Cultivating was this easy? how come I didn't know?.

Now it's already morning. Yesterday after being left alone by Wei Lan, Su Li does some chores like cleaning her room, even though it's pretty clean already but since she has nothing to do, she just does whatever she can. From exploring the palace to cleaning almost every room.

After doing all of that, she felt pretty tired, unexpectedly she didn't feel hungry at all. Maybe because she's stronger now? well, it doesn't matter tho. Since she's tired she proceeds to take a nap. Probably because she's too tired but she didn't wake up until the next morning.

Waking up from bed, the first thing she does is to check her status.


[Su Li]

Female, 18, Human. (Gender, age, race).

Level: 2nd layer, 2nd Floor (126/2000).

Soul Points: 100. (From killing miniboss), (Now soul point can only be acquired from killing living entity).

Heaven Essence ---- Auto Absorb [6 energy per minutes]. (<---world seed).

Elemental Affinity: Ice, Water(Cold Type), Ground(Cold Type), Fire(Cold Type). (Left > Right).

Special Condition: Nine Variation Cold Physique (Incomplete) (No Info).

{Unknown} : {No Info}


(I'm doing some renovation to the status menu. If you see something missing, let me know). (As for what is that unknown... hehe, who knows?).

"Hm? oh right, Sou You said that now my affinity to the other element was increased", At first, Su Li was surprised when she looked at the affinity menu, but when she remembers what Sou You said, it seems somethings are missing.

"Is it because I'm still weak? Probably", She thought it's probably the case.

After stretching, she got up and first clean and make her bed looks neat. After finishing everything, she heard someone knocking on the door. She immediately rushed to open the door. Who else it be if it's not Wei Lan?.

"You look... a little messed up", She looked at Su Li from top to bottom. "Go take a shower first, here's your outfit, meet me later at the Kitchen", Wei Lan gave her a light blue-colored dress. At this time she just gonna use anything Wei Lan gave her

"Okay", Su Li nodded.

"Hm?", Wei Lan seems to realize something and couldn't help but took a closer look at Su Li.

"Did you just breakthrough?", She asked.

"I think so?", On the status menu, Su Li can't show her the status menu, right?. Besides, she's stronger than her so Wei Lan can know even if there's no status menu.

"Say, what did you do yesterday when I left?", Wei Lan is pretty curious, she remembers that Su Li just broke through yesterday.

"Nothing, really! I'm just cleaning anywhere I could in this place".

"Hmm, never mind then, anyway hurry up, the faster we start the better the effect will be", Wei Lan gave up on asking, probably something innate from Su Li, she thought.

"See you later then".



After washing up, Su Li proceed to go to the kitchen. There, Wei Lan already cooked some meat and vegetable soup.

After they were done eating, Wei Lan beckoned her to come over. She then tied Su Li's hair into a single bun pinned with a silver hairpin and some leftover hair stay flowing down her shoulder giving an ethereal and fresh look when coupled with her light blue dress.

Looking at her craft, Wei Lan couldn't help but nod proudly and couldn't help but tell her, "Listen Su Li, appearance is a double edge sword. Sometimes, in hard times, it could help you. In other cases, it can easily attract trouble"

"Especially for strong people. When you are strong, normal things, you won't bother anymore. Eating for us is only to quench the feeling of eating good-tasting food. Some strong people covet beauty just because they can have them, just snatch anywhere".

"This is why it's important to have strength in this world".

"I got it", Su Li nodded.

"Well, anyway, let's go outside".



Outside, Su Li and Wei Lan standing faced each other.

"I never really teach anyone, so I can only do the same thing my teacher does when she taught me", Wei Lan said holding a long wooden rod.

"Are you ready?".

"Ready for what?", Su Li asked, she felt confused right now.

"For this!", Wei Lan immediately swing the rod at her.

"Wha!", Su Li was not ready for any surprise attack thus can only back away which made her fall to her butt.

"The first thing my teacher taught me is to create danger sense and this is the fastest way!", after saying that, she doesn't wait for Su Li to be ready and continuously swings the rod.

"W...", Su Li can't say anything and can only dodge around like a wounded cat.




Sometime later, Su Li lay breathlessly on the ground, you can see some part of the dress was ripped and there are red marks all over the white skin.

"H-how long... do we need to do this?", She even felt difficulty speaking because of the adrenaline and pain.

"Until we awaken your danger sense ability of course! this is an important step and it can help you a lot in the long run!".

"B-but, I don't think I can do anything right now", She can't even move her finger.

"W-well...", Wei Lan also realized that, err did she do it too hard?. It's the first time she was teaching so she doesn't know anything other than lowering her strength as to not wound her disciple too much. She never knows about stamina difference and the limit of her disciple.

"Y-yeah! now that I think about it... let's continue tomorrow!", Wei Lan took her inside and bandaged her wounds. Although it was just skin wounds it would be dangerous if it's not taken care of.

After that, Wei Lan also changed her clothes, on the process, she doesn't feel anything at all, after all, everyone is a girl. But it's not the same for Su Li, her face was blood red in the process all the way, even after it's done, she cannot bear to look at Wei Lan in the eyes.

"Well it's done, anyway tomorrow we will do cultivation training first, and then we'll continue to awaken your danger sense ability".

"...", Su Li tightly closed her eyes.

"Sleeping already? well I guess it's too tiring after all", Wei Lan covers her up in a blanket and left. She didn't forget to close the door after she got out.

"...", After making sure that Wei Lan already goes away, Su Li opened her eyes.

She took her pillow, covered her face, and let out a muffled scream, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH, SO EMBARRASSING!".

... After a while, she finally stopped, took a deep breath, and calmed herself. She looked at the ceiling with some residue red color on her face, thinking about something.

It's still afternoon but she cannot help but feels very tired after consuming a lot of energy,

She opened her status screen, looked at it for a while, and fell asleep.

Level: 2nd layer, 2nd floor (720/1000).



Like yesterday at the same place, but this time it's not a Su Li getting tortured time... yet.

"Ahem, I decided that I first should teach you how to... wait a sec...", Wei Lan at first wanted to explain some things... that is until she realizes a peculiar breath from Su Li.

"D-did you just broke through? again?". Wei Lan looked closely and found a different breath from yesterday.

"I did?", Silently Su Li opened the status menu. She looked at Wei Lan first, seeing it looks like she cannot see the menu screen, Su Li looked at the level stats.

Level: 3rd Layer, 2nd Floor (180/3000).

"Y-y-you... what did you do?", Wei Lan was so surprised that she even stuttered when talking.

"I also don't know Sister Wei...", She cannot possibly say that it was a gift from the system right?.

"...Is it Innate? probably...", Wei Lan muttered to herself.

"Err, Sister Lan was cultivation always this easy?", Su Li asked, she doesn't feel any bottleneck at all, even last night.

"...", Wei Lan eyebrow twitched intensely, Cultivation was this easy? how come she doesn't know?. Just so you know, she reached this level by sacrificing a lot of blood and sweat, why is it feels like everything she has done is useless?. She is now on the 4th layer, 8th floor, and every layer was very hard to break through, she even remembers that when she was at Su Li's level, she was struggling really hard, spending a lot of treasure and spirit fruit to breakthrough.

She can even felt that if not because she had a Pure Yin physique, she might be got thrown by her teacher for being wasteful.

Haa..., Heaven is too picky on people, wait until she reached the 9th floor, at that time she will kick heaven's butt.

"Sister Wei?", Su Li doesn't know what Wei Lan thought at all, seeing she was in a trance she called to her.

"Ah? huh?", Wei Lan also realize Su Li was looking at herself and coughed embarrassedly.

"It's nothing, actually yes, Cultivation was really easy, just so you know I'm now on the 8th floor! and I'm still 24! that's fast right?", Wei Lan cannot lose her face at this time.

"Ohh...", Su Li believed it easily, after all even though she was almost an adult, she was still naive.

"Anyway, even if it's easy, you cannot be lazy! we cultivator is someone that defies nature so even if something is easy, we need to make it hard got it?".

"Yes, I understand!".

"Then we start!".