Entrance Examination (Prelude)

"The Registration has been open!".

As the young man's voice fell, a flock of people, from young to old immediately rushed toward the huge gate. Su Li, who doesn't want to get in contact with people, back off from the crowd. She watches the crowd as they push each other around. Su Li saw a young man being pushed and stomped by a few people, they didn't even saw him as they rush toward the entrance without caring.

"Stop!", he shouts, but no one listens, and he can only get stomped over and over as even more people rushed through the gate. There are three people that with uniforms watching the people who entered, Su Li didn't know whether those people knew or just didn't care, but they calmly watch as the crowd rushed to enter the gate, as if they didn't hear the young man writhed in pain.

Unwilling to see more, Su Li asked Su Yao, "Will the disguise illusion break if I was touched or something?".

"The disguise will wear off if a force stronger than, let's say... a hard push will break the disguise. Are you sure you want to do it, Big Sister?".

Su Li immediately answered with her action as she carefully push through the stampede of people, seeing that, Su Yao secretly gave her a slight smile and then carefully gave her guidance on the path of people with the weakest strength.

But of course, accidents always happen at the worst possible time. just when she almost got to the young man, two people pushes her forward. Su Li was unprepared, so she stumbled and fell to the ground. Her disguise broke as her stature and appearance were all for others to see, fortunately, she remember to use veils even in her disguise.

"...", Su Li was already notified by Su Yao about her disguise was broken, so she immediately made a run for it. Her not caring about breaking the disguise anymore, couple with all the people who saw her became mesmerized, it was easy for her to slip through the crowd.

She took a peek at the young man right before she entered the gate and he's already fine as everyone was still mesmerized by her. Seeing that, Su Li had no more worry as she entered the gate.

Meanwhile, after Su Li entered, everyone started to regain their senses. Even the guards that stand beside the gate looked at each other, no one know what they're thinking.

"What a girl!".

"Is that a fairy I saw? am I gonna die?".

"I think I'm gonna die too because I think I saw a fairy as well".

"You didn't see wrong, although she cover her face with a veil I know from my experience that it's an absolutely beautiful girl!".

"I think I push her just now".

"Me too, suck I didn't feel it a little...".

While the crowd was discussing outside, Su Li went to an empty corner and told Su Yao to change her clothes back, which she does it instantly. She changed into the light-blue clothes that Wei Lan prepared her.

"Big Sister, that was fun!", Su Yao laughed as if the event that just occurred was like a game.

"Haha...", Su Li already prepared too, some time ago she bought a bamboo hat from a street vendor. She uses it to cover more of her appearance, though it does very little than her veil.

After readying herself, Su Li walked to the line where the crowd was registering, at the end of the line was a young man on a platform and a floating big crystal beside him. Seeing her come, everyone unconsciously made way for her, after all, Su Li gave them an aura of a superior person. Actually, all of this is what Su Yao doing, she felt it would be boring to wait so she immediately uses some of her power to strengthen Su Li's Aura.

When Su Li reached the young man, the young man froze as his eyes gleamed. Although the young man cannot see her face clearly because of the veil and the bamboo hat, he knows that this is a beauty!. After regaining his senses, he asked politely, "This miss, do you want to register?".

"Yes", Su Li nodded.

Hearing her voice, the young man has entranced once again, even her voice is so nice to hear...

"O-okay, please touch this crystal and spell your name", the young man said and pointed at the floating big crystal beside him.

Su Li walked toward the crystal, lifting her jade white hand, she gently touched the crystal and chanted, "Su Li".

When she was done, the crystal shine briefly and a number appeared in it, it was the number 18. The young man write her name and the number on a book and then he respectfully gave her a token. It was a token with the word "Great Saint" on it, the word was carved with gold while the token itself was silver.

"Please follow the path to enter further and you will be directed to the testing ground by one of the disciples", the young man politely said as he pointed at the path inside, sometimes taking a few peek at her.

"Thank you", Su Li nodded and walk forward, following the path.


Su Li followed the path for a while and a young man with the same attire as the young man from outside greeted her and bring her to the testing ground. The testing ground was also bustling with people with a few disciples overseer the crowd.

In the middle of the crowd was a 6 big stone arena, each with big crystals in the middle. The crystal was different from the one outside, Su Yao told her the crystal outside is used to calculate someone's age, while this crystal was to show their cultivation level.

Speaking about cultivation level, Su Li was stuck on the 9th floor of the 2nd foundation. No matter what she does she can't increase it, even Su Yao doesn't know what to do. Since each floor only increases someone's body strength by a small bit and each foundation increases someone's body strength by a huge margin, she would be far weaker than someone on the 1st floor of the 3rd foundation. Even though Su Li felt a little frustrated, she can only make do with it and hoped she could pass the exam. Besides, she had an innate talent, Su Yao also told her that people with innate talent were very rare in this world.

There's also another reason why she was frustrated, that is she can't practice origin art until she reached the 3rd foundation, since that is the minimum bodily strength needed for using the origin arts without hurting oneself.


After a while, there are no more people entering the training ground and the disciples also notified all of them to wait, and after waiting for a few minutes, three people came down from the sky, the newcomer was a middle-aged woman, a middle-aged man, and an old man.

The one talking is the middle-aged man, "Greetings everyone, I am the leader of this Great Saint Academy branch".

"I am very delighted all of you want to join our academy, we very well hope you all can pass, sadly we have rules to follow, and thus, we can only accept a few of you".

"Anyway, without further ado, let's start the test", the middle-aged man then looked at the middle-aged woman and nodded, "please".

The woman started talking, "First of all, we will have to map out your strength and then We will start by choosing 6 people each time to get on the stage and another six with strength close to them to be their opponent, please bear with this because our tools are a little limited".

"After that, the winner of each fight will also fight with another winner with the same, or strength close to them, and so on".

"Later, if there are only 20 people left, we will draw lots to pick for battle, that is all".

"Well then, let's the test started!".