

A shadowy figure runs through the forest. Behind the figure was a bunch of people chasing it. They played a cat and mouse game for a while until the figure suddenly stopped.

Seeing the figure stop, the people chasing it immediately surrounded the figure.

"Finally given up? how dare you try to assassinate our leader?", One of the surrounding figures smirked.

"...", The figure itself doesn't respond, instead the figure lifts its hand and a smooth white hand pops out of the sleeve. The figure uses that hand to create a sign.

"No nonsense anymore, get him!", One other of the surrounding figure immediately shouted and they all attacked at the same time.

But before they can reach the figure, a wind blade suddenly appeared and attacked all of them. Some of them were lucky and responded quickly, while some immediately lost their lives.

"Who's there!", One of the men looked around cautiously.

"Hmm... so this is where you are", A hazy figure appeared in the dark then it became clearer showing a handsome man wearing blue and white clothes in his twenties.

"You... what is the trash young master of Fire Sect doing here? also, you attacked my men, do you want a war to happen between sects?!", The one that says this is the man that ordered the attack.

"War? no no, I'm just helping an acquaintance. Right? my fiance", The man shook his head and looked toward the shadowy figure in the center.

"... You're a nuisance, go away", A soft but hoarse with a little height voice sounded from the figure.

"Ah, but I like being a nuisance, can't do anything about it", The man smiled and walked step by step toward the figure.

"... Last warning, I'll kill you", The figure said.

"Die? die by the hands of my beloved doesn't seem to be too bad", The man ignored her threat and instead smiled even brightly.

"...", The figure doesn't say anything and suddenly, the white hand turned black as the figure waved it. The blackened hand emitted a very ominous energy as the figure growled, "One more step and you're dead".

"To think a dignified leader of Nine Lotus palace is using a demonic technique now. How far have you fallen?", The man really stopped, and when he sees the figure with blackened hands, his face darkened.

The figure lifted its head to look in the man's direction, and the moonlight shines through the figure, showing a familiar face. Wei Lan, the leader of the Nine Lotus palace, and Su Li's master. But now she had an ominous aura around her and her face was slightly covered with something like a black liquidated aura.

"She won't be happy if she see you like this".

"Not your business", Wei Lan looked coldly at the man.

"Going this far, is it worth it?", The man asked.


"In your eyes, am I that useless? it's been so long since you asked me for help. I remember the last time was before her death and after that, you changed so much".

"Anytime? Where are you at that time?", Wei Lan asked.


"I cry, shouted, screamed your name, but you didn't come".


"You said you will be there for me if I need you, but when I needed you the most you are not there at all".

"Wei Lan, I...", on a mission at that time, the man wants to say this but he felt like it will only be a sorry excuse. He promises that he will always be there for her, but he broke this promise. He can only blame himself.

"Why? cat got your tongue?", Wei Lan smirked.

"Don't bother me anymore, you and I are already a stranger", After saying this Wei Lan turned around and went away.

"...", The man looked at her fleeting shadow in the moonlight, 'so beautiful' he thought. He then turned to the leader of the men around and said coldly.

"Tell your leader, whoever hurt her, will bear my, Huo Feng's wrath", After leaving this sentence, Huo Feng rode the wind and went away.


In a big palace-like building, a man wearing tiger skin throws a glass of red wine to the ground in anger.

"Useless! you are all useless!".

Below the man was the few people that chased Wei Lan a while ago. They stand there trembling while the man wearing the tiger skin let out his anger.

"Also, that trash piece of shit, who does he think he is? dare to threaten me?".

"Find that b*tch for me, I, Tiger Wang, want to see what that trash from fire palace can do to me?!".


A moment later.

"Boss, we found her! She's destroying our sector A and G business".

Tiger Wang stood up angrily and shouted, "All of you! Come with me to catch a rabbit!".



Wei Lan looked at the burning casino with a smile then her expression darkened again, "Still not enough, I want them to suffer more".

She was about to leave when a group of black shadows surrounded her. The leader of the group was none other than Tiger Wang himself, bringing all of his personnel here just to trap Wei Lan.

"Little rabbit, you have jumped around my crops too much, now let's see where can you jump this time!".

Wei Lan didn't say anything and took out a talisman. Seeing the talisman Tiger Wang was surprised and then he instantly ordered his subordinate, "Catch her!".

Unfortunately, even though they are fast but Wei Lan has finished filling the origin energy into the talisman and disappears.

"Search for her! she can't be going too far!".

After that, they all disperse to track Wei Lan's whereabouts.

It didn't take long before the communication talisman on Tiger Wang's wrist shone and one of his subordinate voices sounded.

"Boss! We found her!".

"Good! don't let her get away again! I will arrive there immediately".

"Uhh boss, she's... just sitting? is she waiting for us?".

"Whatever, don't startle her, I'll be there soon".


Deep in a forest.

Wei Lan sat there while closing her eyes. Moonlight shine above her looking ethereal. If not for the black smoke around her, she would definitely be mistaken for a moon fairy.

"There you are little rabbit, this time I already sealed this place, even I can't get out, so don't think of going anywhere!".

"Huh? it's you!", Tiger Wang doesn't see Wei Lan's appearance last time because he was facing her back and it was dark. Now that there's moonlight shining on her, he can finally see her appearance clearly.

"Ha! so this is for revenge?", He was skeptical about why that trash young master from the fire palace is protecting her. Turns out it was an old sweetheart and the feeling is still there.

At this time Wei Lan opens her eyes and stood up.

"It's indeed for revenge, and you are the first victim. Don't worry, the others will follow you very soon", Wei Lan said indifferently, as if the person that was surrounded was not her.

"Hahaha, that woman can only blame herself! we were just planning to play a little bit with her when she was weak after failing to ascend. Who knows she will use her life essence to fight us? ungrateful bitch".

Hearing him say this, Wei Lan's expression darkened. A demonic frosty aura started to appear around her.

"Unfortunately, you are now just a cornered little rabbit. Your revenge ends now!", Hearing that, all of his subordinates started to slowly come to her step by step


Wei Lan slowly opens her mouth.

"Don't you know? a cornered rabbit will bite. Also..."

"My 'Revenge' has just started".

Seeing them only a few meters away from her, she took out a black pearl and immediately destroyed it.

The black inside the pearl was released and it immediately spread out. When the black smoke hit the subordinate of the Tiger Wang, they immediately got squeezed dry, only leaving a blood smoke and a skin. The skin immediately fell as it has nothing inside, and the blood smoke flies back to Wei Lan. Each blood smoke she absorb made her aura a lot stronger as if she was absorbing their life essence.

"You! You just used a demonic technique!".

"Um, congratulations, you guessed it, now you can die peacefully", Wei Lan smiled at him and clapped. Like praising a child that got the correct answer.

"You will die! You will go to hell! Martial Alliance won't let you! they will destroy you and your Nine Lotus palace!" Before he was engulfed by the black smoke he cursed one last time.

"Curse me all you want, but you will go to hell sooner than me"

"Also, my doing has nothing to do with Nine Lotus palace. It already has another successor".

"A kind and naive girl... she would be a better successor than me".

"As for the Martial alliance, don't worry, they will follow your steps real soon".

"You-", Before he said anything more, he was engulfed and turned into a blood smoke.

After he died, Wei Lan looked at his corpse and smiled.

"They said you are a good hunter".

"That's why I orchestrated all of this. Luring you outside by destroying your businesses"

"Then when you thought you got me, I use a lower level teleportation talisman to get away. Then I just need to wait".

"A good hunter never let his prey escape twice, so I expect you to be prepared, but I didn't expect you to use a trapping formation that even you can't escape from".

"I should say thank you, you made my work way~ easier".

"As a thank you, I will let your skin rot instead of destroying it, that way you guys will be found sooner? hmm... maybe it will take a few days".

"Oh well, anyway that's not a problem anymore", Wei Lan walked through the edge of the formation.

Wei Lan took out a talisman and put it in 4 places in the formation of symmetrical square lines. After it's done, she immediately activates the talisman which in turn destroyed the formation.

"Mother, your knowledge has aided me once more", Saying this last sentence she used another teleportation talisman and disappeared.