Spirit Power

After leaving the restaurant Su Li continued her way to the Great Saint Academy. She followed the direction people gave her and finally saw a huge building that is the grand Great Saint Academy branch. There are two guards in the gate, barring people from entering.

She already got some information about the Entrance Examination. The most important is that there would be many heavens chosen from various sects that will be attending. Also, the test was set to two, the first test will be done here, at the branch, and the top 20 will undergo the second test at the main branch. This test will decide who will enter the academy as a branch student or as a main branch student.

A, Su Li just accidentally checked her status and saw that she broke through again, now she's in the 5th layer of the 2nd floor. She broke through on the way some time ago, she has to admit the system is amazing.

When she thought of this, Su You appeared on her side shouting, "That's right!", scaring the sh- out of Su Li. She turned angrily at her, "Don't just pop up like that, you almost scared me to death".

Hearing that, Su You hung her head down, looking very pitiful, "I'm sorry...". Seeing that, Su Li thought she might be too hard, "I'm not mad, I'm just very surprised. Don't do that again okay?". Su You immediately lift her head and smiled cheerfully as she repeatedly nodded, "Su You will be good!". Looking at her like this, somehow she felt like having a little sister, she like it very much.

The exam started tomorrow so now they need to rest, it was also starting to get dark. "Let's find an Inn to stay", Su Li looked around to find the closest inn possible, but most of them seems to be booked out already. Su You pointed in one direction and said, "Big Sister, let's go there".

Su Li followed her line of sight and saw a small tattered in on the side, it was deserted as no one is willing to stay there, "Are you sure?", Su Li asked. "Mhm! sure sure!", Su You nodded very cutely.

When they were in front of the inn Su Li saw a word on a sign, "Sometimes things are not what eyes can see". When she entered, she saw an old man standing still on the counter, as if dead. Su Li came forward and the old man's finger started to twitch, he looks her way and a strange glint flashed in his eyes.

Su Li arrived at the counter seeing the old man's gaze never left her so she ask, "Err, pardon me, but can I book a room?". But even after saying that, the old man keep silent as his gaze felt as if penetrated through her.

"Emm, sir?", Su Li felt uncomfortable with the stare and since the old man didn't respond, she prepared to leave, "Well, excuse me then". Just as she was turning around she heard a hoarse voice saying, "You can only stay for one night".

Hearing that, Su Li was delighted, "Yes, then... how much should I pay?", she said that but the old man doesn't answer as he throw her a key and said, "Last room of the corridor, remember, you can only stay for one night", after that he closed his eyes.

Su Li doesn't know how much to pay as he didn't say. She saw the other inn pricing a while ago so she took out the right amount of money and politely put it on the counter. She bowed slightly and took the key as she goes upstairs.

After Su Li went upstairs the old man slowly opened his eyes, his pupils shine as stars can be seen circling in the depth of his eyes. He looks at the stairs going upward where Su Li passed through and mumbled to himself, "An early refining stage junior can enter here? is it fate perhaps?".


Su Li walked through the hallway and found her room, there were only three rooms and hers was on the other side of the stairs. She opened the door and unlike the exterior which looks rundown, the interior was pretty casual. When she entered, she heard Su You saying, "Big Sister, now we're in a special area".

"Special?", Su You cheerfully hopped around the room as she explain, "Yes! at this place, most of the origin energy gathered here is very pure and easier to absorb than the Origin energy from outside.

Ah! not only that there's a spirit gathering here so this is a good place to train spirit power!". Training spirit power? but Su Li doesn't know how to, she doesn't even know the basic spirit gathering, after all, these few days she spends on cultivating her Origin Qi. Also, Wei Lan didn't know anything related to spirit power, since unless you want to become an Alchemist or an Origin Inscription, you won't have to focus on your spirit power as it would follow your cultivation strength albeit weaker than those who train.

"No need to worry Big Sister, you just need to enter the cultivation state and you can gradually absorb the spirit power", Even when she said that Su Li still asked, "As simple as that?", "Yes! as simple as that!".

Since she said so, Su Li decided to try it, after all, spirit power is versatile, it can be used as the main source of attack or support. The implementation for spirit power, for example, is Spirit attack, this could be lethal for those with weak spirits but of course, it's useless for those at the same level. Another one is the most useful implementation, spirit control is needed in alchemy, and not only that, spirit power is needed for inscribing divine inscription.

Su Li sat on the bed with her leg crossed, after a while, she entered the cultivation state. While in this state, she felt a cold current slowly entering her body. She was already used to it as this is Origin Yin Energy, but she also felt another sensation, a cold feeling started seeping into her head as if something want to pry through her brain, she endure it for a while until the feeling was gone, replaced by fresh feeling as if the spring winds were gently blowing on her head. She stayed in that state for some time as she madly absorb the origin energy and spirit.


"Huu...", Su Li ended her cultivation by exhaling a frosty cold breath. She looks outside and found the sky is already black as the stars shine all around, So it's night already.

She looked at her Status and found two changes, first is that she broke through the 8th layer, jumping through 3 layers. The second change was the mysterious bar, she finally knew that it was her spirit measurer, it measure her spirit as in the Early Dream phase, which is the first stage of spirit.

Su Li tried her newfound strength, she try to grab a book from far away by concentrating her spirit power. At first, the book won't budge but as she focused more and more, the book started floating slowly to her hands, when the book arrived, Su Li felt a painful headache, Su You told her that this is because her spirit had run out.

"The feeling of using spirit power is wonderful", it's as if her consciousness was separated but also not. Su Li once again entered the state of cultivation as she want to gather more spirit, this can be used as a trump card in the exam tomorrow.

Before she enter the state, Su You told her, "Big Sister, it would be better to cultivate in your sleep, after all, you're still in the Early Dream phase". "How is it?", Su Li asked. "It's easy, just lay on the bed and sleep!".

"This...", is this how it felt to be spoiled?. "Are you sure I only need to do that?", Su Li asked again, "Yes of course, if not, what is the use of the system? after all, the system's sole reason is to make you stronger".

"But aren't there suppose to be an obstacle... or something like that?", Su You shake her head, "Obstacle is something fated, if something like that doesn't appear then you need not search it". "Besides, how can you be sure you haven't felt any obstacle on your journey?".

"I see, alright, I'll try it then. So... I just need to sleep right?", Su Li lay on the bed as she look at Su You on the side, "Yes, you only need to sleep, simply that".

"Well then...", Su Li took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her consciousness started to become fuzzy as she felt her breath smoothened, finally she enter the state of sleep.

Su You looked at Su Li sleeping on the bed with a smile, "Good night...



Your Majesty".