Entrance Examination (Part 2)

After Su Li won her second match, the next opponent stopped underestimating her anymore, but even so, they still fall prey to her "Heavenly Dream Art" anyway.

The three people on top were also watching her intently and discussing what she might have done. After all, winning once might be a coincidence, but more than that?. So they created their speculation on the fight she cheesed through.

"What do you two think about her?", ask the branch leader, to the two people beside him.

"She was still in the 2nd Pagoda Refining realm, it's impossible for her to practice any martial arts so there's only one thing that can get the same result. That is...", The middle-aged woman explains her own thought.

"...Spirit art", The old man said after a while.

"Spirit art? I thought it was lost long ago", The branch leader raised his brows when he heard that.

"It should have, but of course... nothing is permanent, who knows if someone created their own sets of spirit art?".

"That's true", The branch leader nodded.

"...What if...", The branch leader was about to ask something but the old man cut him off.

"I know what you want to ask, it's impossible, spirit art can only be imparted not learned".

"I'm not gonna ask anything like that...".

"You sure?", The old man raised one of his brows at him.

"Remember this, spirit art is something that can only be created by a supreme force, not only that, the people that can learn those kinds of art are restricted to some, usually their direct descendants. One more thing, usually, spirit arts need a requirement, even if we got the spirit art doesn't mean we can learn it, it's impossible to learn it anyway".

"Although this girl cultivation is a little lacking, who can say about her spirit power?".

"...Ahem, let's continue watching", the middle-aged man stopped thinking about it after hearing the old man's explanation.


The few fights Su Li was in, she won every single one unhindered. After all, the spirit power of everyone she fought was almost abysmal. Thus, she continued until she finally reached the fight for the top 20.

She had one more fight before she entered the top 20. Her opponent was a big burly man with a big war ax in his right hand, he hold it as if it was nothing. The guy was a peak 3rd pagoda refiner. He looked at Su Li with a vicious expression, he didn't talk at all, instead, when the disciples started the fight, he immediately jumped forward, swinging the ax at her.

Surprisingly, contrary to his big physique, his speed was pretty fast, not only that, but he was also very intelligent as he didn't let Su Li use her art with attacking her every time. Su Li was forced to dodge his every attack, she cannot focus to use her spirit art.

The others that saw this cheered, especially those that lost to her. Su Li was hit by misfortune, of course, they're happy, after all, they were beaten by a 2nd pagoda trash, which made them very ashamed.

Su Li was still dodging his attack when she saw the man shout, "Mountain Shattering Fist!". His fist glowed as his origin energy focused on that one fist.

Because Su Li was a little surprised, she accidentally slip and doesn't have any time to dodge his attack, thus it hit her. Before the fist hit her, she quickly crossed her hand in front of her chest and accept the full impact.


She propelled backward, almost touching the edge of the platform. Fortunately, although a difference in strength between one small realm is big, it's not a problem if the lower level one focused on full defense.

Su Li felt her hand numbed after that collision, she can even see red marks on her hands. She can still move it albeit a little forced, after all, she still felt the pain from that punch.

She was planning to save this move but looks like it's impossible now. Since, if she didn't use it, then she won't be able to win.

"Hah... Ruler of frost", Su Li murmured, As she murmured, cold breath started to

When Su Li did this, the man was already in front of her, waving his big fist at her. When she saw the fist falling down at her, she used her control over ice to slow down the man's movement by a little, but it's enough. She leans back a little, dodging the fist by a hair. After that, she immediately punches forward, because she was only at the 2nd foundation, she cannot focus her original energy on one of her limbs, boosting it, otherwise not only it will not boost her power, it will damage her limbs.

When the fist hit, the man backs off a little, looking undamaged. But only Su Li knows that he is in fact, not undamaged. After all, she used her control over ice to insert her controlled ice into the pores of his skin, hurting him from inside.

Even so, the fight continues, that's because the man didn't notice it at all.


Over time the movement of the man got slower and slower, meanwhile, Su Li that decided to use the man as a training dummy got used to her power and more fluid on using her limbs and enchant her prowess.

Finally, Su Li got the chance to use her spirit art and stunned the man. She immediately go in for the kill and hit repeatedly at his limbs, not giving him any chances.

After a few more punches, mostly on the face, the man fell, unconscious.

The crowd that was cheering for the man was silent once again.


"What was that?", The branch leader looked intently at Su Li, he was watching her whole fight and saw her getting suppressed, but then after they have a little bit of distance, Su Li started to dominate the fight.

"I don't know either, is it another spirit art?", the middle-aged woman looked at Su Li in confusion.

"...", the old man was also not sure what to say, because he also didn't know what had just happened.

Su Li control her innate power so fluidly and delicately that even they didn't notice it at all, as a student of the modern world, her brain is already trained to learn everything quickly. It's been a while since she got it but this hidden power of hers felt very familiar each time she use it, making it easier to use each time. Thus in her spare time, after the practice with Wei Lan, she usually faintly uses it, to familiarize herself.

This power doesn't use her origin energy at all, but she felt a little weak after using it, that's why she seldom uses it frequently. Though at that time with Ke'er, she just want to look cool okay?.

Anyway, this is the first time she fight that hard, and her breath was a little rushed. But she cannot rest just yet, because the top 20 was already decided and they have to pick lots on the platform.

Because the examinee felt that the fight between the top 20 will be the hardest for both sides, they decided there won't be any rematch or as such. Thus, the winner will become one of the top 10 and the ranks later will be decided in the main academy.

When the lots were decided, Su Li's first opponent in the semi-final was, Li Yun!.