
Chapter 189: Good News/White Tile

Tom knocked on the door to the new medical wing before entering. Brooke shot him a smile as she organized medicines in a cabinet. He strode up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her neck.

"I missed you," he whispered in her ear.

"You were only gone for three days." She turned toward him and looked up at him with her golden hazel eyes.

"It was a really long three days."

"Did you get the carts?"

He nodded. "They are getting unpacked as we speak. How is she?"

"Ellie has her hooked up to some brain monitor stuff. She says that without Jack's input, it's hard to tell what is really going on. So pretty much, we still don't know anything."

"How's the baby?"

Brooke looked surprised and then looked at Alex. "Oh, fine. Still too early to tell the sex, but it seems healthy enough."

"You're keeping something from me."

Brooke looked away and smiled. "Maybe."

He pulled her closer and kissed her ear. "What is it?"

"It's too soon to be sure."

"You can still tell me."