
Chapter 188: Bridge/New Home

Tom and Jimmy stood staring at the metal bridge.

"What do you think?" Jimmy asked.

"I think that someone did this on purpose," Tom said.

The metal bridge ahead of them was the color of rust beneath the poking vines covering it. Patches of road had fallen through, but the center metal frame arching over the structure was still intact.

Jimmy turned. "Smart kids, come here."

Ellie and Weylin appeared.

"Will the carts make it?" Jimmy asked.

"We can go check." Ellie grabbed Weylin's arm and tugged him along after her.

Jimmy nodded to two guards. They followed after them as Ellie and Weylin walked down the bridge.

Tom watched them disappeared behind the vines before he turned to Jimmy again. "What are we going to do if we can't bring the carts?"

Jimmy swung his gaze back to the caravan. "I guess carry what we can and come back for it later. It's only a little more than a day away."

"Should we just bring food? Will we have enough fresh water?" Tom asked, not expecting an answer.