Chapter 13

At first, it was difficult adjusting to a new schedule when I started part-time work.

I was so used to the schedule that I had repeatedly done without a problem or change that it was difficult for me to adapt. Trying out a new job was terrifying, to say the least. Everything was new. The environment, the atmosphere, the people, and especially the fact that I needed to learn new things, to be able to work was new as well.

I threw myself into it, as I was not the type to sway from a challenge I had set myself with.

With my heart thudding and sweaty palms, I learned how to brew coffee, how to make a perfect cappuccino, and how to deal with customers. It was terrifying, but I wanted to change. I wanted to be a better version of myself, it didn't matter how long it took but I was determined to do it.

Truthfully, I made a lot of mistakes the first few months but Setagawa-san was patient as he taught me over and over the things that I was struggling to do. It was because of his immense patience that I strived to be better than I had been previously, aiming to excel. I was horrible at making eye contact or speaking with customers at one time, so I was tasked to be in the kitchen only.

I was still the awkward delinquent I once was, but Setagawa-san gave me a chance to redeem myself and further improve myself. It was a chance that I didn't waste. With his teachings and advice, I began to grow and blossom.

I was still an awkward girl with anxiety, but I learned how to adapt to it. I learned to get by it and struggle onward. Every day was a new learning experience and I managed to get through each one of them. You can't even see the old me. I was brand new, every single day.

Two years on, I was promoted out of the kitchen and onto the floor where I took over making the drinks, and slowly but surely, I was to serve the customers. It was awkward as usual, but I learned fast and adapted equally quickly to be able to work smoothly.

Hajime-san sent a cheerful message one afternoon, inviting me to the arcade but I was occupied with work and regretfully declined his invitation. I didn't dwell on it much and continued working. Later, about two hours into my shift, while busy behind the counter, he arrived with Iwaizumi-san and he approached the counter looking rather pleased with himself.

"Hi Hajime-san," I said.

"I got something for you, give me your mobile phone," he said seriously.

Confused, I handed him my phone. Grinning, he took out a cute plush toy phone strap and tied it on. He gave my phone back and I stared at it in surprise. He laughed and then showed me the same one he had. My eyes widened and my heart swelled with happiness. My face reddened with embarrassment and I covered it with my hands.

"I'm guessing you're very happy," he said. "I won it in a game and it came in a pair."

"Thank you, Hajime-san," I said as I stared at the mobile phone strap. It was so cute. "This is the first time someone ever bought something for me. I don't know what to say."

"Then I'm glad I'm the first one," he said with a wink. "I'd better go. I have a long day of competition tomorrow. My match starts at two in the afternoon, so you can come and watch me after school. Will you come and watch?"

"Where would it be?" I asked.

"Sendai Gym."

"Okay, I will be there."

He flashed me a smile and left together with Iwaizumi-san who was smirking at the back, watching us simply. I watched them leave, knowing that he was going out of his way to make me happy and I knew it. I glanced down at the phone strap and felt happiness seeping into my pores.

With that, I spent the remaining hours of my part-time work in high spirits. I was whistling away, and laughing earnestly with the customers which caught the attention of Setagawa-san and that compelled him to comment as we made our way home together after closing the shop and a long day of hard work.

"So, I am guessing that Hajime-kun dropped by again," Setagawa-san commented.

"Yeah," I said. "How did you know?"

"You seem happy," he noted.

"He got me a pairing phone strap," I said, with glee in my tone. "Do you want to see? He said he won it in a game and it came in a pair."

Setagawa-san made a sound of wonder as I showed him the strap on my phone and I looked over curiously, seeing him raise an eyebrow at me to give me a knowing look, which made me roll my eyes at him. I knew what that look was, and I didn't want him to be giving that type of look at me.

"It's a friendship phone strap," I pointed out. I felt the need to explain.

"I never said anything," he said with a grin.

"It's not hard for me to guess what you want to say, Setagawa-san," I pointed out as I kept the phone inside my pocket and shrugged. "There's no way it will happen. You mark my words."

"You should give yourself more credit, Izumi-chan," he explained gently. "You are more than you think you are and I want you to realize that."

I said nothing to that.

"Come, let's go home."

One afternoon, as I went to the ground floor intending to grab a drink from the vending machine, I unexpectedly stumbled upon a confrontation in the stairwell. To my surprise, I spotted Kenta-san facing off against several unfamiliar adversaries. I contemplated taking an alternative route, but as the scuffle commenced, I found myself pausing to observe.

The altercation appeared heavily one-sided, despite Kenta-san being outnumbered. Yet, as I stood there witnessing the clash, I couldn't help but notice his remarkable ability to hold his ground. Amidst the shouts of pain and grunts of frustration as blows were exchanged, the fight concluded swiftly.

However, it became apparent that the opposition had reinforcements.

One boy suddenly burst out from the door, passing by me to race down the staircase so he could pounce on Kenta-san from the back. I reacted automatically - kicking him in the small of his back to shift his CG and watched him tumble down the stairs, rolling onto the staircase landing and laying there unmoving; apparently winded.

Kenta-san watched him tumble and turned to look up to see me standing there.


That was the first time he used my name.

He handed a cold can of coffee over to me wordlessly, his eyes averted away as if he was not comfortable with eye contact. I didn't mind at all. We were both by the ground floor corridor, standing by the vending machine. Neither of us spoke a word as we bought drinks, and we must look odd standing together side by side.


"Do you always get into fights all the time?"

He had the appearance of a seasoned fighter, adorned with battle scars and a perpetually angry expression in his eyes. Such a demeanor likely provoked bullies during our school days. I can understand why – his usual scowl and the rebellious aura he projected must have intimidated anyone who crossed paths with him.

"They're just pissed I looked at them funny," he explained.

I remained quiet.

"It can't be helped," he stated. "We can't change how we look."

I made no move to agree with his statement even though I knew it was true but I didn't like hearing it. The outside world was the same; it was hard for those who were born with that face. There was nothing to say to comfort him so I simply took to sipping the cold coffee quietly. 

"Take care of Hajime, Izumi."

I paused.

"Hajime, he seemed to really like you," he continued almost thoughtfully. There was a hint of whimsical to his voice. "He just got dumped and cheated on so, I think these overwhelming emotions are all rebound, but once they die down, I think everything will fall into place."

"I don't think so," I murmured, quick to dismiss his statement.

I felt his eyes scouring my face. "You should give yourself a chance," he said and paused. "Who knows, maybe it could work."

"Don't sound too optimistic about it."

"Hey, I am out of chances, there is no girl out there who'll love me when I look like this," he said in a flat tone. "I am not like Hajime, I get into fights, and I argue a lot and yell a lot. No girl will want this type of person to be their partner."

"One day, one would."

A sigh. Then a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. It looked to me that he was just feeling a little sad, not being understood or accepted for who he was. I can understand his dilemma and his desire but I cannot say it. We said nothing more after that, as we stood next to each other with forlorn expressions on our faces. We were both deep in thought, in a tranquil bubble of solace.

A call disrupted our peaceful bubble and Kenta-san pulled out his mobile phone to accept it.

"I need to head back, I have a meeting with the volleyball team."

I nodded. "See you."