End Result

When her name was called, Su Li got up to the assigned platform for her and her opponent. Li Yun also followed from the other end of the platform and they both stood face to face.

Before they started, Li Yun raised her hand and looked at the referee, "Can I talk to her for a while?".

The referee looked at the branch leader and saw him nod, "Okay, be quick".

Li Yun waved her hands as she walked toward Su Li as she said, "Hello, Su Li right?".

Su Li looked at her in confusion as she answered, "Do I know you?".

"Oh, no you don't, but your friend told me about you", Li Yun said.

"Huh? Who?!", Is it Li Yun? Xiao Li? Huang Xue? or maybe... all of them?.

"Calm down, I won't tell even if you ask... unless you defeat me that is", Li Yun stares at her with blatant provocations.

"... And if I lose?", Su Li asked.

"Hmm... then no answer for you, also...", Li Yun paused and then smiled a little.

"Your friend might be in a danger".

Hearing that, Su Li immediately got angry and the temperature started to drop around her as she asked coldly, "Just defeating you right?".

"Hee, you make it sounds like it would be easy", Contrary to Su Li's cold air, the temperature started to rise around Li Yun making the platform half-cold-half-hot.

"Anyway, looks like you will give it your all, right? well, I'm done, you can start", Li Yun said to Su Li one last time and then nodded at the referee.

"Ready?", the referee raised his hand.

"Su Yao", Su Li called out.

"Yes, I'm here".

"My chance of winning... how much is it?", Su Li asked.

"If it's bad, will you back down?", Su Yao asked back.

"..." Su Li took a deep breath, "I'm winning this".

"I'll support you!", Su Yao cheered from her back.


The referee looked at both sides and saw each girl are ready, "Start!".

Immediately Su Li heard Su Yao's advice, "Sister Su, It's impossible to fight with brute force, her realm is far above you so the only thing we can rely on is spirit attack!".

"Um, I got it".

Su Li nod as she immediately used her spirit attack at her opponent. Though the opponent seems to be surprised a little, there's no damage done.

"The opponent seems to study spirit art as well. Sister Su needs to increase the output if you want to succeed", Su Yao analyzed the impact and told Su Li the result.

"Um", Just like what she said, Su Li immediately increased her output on her spirit attack.

Fortunately, the opponent finally seems to feel some disturbance as expected, but it's still not enough.

'Li Yun' doesn't want to give up and also used a spirit attack on Su Li as well.

Su Li had a strong soul but she will inevitably feel a little dizzy when being attacked by a spirit art.

To the outside world, they just stood there unmoving, but spirit art doesn't have a physical form and it was the best silent killer if the user's soul is strong enough.

Just like how they didn't realize they are using spirit art to battle, they won't realize if they are hit by a spirit attack.

"What are they doing?".

"Dunno, are they giving up?".

"But the opponent is just a second form practitioner".


Meanwhile, the crowd is in confusion, the spirit attacks on both of them are raging and now, it's the matter of who had the most endurance.

As someone that came to this world, Su Li's spirit naturally had a superior attribute than the latter, but the opposite seems to have a tenacious spirit and they both stayed in a stalemate for a while.

Until 'Li Yun' decided to give up.

Su Li looked at her opponent questioningly, "Why do you surrender?".

"It's never been my goal to truly fight you", 'Li Yun' shrugged.

"I'm just... checking the water?".

"...", C'mon, Su Li doesn't have time for this nonsense.

"Though, I just want to say. My liege has a mission for me, and that's you".

"Me? Wait, who's your liege?", Su Li pointed at herself and asked.

"Hmm... I thought you're smarter than that...", 'Li Yun' sighed.

"Ahem, I surrender, Referee please decide the winner", Without waiting for Su Li to say anything, 'Li Yun' raised her hand and looked at the referee as she said.

The Referee nodded, "Then the first winner was Su Li, so she was placed in the top 10".

The audience below looking at the platform Su Li and 'Li Yun' was at in dissatisfaction and they started booing.

"What the hell is this dogsh*t match!".

"Refund! oh wait, no one paid".

"This is totally a scripted fight!".

"Boo! What is this second-form practitioner going to the academy?! I refuse to acknowledge this!".

Among them, the one Su Li beat has the loudest voice.

"Quiet!", The Leader shouted, making everyone quiet.

"All of you have already lost, if you're dissatisfied then get out of here! Prepare to be banned forever!".

The people don't dare to say anything anymore, it's already great that they can try every time the exam happens, if they're really banned then there's will be no hope for them except being a poor civilian.

"Anyway, the first winner has already been settled. There's still 9 more", The leader took a deep breath and then sat back on his chair.

The fight between the 18 people has already started but some are pretty much over before it's started. Especially those that are over the 4th form that fights with some early-stage 3rd form.

The easiest one is that Zheng Ping guy, he didn't even unsheath his sword but he already beat his opponent with one kick.

There's also that Pei Yun... winky man, this guy unexpectedly a hidden weapon user. Not only that, the opponent he fought has already bleeding from every part of his body and can't even stand up anymore but he still didn't stop. It's unfortunate but when the referee stopped the fight, the man was already gone.

The more unfortunate thing is, his family is here, his wife and daughter and they're already crying on his dead body.

Unfortunately, strong people have privilege so he didn't get punished at all. Instead, the leader used a honey word such as, "It's normal for an accident to happen, the deceased family will get compensation from us", Although he emphasized the word 'Accident' any person that has eyes can see that Pei Yun can stop after his fourth attack which already disabled his vision. He's really a ruthless person.

Also, how much this 'compensation' they can give to them? and how long can they last with that 'compensation' they give?.

Su Li looked at the mother that cries on her husband's dead body and the daughter that kept looking at his murderer with red eyes and hatred.

Though, the perpetrator was standing on the platform, smiling smugly as if it's nothing but just a game for him. Seeing this, Su Li inadvertently clenched her fist.

*This is a world where the strong eat the weak, don't lose your cool big sister*, From nowhere, Su Yao appeared like a ghost on her side.

"Are you supporting what he's doing?"

*I'm not supporting him*, Su Yao shook her head, *But fighting fire with fire won't work either*.

*If you really want to beat him, then first increase your strength. After all, not everyone is probing you like that girl over there*, Su Yao pointed at the girl that said her liege was looking for Su Li.


After a while, the top 10 and 20 have already been decided. The people that failed can only go back and wait for another year.

Before this, the fight for the top 10, the loser can challenge the winner with the rules that they can't challenge those to who they lose. Many tried to challenge the winner, especially Su Li, but they all end up either being kicked on the butt or on the face.

Also, 'Li Yun' beat a late stage 3rd form practitioner got a place in the top 10.

She came up to her and smiled, "So? what do you want to hear first? about the real me? or... about my liege?".