he knows that the 'real' one already died when she gave birth.

He was filled with anger at that time, he directed his anger to his born daughter, but then, in an accident, his daughter also left him, making him even more lonely. He regrets a lot, but everything already happens, and no such thing as rewind, or so he thought.

These people came, claiming to want to save his daughter, he didn't believe it. They said they want to help, but for what? SHE"S DEAD!. Then they 'Revive' her inside a boy's body, funny and disgusting, this is what he felt at that time, so he just went with the flow.

At that time, the boy was just like a normal boy, so he just scoffed at it as if they just told lies... But then, the boy started acting weirdly, he started to be interested in girls' things, his attitude also changes as if he were a girl, at first he was disgusted. Is this how they said by reviving my daughter? getting a little boy to act like a girl? please, don't make me puke.

But of course, he just went with the flow. No matter what, if just a tiny bit if it's true, he wants to take the chances, and then he realizes that it's true... but, she left him again. Leaving an empty shell for him. The second time, he failed her.

"... I'm sorry", he really wants to say it in front of her once, just once!.


"Start the plan".

This will be his redemption.