Dark Alchemist

After entering, at first, Su Li marvel the luxurious interior inside. When she walks deeper, it seems that all of the people's attention seems to be on her. Then a chubby-looking guy hurriedly came towards her.

When he eventually reach her, he's already out of breath, it took a while until he stopped and started talking as he continuously wiped his sweat, "T-this young master, is there anything we can do for you?".

Su Li backed up a little since she needs to be careful not to break her disguise, "Ahem, are... you guys recruiting?".

Hearing that the chubby man seems a little disappointed, "Yes, if you want to register you can just follow the line", after saying that he left.

/I thought it's a rich master, turn out its just another paupers/

Su Li followed the line until it was her turn. After registering, she waits in the lobby, a lot of people, especially the girls, seem to look at her.

Fortunately, her name was quickly called and with the instruction of the examiner, she entered a big room with a few more people. Inside was a few people wearing a white robe, they are the alchemist that will test whether they can be an alchemist or not. They were positioned surrounding a round table, and in the middle of that table was a gray orb with a speck of black on the middle.

"Come, place your hands on the orb and relax", one of the alchemists, an amiable-looking old man with a wrinkled face and grayish hair directed. Su Li was second from last and behind her was a little cutie with her Black hair tied into twin tails, she had deep blue eyes and a noble temperament. Occasionally, Su Li would do eye contact with the girl as she waited and the girl will smile each time.

After a while, it was her turn but just as she was about to place her hands on the orb, Su You immediately stopped her, "Big sister stop!". Su Li was alarmed and her hand paused in the air, "What is it?".

"I sense something evil on that orb, you must definitely not touch it", Su You also tried to help her, "Please wait for a second as I think of a solution".

Seeing her not touching the orb yet the alchemist asked, "What is wrong, child?".

"N-nothing, I-I just go stomachache", said Su Li touched her belly as she showed a painful expression.

"Don't worry, it will only take a second", the alchemist waved his hand and suddenly, Su Li's hands seems to move on their own, slowly reaching toward the gray orb.

'Su You is there nothing yet?!', Su Li tried hard to pull her hands away but it was hopeless, thus she asked for help from Su You that standing still on the side silently. Just as Su Li was about to touch the orb, Su You seems to wake up and hurriedly said, "Big sister, scream now!".

Su Li didn't know why she want her to do that but she doesn't have any choice now, she hurriedly open her mouth and screamed, "HELP ME!". Immediately after, she seems to regain her control over her hands and hurriedly pull it back.

Seeing her free herself, the alchemist seems surprised, and then a cute voice sounded from behind her, "I understand everything now", the voice was from the green-haired girl behind her. As the girl walked past her, she continued, "I thought all of the dark alchemists were already exterminated but it seems like a few rats slip away".

"W-who are you?", The alchemists backs away and looked at the girl cautiously. The girl smirked and suddenly emitted a pressure that made all the alchemists felt danger and Su Li felt suffocated, fortunately, with the help of the system, she managed to ease herself, the girl then introduce herself, "Apologies for the late introduction, Qian Huiling from Great Saint Academy, a pleasure to met".

"Well... not really", Qian Huiling lifted her hand and a ball of light appeared from her jade white hand. She crushed the ball of light and said, "Anyway, now that you know my identity, decide, you want to do this the easy way or the hard way? for your information, this building is already surrounded, there's no use in trying to escape".

The alchemists first looked at each other and slowly raised their hands. Just as Su Li thought they gave up one of the alchemist throws a white ball to the ground, when the ball hit the ground, it breaks and gives off a bright blinding light. This light immediately blinded the unguarded Su Li and Qian Huiling for a few seconds. These few seconds the alchemist use to lunge toward Su Li and try to capture her.

Su Li didn't realize that since she was blinded, but Su You hurriedly instructed her, "Big sister! duck and kick upward!". Su Li immediately respond and after doing that set of actions she heard a painful scream of a man.

After that, she finally regained her vision and saw that same alchemist that talk to her some time ago, lying on the ground in pain while holding his crotch with both hands. She also saw the other alchemist looked at the man on the ground shivering and slowly looked behind them. Qian Huiling also regained her vision and looked at them angrily, "A hard way it is then".

Qian Huiling waved her hand and a whip appeared on her hand. She clamped the whip with her palm and immediately the whip glowed blue with and occasional electricity appeared on the whip. She practices whipping a few times, creating a thundering voice as every time she waved the whip the object hit immediately got electrocuted and if not, scorched.

She smirked and slowly came closer at them, "Haha... I'll enjoy this". Then, a lot of booming sounds and screams were repeatedly heard for a while.


Right now, Su Li was in the famous restaurant of Qingfeng city, and sitting beside her was Qian Huiling that leisurely drinking tea. Both of them were silent, people in the restaurant doesn't dare to come close either, after all, Qian Huiling showed her badge as one of the elders of the great saint academy to get inside.

Who would've thought such a delicate girl is the elder of the most prestigious academy on this continent. Though Su Li wouldn't label her as 'delicate' after all, she already saw how ferocious Qian Huiling was.

After a while, Qian Huiling put down her cup and smiled, "Now then, first of all, I must thank you, if not for you, I might not be able to catch them". Hearing that, Su Li hurriedly waved her hands, "I really didn't do anything".

"Hee... but you did, as a bait that is", Qian Huiling continued, "I already investigated that place for a few days but to no avail, they are too careful. That is... until you came".

Su Li was surprised, they lower their defense because of her? "Why me? I'm just a nobody". Qian Huiling chuckled, "It was exactly because you're a nobody that they lower their guard. Well, you see, they are gathering spirits from other people, usually, they only gather a small amount of spirit to prevent any suspicion. But when they look at you just now, they seem to get impatient, at that time I record everything from start to finish", She showed her the recording stone and a perfectly cut image of what happened".

"Your spirit felt a little special, that's why I followed behind you and I'm correct, they became impatient to absorb your spirit, after all, a nobody with a special spirit will make them easier to be hidden while acquiring a large number of spirit".

"So... you definitely helped".

"O-oh... I'm also thankful, if not I might err... I don't know the side effect but it should be bad", Su Li scratched her head. Qian Huiling looked at her for a while and said, "You know, for a girl, you really act like a boy, does that why you're disguising right now?".

Hearing that, Su Li froze, "H-how...", before she finish asking Qian Huiling already answered, "How did I know? heh, even though your disguise is not bad, your enormous amount of yin qi gave you away, after all, no man has that huge amount of yin qi unless they're practicing weird arts, but you don't seem to be one".

"Anyway, I haven't know your name yet", Qian Huiling inquired.

"My name is Su Li", Su Li answered.

"Su Li? hmm... oh, look at the time, I need to leave now, See you later Su Li", Qian Huiling winked and left like winds.

Well, let's leave now, Su Li prepared to leave the restaurant when she was stopped by the waiter, "Excuse me, sir, this is the total amount for the payment".

"B-but...", Su Li pointed at the now empty seat Qian Huiling once sat on.

Thinking that she only tried to run away, the waiter gave a weird look, "If you don't pay, then you can't leave!".

... Su Li had a huge feeling of getting conned right now.

My money...