A Change of Plan

"So? which one do you want to know first?".

"Then... who is your liege?", Su Li was the most curious about this.

"Hmm, I don't think you would recognize her if I just say her name... but my liege name is Li Yun".

"She was brought to our sect a few months ago".

"The one who brought her was called Li Ming".

Hearing the old man's name, Su Li's eyes were brightened, 'It is her!'.

"Then, where is she?", Su Li asked hurriedly, she really misses her friends.

"Didn't that old man, tell you? the sect was hidden from those that not a student", 'Li Yun' reminded her.

"But, then how can I meet her?", Su Li remembers Xiao Ling told her this and she felt frustrated about it.

"This is why I'm here. Next question?".

"Well, then who are you? why did she send you?", Su Li raised her eyebrow and asked again.

"Finally, the question about me. My name is Yun Jin, 20 Years old, nice to meet you, Su Li", Yun Jin stretched her hand, waiting for a shake.

"Nice to meet you too", Su Li stretched her hand and they shake hands.

"Well, why did she send me you say? hmm...", Yun Jin looked at the sky with her hand on her chin, looking as if she was thinking about something.

"I almost forgot. Ah yes, I was told to teach you basic alchemy", After a while, Yun Jin patted her head and said with a smile.


"Well, if you want to join my sect, then you need to at least know basic alchemy. sooo yeah".

"Then... how do you want to teach me?", Su Li stopped for a second and asked again, "You want to be my teacher?".

"No, don't, I'm too young to be a teacher. Just treat me as a big sister of the same sect right? yes, this could work".

"...", Why are you sounded very unsure.

"Anyway, yeah, let's stop talking, for now, they seem to have something to say", Yun Jin pointed at the three elders that came to them.


"Congratulations, all of you are now disciples of the Great Saint Academy", The leader smiled as he said.

"The top twenty can only stay here, for the time being. But worry not, as you will have a chance to get into the main branch of the academy, as long as you train hard".

"As for those in the top 10, you all will be sent to the main branch tomorrow. So for today, rest here. We already prepared a place for all ten of you".

"These students will guide you to your respective place", The leader pointed at the 20 black-robed students they bring.

"Any questions?".

Su Li raised her hand and asked, "Can I bring someone with me?".

The leader nodded and said, "Yes, you can, but someone such as partners or someone married to you is forbidden. After all, the sect is not a place to make love".

"That's it", Su Li nodded in understanding.

"Any more questions?".

There's no one answering.

"If there's none then you can go to your place now. As for me, I'll be back In the morning", The leader said and then raised his foot to leave the place.

Seeing the three elders goes away, 10 students came forward and asked respectfully whether they want to go to their room or somewhere else.

"Can I go outside for a while?", Su Li asked the student in front of her. It was a male student with short stature, he looks very kind at first glance and he's all smile.

"Yes you can, do you want me to accompany you?", The student asked with a smile.

"No need, I can go by myself", Su Li rejected him and went outside the place.


Su Li returned to the inn she stayed in last night.

"Hey, I'm back", Su Li came in and see there was no one in the inn she took off her bamboo hat and her veil. She then sighed in relief. Sometimes she felt that being too beautiful is such a pain. Though, she doesn't want to be ugly either.

"Ah, you came back", Xiong Yanlin popped her head from the kitchen and a small running sound sounded and Ke'er also came running from the kitchen full of energy.

"Bro... ther?", But when she was in front of Su Li, she paused and asked curiously.

"It's me, Su Jian is just a disguise", Su Li came forward and patted her on the head.

Ke'er didn't dodge and felt a familiar touch so she recognize her quickly. But she still asked rather curiously, "So brother is a sister?".

"Yeah", Su Li nodded gently.

"Then sister, are you done with your... things?", Ke'er asked.

"Mhm, and they allowed me to bring someone as well".

"Waah, I can follow bro- I mean sister! along!", Ke'er jumped around with enthusiast.

"Ahem, Su Jian? or you have other names?", Xiong Yanlin called out.

"Just call me Su Li sister Xiong".

"Well, Su Li, I think you have mistaken something. What they mean by you can bring people, means a maid or subordinate that can do chores for you. Also, the academy is not the place for rainbow and friendship. There will always be some hidden arrow on your back", Xiong Yanlin explained.

"Ah? then...", Su Li instantly understood. The academy itself was a lion's den, people fight for

resources and sometimes they could use dirty tricks such as "if I can't hurt you, I can hurt someone close to you".

Su Li looked at Ke'er, "I...".

Ke'er is also a smart child, "Don't worry sister, I can do chores for you", But, she's just a child that hasn't seen the dark side of humans.

"Ke'er, it's not like that, but if I bring you with me, You might get in danger".

"It's okay sister, I'm not afraid!", Ke'er patted her chest and asserted dominance. (<--- A joke)

"I am", Su Li shook her head.

"But, you said you will let me go with you...".

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid", Su Li can't bear to lose anyone anymore. Although they just met, she felt really attached to her. Just like Bing'er which she doesn't know where she is. Maybe it's because they have the same personality.

"...", Ke'er looked down.

"Ke'er, how about staying here for a while? until your sister can bring you away?", Xiong Yanlin took a batch of foods outside and put it on the table.

"Umm...", Though Ke'er nodded, she still felt a little down.

"Ke'er, come here, let me tell you something", Xiong Yanlin showed a gesture.

"Yes?", Ke'er came to her and give Xiong Yanlin her ear to use.

They talked for a few seconds and Ke'er expression seems to be excited about what they're talking about.

"Really?!", Ke'er looked at Xiong Yanlin with stars in her eyes.

"Of course, but remember the promise!", Xiong Yanlin nodded.

"Yes, yes. It's a promise", Ke'er hurriedly nods in understanding.

"What are you talking about?", Su Li looked at both of them curiously.

"It's a secret!', Xiong Yanlin and Ke'er said simultaneously.

"...", Yeah, how about letting this lonely ghost hear that secret.

Su Li secretly looked at Su Yao beside her and whispered in a voice only they can hear, "What are they talking about?".

Su Yao didn't answer but looked outside the window, "Wow look, sunrise!".

"...", Black lines appeared on Su Li's forehead as she saw outside was looking orange. It's SUNSET okay?!.

For some reason, she felt like the only one that was being kept a secret about everything. It's just a feeling though.

"Anyway, even though you can't book a room anymore, I made you some delicacies before your departure tomorrow!".

"Let's feast!"