System Upgrade

In the Flying Carriage.

Su Li dazedly looking at the space, it's not for another reason but because of a system prompt that silently appeared in front of her.

*??? requirement was fulfilled, System will undergo a huge Update, Continue?*

"System Upgrade? hey system what does this mean?", Su Li said to the system itself, but all she got was a deadly silence.

"Should I continue? will it be good?", She contemplated on whether doing it will be good or not, after all, in games she played, there's a skill that was overpowered in the middle stage but when it reach max level it became a trash skill, so this upgrade was also a huge gamble. After all, the system itself contributed a huge part to her growth these past days so if she loses something important from the system it might be fatal to herself so she's a little hesitant.

Even so, after a while of thinking, she eventually decided to continue the upgrade. No pain no gain. The system won't try to upgrade itself if there's nothing important so it might need something that only exists on the upgraded version. En, it must be that.

After Su Li agreed, the system disappeared for a while and a loading screen appeared in her eyes. Although the percentage increase was slow, it was steady without any hiccup.

Su Li watches intently as the percentage goes up steadily. When it reaches 90% however, the percentage stopped increasing. "Huh? what happened?", Su Li got confused for a while, but she sighed in relief when the percentage goes steadily up again. She wondered what happened just now but since she doesn't know anything, she decided to just forget about it.

When the percentage reaches 100% the loading screen disappears. She thought the process was completed but when she tried to call the system it was silent. "System?", it was only when she called a few more times that she heard a voice.

"Master I'm right here~", a sweet and gentle voice was heard from her side. Su Li looked toward the source and saw a girl sitting right next to her. When she saw her Su Li unconsciously backed up. She looked cautiously at the girl, "Who are you?", the girl had long lustrous white hair, her eyes were closed on the left, and the right eye was a bright red-colored ruby-like pupil. She wore a simple white dress and was barefooted.

"Hehe, master it's me~ or... would you prefer me calling you the host?", the girl chuckled and slowly came forward until she was just right in front of Su Li.

"... System?", Su Li called out which the girl responded, "Bingo! master is smart!'.

"But how? you're... a human?", Su Li definitely only saw the system undergoing an upgrade, when did it become the girl in front of her?.

"Tuut tuut, the master is wrong~ Just like what you know, I'm a system", the girl crossed her fingers in front of her, "Master is the only one that can see me, so technically I do not exist but at the same time I am".

"Then... how come you're... here?', Su Li was having it a little difficult to believe this. Like... the one in front of her was truly human-like, but she said she's not real? how can she immediately believe it?.

"Well, I came here myself? although there's a little obstruction on my path here, it's all fine now... I guess?", the girl cutely tilted her head to the side while saying all that. When she said that Su Li found an abnormality in her words, she inquired, "But you said that you didn't exist and also exist before, but now why you said you came here from another place?".

"Hmm... master understand it wrong, I exist was in a different meaning and I do not exist is also in a different meaning, and yes, I did come here from another place as for the place itself... Master cannot know!", the girl explained. She waved her hand and the system screen appeared in front of Su Li again, "Here master, the newly upgraded system at your service".

"Oh...", Since she can't inquire more, Su Li started exploring the 'newly upgraded system' intently and found a few new things. First of all, there's a cultivation skill mastery menu, a Spirit skill mastery menu, and a mysterious progress bar. There are also a few things that were lost, which is the bag and all of her items inside were gone... How sad, the spirit flower...

She tried asking the girl about it but she said she only throw unimportant things away. Haiz, really sad. Luckily, the most important things were already saved on the storage bag she had.

"Anyway, what should I call you? I'm not too comfortable calling you system... or something like that", Su Li asked the girl.

The girl thought about it for a while and her face brightened, "Master can call me Su Yao!",

"Then Su Yao it is, you can also call me Su Li, the master is kinda weird too", Su Li said, she doesn't want someone that looks like her peers calling her master every time, thinking of it makes her shiver, she's not an S after all.

"Big sister Su Li it is! hehe~", Su Yao grinned, and then she explained a few more things to Su Li.


"Well, I get it now", the information Su Li got from Su Yao was some privilege she had. For example, she can exchange information for soul points, and the exchange ratio depends on the importance of the information. Basically, soul points are the main currency of the system.

She wanted to learn more but the driver's voice sounded from the front, "Miss, we have arrived".

Su Li looked outside and saw a huge city. It was so big that she almost can't see the end, not only that, she could see a huge line of human traffic on the street from up here. She can also see a few huge buildings that spanned wide and high.

They descend and stopped at the huge field with a neat stone path. The carriage was positioned perfectly where the door was right on the stone path itself. Su Li got out of the carriage which the carriage flew again.

"Big sister, so where are we going?", Su Yao stared at her and blinked cutely as she ask.

Wei Lan said the entrance examination will be done in the Great Saint Academy Branch in this city. Now comes the problem... where is the branch? this city is so big after all...

After thinking about it for a while... Su Li decided to do the most logical thing when you are lost, "Let's go and ask around".

So, they started walking around the place, attracting many gazes on the way, most of the gazes were from males and some from the female pedestrian. After all, her beauty was too dazzling it attracts both genders. The gazes around were uncomfortable, especially some gazes feels very dirty.

Su you also felt what she felt so she tried to give her a solution, "Big sister, I know what to do!", Su You, which is invisible to others but still walking with her exclaimed.

"What is?", Su Li asked, which Su You gestured her to come closer and whisper in her ear. Hearing her idea Su Li thought about it and agreed, "Let's try it".



On the streets, the pedestrian all dazedly looked in one direction. At that direction a young man with the looks of a devil was so handsome, the girls on the streets felt their legs weakened. That guy was Su Li, she followed Su You idea and wear male clothes to avoid attention, she hid her body curves with some special meaning of the system, but what is this?! this is just the same!.

Su LI hid her face with the fan she bought just now, "Su You, I thought you say this will work!".

Meanwhile hearing that Su You wept, "Big sister, you can't blame me, your looks are too devilish! how can I know you look better in both".

"...", Su Li can't refute that, well at least those dirty stare was no more so it's kinda a win?.

Luckily, all of the people she question were very cooperative and they all pointed the same way, just in case she asked a few more on the way about the Great Saint Academy entrance exam.

On the way, she looked toward a building, it was the alchemist guild. The stream of people that got in and out was plenty. Most of the people came out disappointed while a tiny bit looks content.

Su Li stopped one that was on the disappointing side and asked, "What is going on here?".

The guy stopped and saw it was a handsome man, he felt a little envious but still answered, "The alchemists are recruiting, if you can pass some test then they will allow you to join as an apprentice, haiz, too bad my spirit power is too low and I didn't meet the requirement". The guy coughed, "Anyway, if you want to try your luck you can just go inside and register yourself", after saying that Su Li thanked the guy and he goes away a little dispirited.

"Spirit power?", Wei Lan teaches her about this too, and she also knows something about it from her original world, but of course the real and fake are different. Anyway, basically, spirit power is the power of consciousness/soul. Different from Qi, spirit power comes from oneself and can only be strengthened by training it diligently.

"What do you think?", Wei Lan never measure her spirit power so she didn't know, so she asked Su You.

Su You froze for a second and then happily said, "Yes Big sister, you should go if you can"

"Okay, let's test our luck", the entrance exam for the academy is a few days later so she's free for now. She was also excited whether she had the luck for it, after all, she also want to be an alchemist since long ago.