Chapter 58- In the heat of the night

Instead of turning left at the end of the round about to go to Kingston, Quan drove up the hill towards the 19th century fort on Martello Drive. The lights of the car pierced the darkness like a hot knife through butter. Strangely Karma, felt no fear in Quan's company. His stealthy fingers made her grip the door handle as the maddening sensations from his erotic touch made her moan softly, biting her lips as each wave of orgasm approached. The wave crested and her body trembled as electrical shock waves ran up and down her legs. 

What is happening to me? Instead of crying or cowering in a corner because of what had just transpired. I find myself stimulated by the danger. These thoughts were running through her brain as she tried to dissect her feelings for the man who had suddenly become her entire world.