Chapter 15

Hajime-san asked me out on a date. 

We stood by the corridor, gazing at the courtyard, when he suddenly popped the question. I froze, disbelief evident on my face as I turned to him, utterly surprised. His expression was akin to someone experiencing the sun's warmth after years of gloom, and my heart skipped a beat at that heartwarming sight.

A mix of emotions surged within me, but I composed myself and agreed to his invitation. There was no harm in going on a date with him. He mentioned picking me up at my apartment at seven in the evening, leaving me with a wink before departing, leaving me standing there, pondering what just unfolded.

Back home, both men were elated when I told them that I would be going out on a date. Though they refrained from asking questions, I knew that they were bursting at the seams to know. They knew me well enough that I would retreat if they started prying and I was glad that they did not try to pry.

I had on a pair of black jeans held up by a brown belt, an oversized white blouse, and a brown knitted vest that was tucked in loosely. I was contemplating on the accessories to compliment my outfit when Haru-san popped into my apartment to see how I was holding up.

With his help, I added the necessary accessories and he loaned me his oversized cardigan that completed my outfit. I had applied a thin layer of makeup and sprayed perfume; in an attempt to look my best for the upcoming date. I was feeling all sorts of nervousness and I was sure it showed on my face.

"You look cute and chic," Haru-san added. "Make sure you have fun, and don't do stupid shit that I will do. Take care of yourself."

"But that doesn't give me a lot of options to do."

A knock on the door interrupted our monologue and Haru-san immediately went to open the door before I could protest. He wanted to see who my date was and he was curious about who asked me out. He also wanted to see if my date was a good person and it was a normal concern anyone would have.


I emerged from behind him, seeing Hajime-san on the other side who was answering his rapid questions with relative ease. Immediately, I side-stepped in front of the older boy so he could stop his intrusive questions and bade Haru-san goodbye before pushing Hajime-san away from the door.

As we walked along the corridor, I covered my face at the embarrassing scene Haru-san had done and I didn't even know what expression I should wear. As I was worrying about it, I finally realized that I could feel his eyes on me. I could feel them crawling down my body and up to my eyes. I turned to look at him, giving him a critical once-over as well.

"You look pretty, Izumi."

"Thank you," I replied with a smile and added, "You look nice too, Hajime-san."

He was dressed in dark wash jeans which brought out his long, lean legs, a black shirt over a dark green flannel, and a denim jacket thrown over the whole outfit. Smiling widely at my compliment, we left the apartment building and walked towards the bus stop where we could take a bus to the city center. The atmosphere between us was still the same; friendly and light.

However, this time, Hajime-san was more gentle and kinder than he had been while we were in school. I was taken aback at the change of his character but I wondered if he was doing it subconsciously.

Unhindered by the eyes of his fans, the heavy shackles that bind him down are momentarily released from his chest, and is this affectionate, kind yet cruel man standing before me the real Nishigawa Hajime?

Once we alighted, I came to find that we were in the middle of the shopping district albeit a few stops away from the place that I frequent. Looking at him, and seeing that he was smiling more than usual, I followed him from the bus stop and down the district towards a restaurant that he wanted us to go to.

As we walked, he began to speak and I was pleased to know that it was still the same Hajime-san that I knew in school. It seemed that his desire to communicate is still the same as ever and I enjoyed listening to him talk rather than offering any of my inputs to his topics or theories.

I was happy.

"Do you know that the Hong Kong airport ceased their flights for a few hours just so the migratory birds can fly off without getting injured?" he asked excitedly. "Doesn't that show how merciful humans are?"

"In some ways, yes," I said. "Some are capable of giving mercy, while some are unfortunately biased."

Hearing him laugh at my serious statement, I caught sight of a trio of girls lurking just a few ways away from where we had been walking. It seemed that our date today had been made known to some, and I found them spying on us from afar. They were armed with cameras, and wearing shades while going incognito was hilarious even for me. I don't think Hajime-san noticed but I find it annoying.

I made sure to let them know that I noticed, staring at them with my best glare before I held Hajime-san by the arm.

"How far away are we from the restaurant?" I asked. "I'm hungry."

Hajime-san led us to a restaurant that he had already booked earlier. I was surprised at his thoughtfulness. Claiming that the place was always full, he looked sheepish as we were led inside by a waitress. The restaurant was a modest-looking one, and I hoped it wasn't too expensive for us both as we sat down at a table close to the window.

The surroundings fell away, as my eyes were solely focused on the handsome being in front of me. It was a nice feeling. It certainly has been a long time since I felt this way. The restaurant has a large array of dishes, where we can choose from rice, noodles, or western dishes like pasta or lasagne. They also offer various dishes from different countries, so we can choose from a large variety of food.

It was amazing and thoughtful of him.

Once we ordered, the waiting time was about fifteen to twenty minutes, so we took the time to chat about other topics. Hajime-san was grinning widely, an indication that he was enjoying this well.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Izumi?" he asked.

I smiled. "Yes, I am," I said. "I don't mind spending the whole day with you and listening to you talk about any random topic that you want to talk about. I will listen to you and I won't be bored listening to you talk."

His eyes widened in surprise and a wide smile couldn't seem to leave his lips. "T-that's nice to know," he murmured and cleared his throat as he averted his eyes, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment and happiness. "I mean it's nice hearing that you love being in my presence."

Even the most popular and pretty boy in school is insecure being next to me, I thought. I took a deep breath to ease my racing heart. We were nervous about various things and we were just two kids trying to survive with our worlds. Simple kids in a very complicated world. I feel a small smile forming in my mouth.

"Why would you think that, Hajime-san?"

"I didn't imagine you'd be interested in someone as unexciting as me, considering how different we are," he confessed. "Our backgrounds are worlds apart, and I was concerned that pursuing this might jeopardize our friendship. But I'm relieved you accepted my invitation, Izumi. If you had declined, I'm certain we could have remained as friends."

If I could bind him to me, I will.

"I'll rewrite our destiny," I said. "No one can say what we get to be, Hajime-san. Only you, only me."

His eyes widened upon my firm declaration and our bubble burst when the waitress brought over our food and drinks. I could feel his eyes on me, I had said a bold statement out of nowhere and I was sure he wanted to know more but he didn't probe. As we were hungry, we began to dine in.

"This food is good," he exclaimed as he tasted the food. "Do you want to try some?"

We ate leisurely and laughed over everything. I felt my worries and my anxiousness fall away like sand to the sea. It was marvelous how he could lift my spirits and take down anything that was suffocating me. He was an engaging person to be with, and it seemed that he was not running out of topics to speak about.

Once we were done eating and paid the bill, we left the restaurant in high spirits. We took a leisurely stroll around the shopping district; drinking in the sights and the atmosphere it had. I always liked how the place looked; a little bit of nature and modern blended together beautifully.

It was sunset now, so I was admiring the dying embers painted across the blue sky. I have always liked watching the sunset, ever since I was a kid. Wanting to share the moment, I stopped walking and grabbed a hold of his hand. Instinctively, he turned around and we watched the sunset till everything turned to dusk.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked.


Two hours later, we left the cinema with our hearts filled with laughter and strolled towards the bus stop. For the movie, Hajime-san and I had chosen a comedy genre, despite my wanting to watch a horror movie. He had given me a pale expression, and I relented, agreeing to the comedy movie.

I enjoyed it.

"Izumi, want to go get some ice cream?"

Minutes later, I was seated on a stone bench flanked by some scary-looking trees, eating my ice cream cone while Hajime-san went to look for a bathroom. I was enjoying the cold beverage and the cool breeze against my skin. I was relaxed, and calm as the date was going on well so far.

I didn't want to go back just yet.

I felt like this kind of happiness should be appreciated longer.

I didn't want it to go away.

I sighed. Being with Hajime-san makes life more bearable, and I could see how everything seemed to stop whenever I saw him look at me.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

I turned to see Hajime-san and he sat down next to me with a smile on his handsome face. I could feel his warmth flowing towards me and I suddenly had the urge to close the gap between us to cuddle him. I wanted to hug him. I bet he'll be a good hot water bottle during the coldest days of winter.

Hajime-san was looking at something in the distance, but upon closer inspection, he was blushing. I didn't close the distance between us, and merely shifted slightly away knowing that he was shy. I continued eating my ice cream, concentrating on the coldness instead of my carnal desire.

I respect Hajime-san, and if he is not ready for the next stage, then I would need to respect him as well. It doesn't matter if he was a popular guy, if he is not comfortable with it just yet, then I would have to be patient and wait until he's agreeable. After all, I would need his consent as well.

"Hey, Izumi, can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Can we go on more dates like this?" he asked. "Like coffee dates-"

"Sure," I interrupted before he exploded. "I don't mind."

He laughed with relief and stood up from the bench. "Shall we?"

I was surprised. "Go where?"

He looked confused at me, as he consulted his watch. "We should go home," he said. "It's getting late."

I stiffened at his statement and shrugged, as I got up as well. I wonder if he was being considerate, I think he doesn't know about my family or lack thereof. Not wanting to say a thing and confuse him more, I slinked my arm through his and we began our stroll back to my apartment.

He accompanied me straight to my door and when I turned to bid him goodbye, Hajime-san closed the distance between us. A tingling anticipation lingered in the air, our hearts racing in unison. He bent a little so we were at eye level.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked softly, his eyes dropping to my lips.

Our gazes locked, a charged silence enveloping us as we stood in the gloom. It was a moment suspended in time, where the world seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. Our lips finally met, and it felt as if a surge of electricity ignited between us. A gentle touch, tentative yet filled with an undeniable passion, soon ignited into an intoxicating blend of fervor and tenderness.

Every nerve in my body seemed to awaken as our kiss deepened, sending shivers down my spine. Time seemed to stand still as the world around me faded into insignificance. The kiss was electric, setting ablaze with a thrilling intensity that left us both exhilarated and breathless as if we had unlocked an entirely new realm of connection between us.

Hajime-san was breathless and bright red when we pulled apart. His hair was a mess and his lips were swollen. He looked so kissable I was tempted to kiss him again. He was staring at me intensely, filled with warmth and devotion. It speaks volumes without words, conveying deep affection.

Hell, maybe it was lust.

"Do you wanna head inside?" I asked.

His eyes seemed to bug out upon my request and his face turned bright red, stuttering that he needed to head home. I burst out laughing at his reaction, assuring him that it was totally fine if he didn't feel comfortable. I didn't want to scare him away either, I didn't want to overwhelm him.

This was our first date after all.

  1. I had to update the clothing style here as I wrote this years back and I used Pinterest for outfit ideas. Thanks Pinterest!
  2. This was a real news that happened years ago, and I thought of including it into the story, just to show Hajime's character.