Heavenly Dream Art

Inside her dream, Su Li marvel around as she felt something different, "Isn't this my consciousness?", she even saw the house she met Suo You last time, but this time, it's not just house, but there's now a river on the side, a plain on the other side and a small hill with a giant tree in the middle, hanging on the tree was a swing with a silhouette of a person riding it.

When Su Li focused her gaze on the three she saw a familiar presence that is Suo You, and like usual she's leisurely sat, this time, on a simple swing supported by a big tree, she proceed to walk towards her. Suo You eyes were closed, but when Su Li came it gently twitched and her eyes were slowly opened, revealing bright red eyes.

She saw Su Li came and slowly stood up, she waved her hand and a table and a pair of chairs appeared. She gestured for Su Li to sit and with a flick, a set of teacups appeared with a teapot in the middle. Suo You then poured a full cup of tea for both of them as she smiled, "Congratulations, you finally cultivate some spirit power, you can be considered a good cultivator now".

"About that... what happens with the scenery here? it's more... plentiful?", Su Li asked as she surveys the place.

Suo You glanced at the scenery around, "It's nothing special really, this is your consciousness so it's normal that the stronger your spirit the richer the things inside".

Hearing that Su Li nodded in understanding, "I see, then if I become really strong, what will happen?".

Suo You didn't answer her, instead, she said, "You already want to know how to smelt gold while still doesn't know how to pull weeds? No need to bother for the future, the present is all you need, keep working hard and you will naturally know".

"I do have a gift for your achievement, after all, you freed me from that boring house", Suo You pointed to Su Li's forehead as small light left Suo You finger and enter Su Li's forehead. A divine word appeared on her mind as it gave birth to excruciating pain.

Suo You saw her in pain, so she said, "Don't fight it, relax". Su Li tried to relax and the pain started to gradually diminish and eventually disappear. The gift Suo You gave her is a spirit art called "Heavenly Dream art", it's a spirit art that gave the user the ability to forcefully pulling the opponent's consciousness into the user consciousness to attack the opponent.

There are 4 stages of Heavenly Dream art, the first stage is called Dream of Dream, it's a spiritual attack that made the opponent see a loop over and over again and he won't even know that he's in a loop. The basic requirement is for the user to enter the Early Dream phase which Su Li was in now. As for the rest, we can talk about it when she got stronger.

When she got the manual, Su Li already know its a great art, even the first stage looks powerful. She convey her gratitude to Suo You but Suo You seems to didn't mind imparting the art to her one bit. Instead, she smiled as she said, "How about you train the art here? as for your opponent", Suo You thought about and snap her finger which summon a middle-aged man in front of both of them. The man's eyes looks evil and he looked at the two of them lecherously as he started walking towards both of them. From the looks of it, the man seems to have the same aura as Su Li so he probably has the same cultivation base as her.

"Go on, you can use that guy as a training, don't worry, he's just a person I created so feel free to kill him", Suo You said as she gently sip at her tea. Kill him? right, they are on Su Li's consciousness so this guy is not real, supposedly.

Su Li stood up from the chair as a faint white flame started to ignite on her forehead, indicating her starting to use spirit power. She immediately used the Heavenly Dream art, Dream of Dream to the man and like a statue, the man freezes in place.

Seeing the man froze, Su Li immediately going in for the kill, as she got close the man seems to get out of the confused state as his eyes starting to get clear, but it's too late, Su Li already came in front of him as her palm descended, targeting his heart area. The man saw that and his pupil constricted, his face in that very second plastered with fear as he tried to say something, but the palm already hit his heart, and it immediately destroyed his heart. The man throw up blood one last time before he lay on the ground, not moving.

Su Li looked at the somewhat real dead body on the ground with a weird feeling on her stomach, that touch... felt so real.

Pak Pak

Applause sounded as Suo You clapped at her, "Not bad, you can at least trap your opponent for a few seconds, that's already not bad".

Hearing that, Su Li isn't happy at all, "This... is he really not real?", she asked as she gaze at the body lying in a pool of blood in front of her.

Suo You seems to be unbothered as she waved her hand and the body disappeared, "Don't think too much about it, I can assure you that this is not real at all", Suo You came closer and held her face. This is the first time they are touching, and the first feeling Su Li felt was cold, Suo You touch felt cold, "See? nothing out of ordinary".

"O-oh right...", Su Li forced a smile as she hide her uncomfortable feeling. Everything... just felt wrong...

"Hehe, now that you can use spirit power, you can now come here if you want to, be sure to come here okay? I'll be sure to help you", Suo You gently caressed her face as Su Li looks into her.

At this moment, Su Li heard a very faint voice telling her two words.

Don't... trust...

Hearing the voice, Su Li didn't change her expression at all, instead, she become very calm as she smiled at her, "Yes, I'll be sure to come here again".

Seeing her agree so happily Suo You also smiled brilliantly, "Alright then I won't waste your time anymore, you can go now", after that, with a snap of her finger, Su Li disappear from the place.


After a while, a faint sigh echoes around the place, and a hoarse voice was heard, "Not enough yet".