Chapter 21

It was sweltering hot and constricting to stay inside the apartment. The fan was not helping, and the breeze that managed to come in was only stifling air which made my mood sail down even further. I was about to head outside and down to the front yard when I got a phone call from one of the volleyball third years.

It was Iwaizumi-san.


"Are you busy?"


"Good, where do you stay? We'll pick you up," he said. "Pack some clothes for a beach and an overnight stay."


"Just do it. We'll be there in ten minutes."

He hung up with no more explanation from him. I stared at my phone in shock, and I saw the rows of messages from the rest of the volleyball team. They had a group chat with me. It seemed that they had decided to spend time on the beach, and had somehow acquired a vehicle to fit everyone in it.

Laughing at their usual bickering, I went to pack some clothes in a duffel bag and went downstairs to inform Setagawa-san that I was heading out. I found him hanging out by the front yard with Haru-san and they seemed to be tanning on the beach chairs.

It was weird.

"Setagawa-san, I'm heading out to the beach," I said as I hitched up the bag higher up on my shoulder. "Hajime-san and the rest are picking me up. I won't be back until tomorrow."

"Alright Izumi-chan, have fun!"

"Stay safe!"

I nodded and we chatted for a while as I waited for them to come rolling by. We were laughing over a joke Haru-san was making when I heard the crunch of wheels coming up the road and a Jeep came rolling by to a stop. The usual third-year team was seen hanging onto the Jeep for dear life.

My eyes went wide with shock.

"Izumi! Get in!"

"Come on now!"

"Let's go!"

Slinging the duffel bag over my shoulder, I went towards the Jeep and climbed up to sit squashed between Victor-san and Kenta-san. It seemed that Hajime-san was driving up front with Iwaizumi-san riding shotgun. Cranking the engine, we drove off.

Due to the extra bumpiness of the mountain road, I found myself being lifted off the seat numerous times screaming my head off until finally Kenta-san simply wrapped his arms around me, keeping me on his lap throughout the rest of the journey much to everyone's amusement.

It was a scary ride.

Forty-five minutes to an hour later, I began to see the change in scenery and it took my breath away at how large everything was. The fear of falling disappeared as I set my eyes on the ocean view - a light feeling in my chest as I stared unflinchingly ahead.

Damn. You should see this, Kelly.

We got onto the highway and took an exit after that which plunged us into forests on both sides. Soon after the scenery changed again, and we turned to the left to get into a narrow path along a forest. He drove straight for a few minutes and turned right before I realized it was a carpark.

It was a naturally beaten carpark, with a few cars parked facing the trees. Hajime-san went to park the Jeep underneath plenty of shading.

Once the engine was switched off, I climbed down the Jeep and looked at the new view before me. Everything was forested and it looked amazing to me, it was so cool here too. Once they got their things from the Jeep, we took a sandy path through the forest and it suddenly opened to reveal the beach with beautiful white sand.

It was pretty.

It was summer, and summers are made up of two words: hot and dry. The air was scorching, the breeze that was coming in from the sea is hot and it was getting a little hard to breathe due to the less moisture content in the air. The sun was out now, glaring its mighty rays down at us and we were lucky that we were under the shade of trees, so some of its rays were peeking in between the spaces of the leaves.

Squinting, I pulled out my shades from my duffel bag and helped the boys carry their things down from the Jeep. They had packed in two ice coolers; one was filled with food while the other was filled with drinks and alcohol with plenty of ice filled in them. They also had duffel bags, with tents and a few more bags.

They didn't want me to carry anything, but I gave them a huff and helped Kenta-san carry the ice cooler down from the back of the Jeep with ease, which made them retake their words.

They need all the help that they can get.

Carrying the ice cooler with Kenta-san, we made our way down the natural path that had been carved out from years and years of humans making their way across - towards the beach where it meets with the sparkling sea. Tropical trees and overgrown shrubs lined in-between the path wide enough to fit a group of kids walking side-by-side.

The rest went on ahead - laughing and joking - to secure a convenient location on the beach, somewhere on the sparkling sand with shade so we wouldn't burn up.

Both Kenta-san and I went along leisurely.

After securing a good spot, they set up the tents and laid out the picnic mat in between them so we could put down the ice coolers and food that they had brought. While they were busy setting up the camping site, I strayed some little ways away and put on a cap to protect my head from the harsh sun rays.

I stood still watching the ocean with its sparkling clear water; its waves crashing against the beach and bringing forth foam before they returned to join the rest, to do it all over again. The sound of the waves crashing was soothing against my ears, and therapeutic. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I enjoyed the sensation of the sea breeze kissing my heated skin.

It was my first time going to the beach, and I understood why people liked coming here.

It seems that all my troubles have run far away.

"Izumi! Don't stand there! You'll burn up! Get some SPF on you first!"


I turned away and headed back to the camping site where they were crowded around the picnic mat. Each was dressed in tank tops and beach shorts, now they had taken off their tops so they could apply sunscreen lotion. Depositing my duffel bag into the tent, I made my way out and joined them on the picnic mat.

I had on a running jacket; a thin material akin to a windbreaker and a black anchor tank top underneath it with a pair of patterned 3/4 tights.

"You're already burning up," Victor-san commented. "Did you guys bring aloe vera?"

"Yeah, wait up," Makoto-san said and went inside the tent to burrow into his bag.

"That's why it's imperative to wear SPF first or you'll be as red as a steamed lobster," Iwaizumi pointed out smartly. "And then you'll peel skin like a caterpillar."

I made a face at his description, which made the rest of the boys burst out into laughter at my expression. As they reassured me that it was not as horrendous as it sounded, Makoto-san handed a bottle of aloe vera over to me before the three boys went ahead to play in the ocean while Hajime-san took the bottle from me.

"I'll help you apply the lotion on your face and hands," he said, almost happily. "And then I'll add the SPF on top."

I didn't even get to reply when he began to squeeze the contents onto his hands, he spread it between both palms and began to apply the lotion to my face. He was playful as he spread it across my skin, making it less awkward between us and once he was done, he went to my arms and hands.

I looked away as he was busy applying the lotion on my hands, finally noticing that the beach had slowly gotten crowded and I noticed some girls were already staring at our group. But they were glaring daggers at me though. I made a face at their apparent hostility and stared down at my hands grumpily.

His hands were twice their size against my own slim ones, and I could feel their sturdiness. His finger pads had hardened into calluses, and I liked how rough they felt against my own. I have seen his spikes numerous times, and I am aware of his strength, skills, and prowess. He was a talented volleyball player and loved his teammates with all his might. He was a good man, a strong and dedicated one.

"That should do it."

He ruffled my hair playfully once he was done and got up to join the rest of the boys.

Letting out a sigh, I laid down on the picnic mat and stared up at the sky. It was such a clear, azure blue and the clouds were so white and fluffy I felt that I could touch them, to feel that they were akin to cotton candy. Being out here in the open allowed me to realize how large the world is, and how small my mind had been as compared to when I was in the city area.

It was such a pleasant feeling; settling in my stomach.

While I was admiring the sky, and watching the clouds float by fleetingly, I heard a few shouts of excitement and barks of laughter coming from the boys so I sat up on one elbow to see them goofing about in the water, with a group of girls joining them as well.

I don't blame the girls. It's hard not to ignore them. As their torsos are now revealed, each one of them is sporting a six-pack and a defined V-line which I knew girls would want on their boyfriends. They could achieve such bodies due to their strenuous exercises and volleyball training, causing every muscle on their bodies to be well-defined.

My eyes traced each one of the five boys playing in the knee-deep water. Then, they went to him. I could see his bicep, and triceps bunching up as he held onto Iwaizumi-san, and fought with him. I could see how bulky his shoulders are and the way his pectorals, and shoulder blades could be seen flexing as he moved against the current.

That is one good specimen.

Hot damn.

As I was admiring him in the distance, he spun around suddenly as if he knew that I was watching him, and our eyes locked for a moment. Feeling my cheeks heating up despite my hardest to appear nonchalant, I thanked the stars that I had a pair of shades on, so he wouldn't be able to see that I really was staring at him.

I rolled around the picnic mat, heading inside the tent to pull out my wallet and set off to search for a shop that sells ice cream.

Walking past others with tents, I meandered my way around and headed towards a row of stalls in the distance. There were more people further back, and I was taken aback at the sheer size of the crowd itself. It seemed that this place was rather popular, there were tourists here as well, and they were in big groups as they loitered around.

Entering one random air-conditioned shop, I wandered around the place and picked out some beauty magazines, a whole bunch of ice cream before heading to the cashier to purchase them. While I was queuing, a bunch of rowdy tourists entered the shop and began to harass a few girls in bikinis.

I grew annoyed.

"Fuck off, assholes," I stated flatly. "Don't be a bitch and disturb girls."

"Ah? What did you say, girlie?"

"You want a taste of this?"

The trio immediately surrounded me, abandoning the girls to which they quickly ran away. I didn't have an extra hand since both arms were holding onto the magazine and ice-creams so I ended it with a few kicks to their private parts and abdomen. I hit them at their vital points swiftly and deadly enough to render them useless instantaneously.

They fell to the ground like melting popsicles, and I stepped over one of them so I could put the items onto the counter, freeing my arms. The cashier who was staring at me with surprise, quickly snapped out of his reverie to ring up my items and called the police while he was at it.

Leaving the store, I took out one ice cream from the plastic bag and began eating it while I headed back to the camping site. Meandering my way across the sand, I came to find the boys were playing a beach volleyball match with a few random strangers. It seemed that they had been playing for quite some time, as there was a growing crowd around the so-called court.


As I neared them, my world turned upside down and I ended up on the ground. Groaning in pain, and spitting out sand, I noted that there was a heavy guy pressing onto my waist so grunting with effort, I twisted around and wrapped my legs around him while my arms twisted around his neck to strangle him. Feeling him release my waist, I hurled him away with my legs and did a backward roll to get back on my feet, my hands going up to my chest.

Hearing shouts and screams behind me, I looked around to see the number of assailants and began to move backward, towards the group of volleyball boys who were supposedly making their way towards me. Seeing three incomings and one a little way behind them, I extended an arm out to signal to the boys to stop their advancement.

"Izumi!" Hajime-san was shouting.

"Don't come close!" I ordered and attacked with a grin.

Five minutes later, I was seated on the picnic mat with Kenta-san. The both of us were currently being patched up by a scowling Hajime-san and seething Iwaizumi-san. Both Makoto-san and Victor-san sat quietly a few ways away, not wanting to be part of it, as they didn't want to get scolded for anything.

Kenta-san had joined in the fight and we were able to finish the fight fast.

Once we were done, we got an earful from both Hajime-san and Iwaizumi-san before we were herded to the ocean to rinse out the sand and back to the picnic mat to be treated for our wounds. I didn't meet Hajime-san's angry gaze and took to staring down at my busted knuckles instead. Despite that, I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head.

"Can't you not be in a fight?" Hajime-san asked rather angrily.

"A bunch of assholes were harassing some girls, so I stepped in," I explained in a mumble, making sure I looked like I was regretting my actions so he wouldn't stay angry at me. "They're not happy being defeated by a girl so this is just revenge on their part. Police had been called but I guess they didn't come on time."

He groaned.

I raised my head to look at him. "Don't worry-"

"I am worried," he interjected flatly. "I thought my heart was going to pop out the moment I saw you being tackled to the ground. I thought you were going to break something with the way he tackled you, it looked so rough even I was scared. But then, you moved and took him down so easily I was lost. I don't even know if you needed my help."

"I'm sorry, Hajime-san."

He sighed and patted my head while ruffling my hair. "Don't do these kinds of things, please," he pleaded. "Don't make me have a heart attack. That was the first time my heart had so many palpitations."

I tilted my head to the side as I looked at him, wanting to see the expression he had on his face as he patched me up rather grumpily. He had a scowl on, and his lips were in a pout, making him look extremely adorable.

"I'm sorry, Hajime-san," I said.

"I know you're a very good person, and that you protect those who need protection but damn, it always seems to involve dangerous people," he said, his eyes still glued onto my hands. "And your hands have scars on them, from so many fights. It scares me, Izumi."

"I'm sorry Hajime-san," I said again. "I try not to get into trouble."

He sighed, held my hands tightly and finally looked me in the eye. "I'm terrified for you, Izumi," he said. "One day, you're going to get into bigger trouble and I don't know if you're able to get out of it."

"Stop being so serious, Hajime-san," I said gently and pulled my hands off him so I could squeeze his cheeks playfully, making him grumble even more.

"You ought to listen to him, Izumi," Iwaizumi-san added flatly.

I turned to look at him, and noticed that he had Kenta-san in a chokehold much to my apparent surprise. They were struggling with each other, while here I was being playful with Hajime-san. It was a two-different scenario and the stark difference was appalling.

"You're going to strangle him to death," I said as I let go of Hajime-san.

"It's a normal thing, don't worry about it," Makoto-san added weekly.

"Because Kenta is a trouble magnet," Victor-san added smartly. "Iwaizumi always hated seeing him fight, and made him swear not to."

I looked at them both with a frown and knew what was going on. Breaking into a smile, I simply took to watching them instead.

Thanks to that fight and scuffle, Kenta-san and I were both forbidden to leave the picnic mat and I was confined to the small square of space as Hajime-san didn't want me to go off somewhere to end up in another fight again. I groaned and laid down on the mat, grumbling to myself. Kenta-san stayed seated cross-legged next to me, staring ahead thoughtfully.

"It seems that Hajime is starting to show his feelings for you," Kenta-san said smartly. "I'm glad."

"Come on now, Kenta-san," I said. "It won't happen."

"He wouldn't do this if he doesn't like you," he pointed out. "He's been fretting more than usual, right?"

I remained quiet.

"Do you see me or Iwaizumi or the other two doing that? I even helped you in the fight. Both Victor and Makoto cheered you on. We are your friends, we are on your side and we encourage bad things."

I said nothing to that.

"Give yourself a chance," he murmured.

"Don't give me hope," I said.

He laughed. "You'll get your happiness soon," he said and the smile disappeared as his eyes locked on someone. "Mine won't happen."

I said nothing either.

Half an hour later, I felt coldness against my cheek and I turned around to see Hajime-san hovering above me with a cheeky grin on his face. Yawning and stretching from my fetal position on the mat, I sat up and accepted the drink.

"Did you have a good nap?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said and gulped down the drink, sighing. "It's so hot."

"Why don't you go and have a dip in the ocean?" he suggested. "It'll cool you off."

I let out a groan and laid back down on the mat, pulling my legs up as I lay curled up. I could feel the heat, and the hot breeze didn't help any. "It's a hassle," I complained. "And I'm lazy."

He laughed as he sat down by my head. "You're like a cat," he said as he ruffled my hair.

I said nothing to deny his statement, merely enjoying the rub on my head. Despite the heat, it felt a lot cooler when he was there and I liked it when he played around with my hair. After months of knowing him, I came to know that he seemed to like to ruffle my hair, for some reason.

"Today is a good day."
