Chapter 16

"I still don't understand why he wants to be with her," a sneer aimed my way could be heard from a distance.

"I mean, has he seen how she looks? She doesn't match with him at all. Why doesn't she just let him know?"

"Yeah, I wonder why." Yeah, I wonder why too.

"It's a miracle really, she doesn't deserve to stand next to him. His girlfriend should be pretty, smart, and a model. Just like him."

"Yeah! It should be Akutagawa-senpai! She's so beautiful!"

"Maybe it should be Fuyomi-senpai, she's cute and she looks good next to him."

"No, I think it should be Mari-senpai!"

I could hear them from across the hall. It was obvious who they were talking about. I kept my face passive as I read the novel I had opened, with my back resting against the wall. Despite their insults towards me, I was curious as to why they were so against my friendship with Hajime-san and they were desperate not to have us as a couple.

Unfortunately, I was kicked out of the classroom because I didn't hand in my homework and Kousuke-san was being an asshole. I was used to the difference in treatment by the teachers, but Kousuke-san was the exception. He liked playing around with me, as he wanted to see what sort of reaction I would give him if he did something I disliked.

"You see, she's such a bad girl! She got kicked out of class!"

"Nishigawa-senpai wouldn't like it if he knew about it."

"If he knows."


I tried my best not to roll my eyes at their obvious statements and I was sure as hell they'll head towards Hajime-san's classroom just for the hell of it. Their gossip and remarks are getting more colorful by the day, and I had to wonder how much effort they're putting in just so we don't continue our friendship. They're so adamant about having us apart, just because we don't "match up", it's so hilarious I feel like crying.

"Oi Izumi! Pay attention to class!" Kousuke-san demanded from the inside of the classroom suddenly. "Don't you be reading there!"

"Ugh, he's so goddamn annoying," I muttered, as I turned around to face the class, raised my eyes just slightly, and rested the book against the wall so I could continue reading. The math lesson was long, and I was in a bad mood by the time it ended.

As soon as the bell started ringing and he dismissed the class, Kousuke-san left the classroom and stood in front of me with a thunderous expression on his handsome face. If I was still the naïve child that I was, I would've taken a step back in fear of offending him but I wasn't so I glared at him defiantly instead.

"Hand in my homework by today," he said sternly. "Don't you dare pretend to forget."

Grumbling at his bossy tone, I averted my eyes and glared at the wall next to us. He was only doing it for the fun of seeing my aggravated expressions. Not waiting for my reply, Kousuke-san ruffled my hair and left.

School ended quite early and uneventfully, so I stayed behind to finish up the homework that I had forgotten because I didn't want him to have more reasons to bully me, and it look bad to the rest. Hajime-san messaged me, asking where I was and I replied that I was still in the class; needing to finish the homework.

He didn't reply, so I focused on completing the schoolwork. I wanted to finish it quickly so I didn't focus on my surroundings. A sudden shout and a pair of hands appeared to jerk me; to scare me but I wasn't affected at all, merely turning around to face a disappointed Hajime-san.

"Boo, why weren't you scared?" he asked with a pout.

"Other things terrify me more," I pointed out. "What are you doing here, Hajime-san?"

"I thought I could surprise you," he replied.

"Well, I am surprised," I stated. "And delighted."

Chuckling happily, he pulled out a seat in front and sat down facing me so he could look at what I was doing. Curious at his presence, I continued with the problem sum I was doing and tried to complete the work as quickly as possible.

"Is the math teacher still bullying you?" he asked thoughtfully. "Is he making you do more homework?"

"He's still a bully, but I forgot to do my homework so it's punishment," I explained. "He's just been playing around, ever since we were kids."

"Oh, that explains a lot."

"Do you have volleyball practice today?" I asked, changing the subject immediately. I didn't want him to start touching on my past.

"No, so we can go and have dinner, maybe go to the arcade while we're at it," he suggested excitedly. "The rest of the boys are waiting for us by the front gates."

"Okay, I'll finish this immediately."


Even though I look different, I am just like everyone else but it seems that the girls don't get it.

Because I look like that, they assume that I am on a whole other level than the rest, and I won't be affected by their stares or their whispering. They think that I am oblivious to my surroundings, even though I am hyper-aware of everything around me. They keep forgetting and misunderstanding that I am too much like them despite the difference in appearance.

It was rather taxing for me.

And I didn't bother telling them.

I think Hajime-san figured it out.

Ah, I should stop thinking about this.

"Oi Izumi!"

I stopped walking and turned around to see Hajime-san making his way towards me with a bright smile on his handsome face. My eyes widened in surprise when I saw him, and I remembered something that I needed to do.

"Hey Hajime-san," I greeted. "Can you do something for me?"

He tilted his head. "What is it?" he asked curiously.

"Can you kneel?" I asked.


He knelt in front of me immediately, which brought his head down to my stomach level and I could reach him easily. Others around us were surprised at that sudden development and I was sure they'd be taking photos of this. I too was surprised he would do what I asked without question. My hand trembled as I took out a present in my pocket.

"Close your eyes."

His brilliant sea-green eyes fell shut and I quickly unwrapped the present I bought to put it on him. I can't believe it! He was so submissive! I was so scared too. My hands were clammy and trembled with nervousness as I put the hairpins on him, cursing slightly as I willed my fingers not to mess this up.

"Okay, I'm done!" I declared. "You can stand up now."

He opened his eyes and got up. He looked extremely confused and cute simultaneously as he tried to figure out why I had done it. He knew that I had slid some hairpins on him but he didn't know why I did that. Proud of my grand plans, I pointed at my hair.

"We match!" I declared.

Hajime-san blushed bright red and burst into giggles. I felt happy seeing him react like that. He grabbed me into a hug and made me take a few selfies with him before he let me leave. My heart was beating so loudly as I walked away, the realization of what I had done finally settling into my gut.

I bought the hairpins a few days ago. I was out walking along the street, and during that time, street vendors were lining the pavement so I bought a few hair pins that I liked. Buying the same pair was done unconsciously, as I wanted to see how Hajime-san looked with girly hair pins on him and I also wanted to know if he would like it.

He did get me a matching pair of phone straps.

A few minutes later, I received a message with the photo we took together attached and his message of happiness. Opening the photo, we both looked happy together, and I was taken aback at how huge my smile was. Hajime-san looked handsome as ever, even if he had girly hair pins on him and his smile was charming too.

It got worse when he put that photo as his profile photo.


  1. This is inspired by an anime I watched ages ago; can't remember the title but his dead gf used to put those cross hairpins on him and he didn't take em out so I thought the sentiment ought to be shared.