Entrance Examination (Part 1)

"Let's the test start!".

"The names that are being called, please get up to the closest empty platform there are and follow the said procedure".

"Zheng Ping", after the name was called, a white-clad young man got up to one of the platforms, he had a big sword draped on his back, his expression was nonexistent, he only stood on the platform waiting for the next order.

"Pei Yun", The next one was another young man, he looks like a typical prodigal child with a smug expression on his face. It's probably just her, but Su Li feels like he just winked at her? anyway, that gives her a not-so-good impression, not only that, he didn't even hide the lust in his eyes when he look at her.


When all six people got on top of the platforms, the woman instructed, "Now, please carefully place your palm on the side of the crystal and release your origin energy, we don't tolerate cheating so don't have any thought about consuming any origin boosting pill, we will know. If all of you understand, you can start".

When her voice fell, the six people immediately touched the crystal, and the crystal started to shine a little. The Origin level of each 6 people started to appear, and the most conspicuous were two young men, which is Pei Yun and Zheng Ping.

Pei Yun crystal showed 5 light shards meaning 5th foundation building. After his result was shown, he once again looked at her and winked... man, does this guy have nothing to do?.

Anyway, Zheng Ping was even more surprising as he showed 6 light shards! This means He's already at the 6th foundation of the foundation building. This surprised even the branch leader if you see closely you can see his eyes shine in delight.

The other four were pretty normal as they were in the 3rd foundation. ait, if they're normal... then what about Su Li that still stuck at the second foundation? is she a weakling then?. Ahem, let's not talk about that for now...

And so the test continues...


There are a few more conspicuous people among the participants as well. For example, there's a cute young girl with an origin level of the 4th foundation as well as a fatty with the same origin realm as the young girl. The young girl and the fatty name respectively are Qian Qian and Tang San. As for the rest... probably the weakest is Su Li.

Su Li was dazed because of boredom for a while, that is... until she heard a name, a name she was very familiar with.

"Li Yun!", After the name was called, a red-clad young girl goes up to one of the platforms.

She had a fair complexion and an appearance of stunning beauty, but even so, Su Li can't help but feel disappointed. After all, it's not her lost best friend, how can she not disappointed?.

After testing, it turns out her origin level was in the 6th foundation! it's the same as the sword guy.

"Wow, another genius!".

"Looks like 1st and 2nd place was already booked".

"Haiz, the young generation really beat the old...".

After a while, it's finally Su Li's turn.

When she got up to one of the platforms, all eyes were on her, even the leader and the other two were watching her. After all, Su Li was the only one who tried to hide her appearance, so they got their hopes up thinking she would be a dark horse. Too bad their hopes were crushed immediately after she only showed two light shards.

Many started to gloat over her, after all, that origin level is really too low.

"Hey, just go home, you're wasting your time!".

"I thought she would be a beauty that she hid her face but now I don't think so!".

"Pfft, yeah her appearance must be hideous".

"Look, even that Pei guy already looked at her in disgust, ahaha even that womanizer feels she's too bad".


Su Li heard all of this but her face was tranquil, in fact, she was very happy if they thought so but then her face darkened again after she heard another discussion.

"I should say though, her body is not bad".

"Now that you say it, spending a night without seeing her face would be great as well".

"Yeah, hey girl what about a night with me? hahaha!".

Although Su Li felt annoyed, she hold it in, this is not Earth there are no rules here, only strength matters... Even the three leading figures didn't say anything, because they don't think she would have any chances at all so why should they help her if she's useless?.


It was a while until the last one finished, and most of the people were in the 3rd, foundation, Su Li was really the only one that was still in the 2nd foundation.

"Now let us start the chosen battle, starting from... the weakest".

"Then... Su Li and... Chao Mang please get up to platform 1".

Su Li heard her name being called and walked to the chosen platform.

Her opponent was a skinny man with a somewhat pale expression on his face, he had this lecherous look on his face when he look at her. He doesn't even conceal the lust in his eyes as he stares at her up and down.

"People say you look ugly, but I like to see it for myself. Take off your veil and I'll let you go unscathed otherwise I'll do it myself, as a note, I won't be gentle if I do it, I might even accidentally open a few more spots in the process", The skinny man laughed.

Hearing that Su Li stood there motionless, waiting for something.

"Start the fight!", One of the disciples that watched over the platform shouted.

When the disciple's voice fell, Su Li immediately use the soul art "Heavenly Dream Art"!. This soul art was a little overpowered, those without a strong soul will immediately fall into a repeated illusion created by the user.

After seeing him stand there dazed, Su Li slowly walked toward him... step... by.... step...

When she finally reached him, she uses her own "Secret Art", She lifted her feed backward, and then strongly kick forward.

This is the secret art Su Li invented after the event at the alchemist guild.

The Nut Cracker!. (A/n: my special move)

The Skinny man immediately felt the pain in his lower region, but Su Li didn't let this chance go as she immediately give him a backspin kick, and knocked him out of the platform.

This means she has won the fight but everyone was silent, it was until a few while di the crowd exploded again.

"How cruel!"

"Damn, I felt bad for that guy lol, he can't have children anymore".

"Definitely, what a fierce girl, but still, why did he become dazzled just now?".

"Maybe he's thinking dirty thing, who knows. Just so you know, that guy was notorious for always going to bar and play with women".

"Yeah, he probably lowers his guard because of that".



And much more.

Everyone was affected and confused by what just happened.

The only one that doesn't get affected was Li Yun, she looked at Su Li intently as she got down of the platform.

"A-anyway, the next one...", even the disciples that overseer the fight got cold sweat from watching the fight.

After Su Li got down, no one dared to get close to her at all, the only one that was a little close to her was all girls, as for the boys... they all went far far away from her.

Anyway, this is good news for Su Li.




Then after that Su Li was called again, this time she fought a woman with very revealing clothes. When she got up the platform, all the men were whistling hard.

"Hehe, little girl you should go down now, your trick won't work on me", said the woman as her two big melon jiggled around, making all the men around followed it like a hungry wolf.

"Yeah, go down!".

"Go down!".

"Go down!".

The men around shouted tirelessly.

Su Li didn't say anything. When the fight started, she just activated the "Heavenly Dream Art" again and kicked her out of the platform.

"...", the crowd was once again silent.