Chapter 59 - A mummy's touch

"Mama I have never seen the children this happy. For the past eight weeks life has been pure bliss."

  Karma leaned against her mother looking through the kitchen window. Their 'uncle' Quan was about a do a cannon ball dive in the pool and Tmanda and Juan were laughing at his silly antics. 

 "I'm glad to see the children happy Karma, how about you? Have you given it up yet?" Joyce asked.

 "Mama! What kind of a question is that for a mother to ask her daughter?" Karma retorted.

 "I'm just looking at that body on the diving board child. Look at the bulge in the front of that shorts?"

 Joyce chuckled and nudged Karma in her side and laughed.

 "Mama I never knew that you were so rude. I'm happy you are hear with us Mama even if it is only for the weekend," Karma replied.

 "Don't mention it Karma, it has been a long time since I've set foot in this house and what a change in the environment it has been!" Joyce stroked Karma's hand.